Modeling Insider Attacks on Group Key Exchange Protocols

Modeling Insider Attacks
on Group Key Exchange
Jonathan Katz
Ji Sun Shin
University of Maryland
Auth. Key Exchange (AKE)
Enable parties in an insecure network to
establish a common (secret) session key…
…and be assured that they share this key
with their intended partner(s)
Two-party AKE well-studied/understood
What about group AKE?
Group AKE?
Less well-understood than 2-party case
Fewer known protocols
Formal definitions/proofs only recently
[BCPQ 01]
New concerns: insider attacks
Need to model such attacks
Need methods for preventing such attacks
Our Motivation
There are too many papers on insider
(Yes, this is odd motivation for writing
another one…)
Each paper suggests its own “ad-hoc” list
of security requirements
Insider attacks on protocols that never
claimed security against such attacks
Countermeasures w/o proofs of security
Our Contributions
Comprehensive model for group AKE which
automatically encompasses insider attacks
As a “bonus”, we get all the benefits of the
UC model:
Security definition in the UC model [C01, CK02]
Concurrency, composability, strong corruption
model, …
Simple, generic mechanism for achieving
UC security based on known protocols
The Rest of the Talk
The UC framework
UC-secure group AKE
Insider attacks on AKE-secure protocols
Implies AKE security, security against
(previously-suggested) insider attacks
Constructing UC-secure protocols
AKE Security [BCPQ 01,…]
Basic idea (modulo many details…):
Adversary interacts with oracles modeling
different adversarial capabilities
Send, Reveal, Corrupt, …
A protocol is AKE-secure if no poly-time
adversary can distinguish the session key
of a “fresh” instance from a random key
Limitations of AKE Security?
There are certain attacks not covered
by the definition; e.g.:
Outsider impersonation attacks (i.e., there
is no explicit authentication)
Insider impersonation attacks:
Corrupt U1 and impersonate U2 to U3
Parties U1, U2 believe they are partnered, but
hold different session keys
A Fix(?)
Why not just add the appropriate
definitions “on top of” AKE security?
Number of definitions becomes unwieldy
How do we know when we have thought of
all possible attacks?
Better: (simple) specification of what
we want to achieve, rather than a list
of everything we want to prevent
The UC Framework (overview)
The UC Framework [C01]
General-purpose framework for
defining/designing secure protocols
Key feature: guarantees security of
protocols under arbitrary composition (with
arbitrary sets of parties)
Note: there are other frameworks with
similar guarantees [PW]
Real/Ideal Paradigm
Two models:
In the ideal world, parties send their inputs to an
ideal functionality that computes and sends
appropriate outputs
In the real world, parties execute some
protocol (without any trusted party)
 securely realizes some functionality if the
actions of any real-world adversary can be
“simulated” in the ideal world
Since the ideal-world functionality is secure (by
definition),  is secure
More Formally…
There is an environment Z which
provides inputs to all parties, reads their
outputs, and interacts with a “dummy”
Z is an on-line, interactive distinguisher
In particular, Z cannot be rewound
Real Model
Environment Z
write inputs/
read outputs
Ideal Model
Environment Z
write inputs/
read outputs
Ideal functionality
Definition of UC Security
 securely realizes functionality F if:
(for the “dummy” real-world adversary A)
there exists an ideal-model adversary S
such that
no Z can distinguish whether it is
interacting with A (in the real world
running ) or interacting with S (in the
ideal world with F)
A UC-secure protocol is only as “good”
as the ideal functionality it realizes
As usual, a poorly-specified functionality
will not provide any security…
Group AKE in
the UC Framework
UC-Secure Group AKE
To define a secure group AKE protocol,
all we need to do is define an
appropriate ideal functionality
Ideal Functionality (overview)
Parties begin with input (pid, sid)
When F receives (pid, sid) from all parties in
pid, enters “ready” state
F waits for “ok” from adversary
F chooses a key k
Allows player corruption mid-protocol
If no parties in pid corrupted, k is random
Else, adversary chooses k
Adversary schedules delivery of k to each
player in pid, via F
Sanity Check
Any UC-secure protocol satisfies:
AKE security (since k chosen at random)
Security against insider/outsider
impersonation (since all parties in pid must
communicate with F)
Agreement (since F sends the same key to
all parties)
Constructing UC-Secure
Key Result
We show a simple, efficient method for
“compiling” any AKE-secure protocol into a
UC-secure protocol
Basically, each party signs an “ack” message
and send it to all other parties
Using MACs will not work (insiders know k)
Ensures the “ACK” property [CK02]; needed for
security against adaptive corruptions
Some technical subtleties…
To ensure agreement, need the “ack” to
correspond to a unique key…
…yet the “ack” should not leak information
about the key
Use “seed-committing PRFs”:
PRF F such that Fk(0)  Fk’(0) if k  k’
Can be constructed in RO model or based
on one-way permutations
We propose to simplify definitions and
constructions of group AKE by
working in the UC framework
Esp. useful for modeling insider attacks
Simple, generic method for obtaining
UC-secure protocols
Can we all agree to write fewer papers
on group AKE?