The Technical Research Exhibition is Live!

The Technical Research Exhibition is Live!
Dear NSBE Members,
The application for the Technical Research Exhibition (TRE) at the Fall Regional Conference (FRC) is
now OPEN! If you are, or know of, a highly-qualified and motivated candidate for the Technical Research
Exhibition at the NSBE Regional Fall Regional Conference, this is the opportunity to showcase your hard
work. Have you done research or published a paper? Have you participated in a highly technical project?
What about a senior design class/project? If so, you qualify! Take this chance to demonstrate all your
hard work to qualified professionals, graduate school recruiters and your peers. This competition will
allow you to enhance your technical and communication skills and gain feedback for your future.
Regional awards for first place and runner up in each track will receive Convention registration discounts
of $75 and $50 respectively. Four honorable mentions in each region will receive a $25 Convention
discount. Other regional awards are $1000, $500 & $250 checks for first, second and third place winners
respectively. All members participating in TRE at Fall Regional Conference will also receive participation
If you are VERY motivated right now, REGISTER: FRC TRE Registration
The deadline to submit your abstract is October 15th.
Please take a look at the TRE Guidelines and Requirements as well. We hope to see you at FRC and
strengthening the pipeline for underrepresented students pursuing careers in STEM. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact or