DEVELOPING AND PILOTING A PROGRAM REVIEW PROCESS 2011 UPDATE REPORT WITH REVIEWER RESPONSE Project Details Title Developing and Piloting a Program Review Process Category 1-Helping Students Learn Timeline Planned Project Kickoff 02-26-2010 Target Completion 02-26-2011 1. Status Updated Reviewed REVIEWED 09-16-2011 09-21-2011 Created 02-17-2010 Last Modified 09-21-2011 Project Accomplishments and Status: Answer: Accomplishments The Committee charged with the development and implementation of a process for reviewing programs worked diligently throughout the year developing a process for program review. The resulting document provides not only for the review of academic programs but also for the review of the various support services provided by the college. Current Status It was determined by the committee that the process which had been developed should be field tested before finally being fully implemented. Therefore two programs are, at this writing, conducting pilot reviews, one academic program and one support service. Review: This is an important action project and connects with AQIP Category (1) Helping Students Learn. As mentioned in your initial project, an evaluation of each program every three years will ensure that students are getting the best possible education. In your initial project, you also pointed out how important evaluations are for academic programs and student support areas when deciding on a budget. AQIP Categories (5) Leading and Communicating and (7) Measuring Effectiveness are being used as you conduct the implementation phase of the evaluation project. The decision to start with one academic and student support area is an excellent idea. With the evaluation process of your programs you are (3) Understanding Students' and Other Stakeholders' Needs, this is important as students move forward with degrees and careers. -1- 2. Institution Involvement: Answer: Maintaining Focus It appears that in regard to this Action Project the initial formation of the committee was key to maintaining the overall focus of the committee. Members chose to be on the Committee, they were not appointed or “pushed” into serving. By choosing to serve they were demonstrating a belief that the review of programs was important and that they wanted to have influence on the review process format. While it was determined to keep the committee small it was also decided that it should represent a cross section of the campus. It has appeared that each member believed they were providing important value to the process. Maintaining Involvement Between meetings of the Committee , the committee chairperson maintained contact with the members through email by requesting comments/reaction to issues related to the development of the review process. Review: These are excellent steps to get the input and support of the institutions employees (AQIP Category (4) Valuing People). Your meetings and connection by e-mail between the meetings, kept the process moving at a good rate. Category (5) Leading and Communicating are used in the process as it is important to make sure everyone involved is aware of the steps as you begin implementing the evaluation program. It is very exciting that everyone volunteered to be on this committee and saw how important this project is to the students and the college. 3. Next Steps: Answer: Pilot process: Currently there are two Pilot Reviews in process; the Digital Media Technology academic program and the Information Technology service department. At the conclusion of each of these reviews the following will take place: 1. The Committee will assess the process by reviewing each phase of the implementation endeavor. This will be conducted through interviews with the individuals who completed the review of the program or service. Written comments/reactions from the participants will also be gathered. 2. Reaction to the process will also be received from the Vice President for Learning. 3. Based on the data gathered from the interviews and written reactions, aspects of the process that indicate necessary modifications need to be made will be reworked. -2- 4. Upon the completion of these modifications, the process will be presented to the President for full implementation. Review: Principles of Collaboration, Involvement, and Information are all being used in your effort to implement a new program evaluation process. It appears you have a great four step process at the conclusion of each program evaluation to determine what changes may need to be made. AQIP Category (7) Measuring Effectiveness will be used as you gather and analyze your data. 4. Resulting Effective Practices: Answer: The Committee created to develop an effective review process was no different than most committees assembled on a college campus. Every member was already busy and did not need one more thing to do. Making use of technology became essential to completing the task. Technology was used extensively from scheduling face to face meetings to reviewing and critiquing narrative to holding e-meetings. Review: It appears you are using AQIP Category (9) Building Collaborative Relationships as you use technology and get creative in findings ways to meet and work together on this project around everyone’s busy schedules. Your target date for completion was set for February 26, 2011. It appears that this institution has achieved progress towards the completion of the project. The feedback you get from the two test areas will be important as you make any possible changes to the evaluation process and implement it on a larger scale. 5. Project Challenges: Answer: While the use of electronic media has been extremely helpful, the issue of time continues to be a challenge. Review: It appears you are facing a major challenge that seems to be present at almost every school, time to devote to an important project. It is great that you have worked so hard despite this challenge. Congratulations to you on your research and work. Please keep AQIP apprised of your movement towards your completed evaluation process. The specifics of what is included in your evaluation (for example what questions are asked) could serve as a valuable model for other schools needing to improve programs. aqip\program-review-update-review-2011.docx\oct’11\kp\kme -3-