Appendix no 1. Paper template

acta mechanica et automatica, vol.x no.x (xxxx)
Department, University, University address
Department, University, University address
author_1 e-mail, author_2 e-mail
Abstract: In this place, there should be a summary typewritten in Arial Narrow, 9 pts., single spacing: 0 pts before, 36 pts after.
1cm double-sided and centered indents. The abstract should be from 6 to 12 lines long.
Key words:
To write an article for publishing in Acta Mechanica et Automatica use Microsoft Word for Windows (from Microsoft Office
2007 or later).
Page numbering: Arial Narrow 9 pts., page margins.
Hyphenation: automatic (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Hyphenation - automatic
Odd Page Header: Acta Mechanica et Automatica, vol.x no.x
(xxxx) – Arial Narrow 8 pts., italic, underlined, right-aligned, single
spacing: before 0 pts., after 12 pts..
Even Page Header: Author_1name, Author_2 name, Title
of article – Arial Narrow 8 pts., italic, underlined, left-aligned,
single spacing: before 0 pts., after 12 pts.
Titles of chapters: Arial Narrow 10 pts., bold, single spacing:
before 18 pts., after 18 pts.
Guidelines for the introduction and abstract:
 title of the article: Arial Narrow 12 pts. bold, single spacing:
before 48 pts., after 0 pts.;
 names of authors: Arial Narrow 10 pts. bold, single spacing:
before 18 pts., after 18 pts.;
 chair, department, university, university address: Arial Narrow
9 pts. sigle spacing: before 0 pts., after 0 pts.;
 authors’ e-mail addresses: Arial Narrow 9 pts. underlined,
single spacing: before 12 pts., after 12 pts.
Fig. 2. Page set-up – margins
Fig. 3. Page set-up – paper
Imię i Nazwisko Autora_1, Imię i Nazwisko Autora_1
Tytuł artykułu
and white. Drawings, diagrams and graphs shall be denoted
as Fig. X.
Width of the figure should not exceed the width of a column
(8.5 cm), spacing: before 18 pts., after 0 pts. In case of broader
drawings, it is advisable to place them by closing the division into
columns in a given place (Fig. 6).
The text should include references to figures and tables (e.g.,
"... in Fig. 1," "... in Tab. 1"). All descriptions in the drawing area
should be typed with the font of not more than 9 pts.
Fig. 4. Page set-up – layout
With the exception of introduction and abstract, the whole
document should be prepared in two-column format:
 format – A4 (21 x 29.7 cm);
 column width – 8.5 cm; spacing between columns – 1 cm
(single spacing);
 font: Arial Narrow – 10 pts., normal;
 article text style – standard;
 alignment – two-sided;
 paragraph format – the first line of 0.5 cm;
 for binding – 0 cm;
 mirror margins: internal – 1.75 cm, outer – 1.25 cm, upper –
1.25 cm, bottom – 2.25 cm;
 header – 1.25 cm;
 footer – 1.25 cm.
General settings are given in Figs. 2 – 4.
Fig. 5. Contact pressure distribution: a) gap distance effect;
b) gap orientation effect
Tables and figures should be placed in portrait orientation.
The thickness of lines in tables should be ½ point. For tables
larger than the column act as in the case of extensive drawings.
Text in the table should be in Arial Narrow – 9 pts., single pacing: before 1 point, after 1 point (in special cases it is possible
to use a smaller font without reducing the readability of the table).
Captions above the tables should be done in Arial Narrow 9
pts., single spacing: before 18 pts., after 3 pts. In the text directly
under the table, use the line spacing above 18 pts.
A file containing the document shall be sent electronically
to: Each author should also provide
the editors with hand-signed statement of copyright transfer
(the original by post, the scan by e-mail or by fax to +48 85 746 92
Drawing captions should be typed in Arial Narrow 9 pts.,
single spacing: before 3 pts., after 18 pts. When using one
description to several drawings, the drawings shall be denoted
in the sequence: a), b), etc. Letters a), b) should be within
the figure), with the description as shown in Fig. 5.
Tab. 1. Table name
2.1. Section title
2.3. Mathematical formulas
Numbering styles more complex than the XX should
be avoided. The titles of sections should be in Arial Narrow
10 pts., bold, single spacing: before 18 pts., after 18 pts.
2.2. Drawings, diagrams, graphs, tables
Drawings, diagrams and tables should be clear, made of black
lines on a white background, centred in the column. When placing
drawings in colour, please note that they are in colour only
on the web site of the journal, whereas the printout will be in black
Mathematical formulas should be type written in mathematical
style, aligned to left and numbered irrespective of chapter numbering.
Fonts used in formulas:
 mathematical symbols (e.g. sin, lg) – Cambrai Math 9 pts.,
 variables – Cambria Math 9 poits, italic;
 indices (lower/upper) variables (e.g. ij in ij) – italic font 8 pts.;
 indices (lower/upper) constants (after original names, e.g. 1
in 1) – straight font 8 pts.;
acta mechanica et automatica, vol.x no.x (xxxx)
 indices (lower/upper) dependent constants and variables
as above, font 6 pts.;
 vectors and matrices – straight, bold font 10 pts.;
 intervals: before 6 pts., after 6 pts., single spacing
Fig. 6. Inserting formulas
Numbers of formulas typed in standard text format should be
placed in parentheses and aligned to right of the edge of a given
column, as below:
(𝑥 + 𝑎)𝑛 = ∑
(𝑛𝑘)𝑥 𝑘 𝑎𝑛−𝑘
where: 𝑥 – description, 𝑎 – description, 𝑎𝑛−𝑘 – description,
(𝑛𝑘) – description.
The formulas, both numbered and those in the text should
be type written as shown in Fig. 6 (so that they do not increase
the line spacing).
SI units must be consistently applied in the text.
1. Abedrabbo N., Pourboghrat F., Carsley J. (2006), Forming
of AA5182-O and AA5754-O at elevated temperatures using coupled
thermo-mechanical finite element models, Internatio-nal Journal
of Plasticity, 23, 841–875.
2. Bolkowski S., Stabrowski M., Skoczylas J., Sroka J., Sikora J.,
Wincenciak S. (1993), Komputerowe metody analizy pola
elektromagnetycznego, WNT, Warszawa.
3. Goshima T., Hanson M.T., Keer L.M. (1990), Three-dimensional
analysis of thermal effects on surface crack propagation in rolling
contact, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 13, 237-261.
4. Grześ P. (2009), Finite element analysis of disc temperature during
braking process, Acta Mechanica et Automatica, Vol. 3, No. 4, 36-42.
5. Kaczorek T. (2002), Positive 1D and 2D Systems, Springer Verlag,
6. Malinin N. N, Rżysko J. (1981), Mechanika materiałów, PWN,
List of the literature should be typed in Arial Narrow – 9 pts., alphabetical order.
[...] This theory has also become a base for development of a model
by Shlyannikova (1995a, 1995b). [...] In the works of other authors
(Jarema, 1977; Kocańda S.and Kocańda A., 1989) [...]
In the list of references, year should be embedded in parentheses after author's name. In the case of several items by the same author published in the same year, the numbers should be supplemented
with successive letters of the alphabet.
For the literature appearing in Russian or Ukrainian transliteration
should be applied (including names appearing in the text). If there
are three or more authors of the same item, only the first one should
be mentioned with a note: “et al.” ,e.g. [...] This device has been previously used for the analysis of brittle fracture of elements with triangular
notches in the biaxial load conditions. (Seweryn et al., 1997).
Titles: "Literature" and "The title of the article in English," should
be in bold Arial Narrow 9 pts. , single spacing: before 18 pts., after 18 pts.
Any acknowledgments and notes should be at the end of the article
(9 pts.) Such as: "The work has been accomplished under the research
project No. 7 T07C 006 12 financed by the Scientific Research Committee".