
Fundamentals of Conducting MPAME-GE.2102.001

Mondays 4:55 – 6:35pm

Professor: Michael L. Breaux -

Office: 244 Greene Street, Room 402

(212) 998-5613 o | (203) 530-9752 c

Required Materials:

Course Text: Phillips, K., (1997). Basic Techniques of Conducting, Oxford University Press. (Bookstore)

Equipment: Baton – Mollard or comparable 12 or 14 inch baton

Instrument - for use in class so we may have an ensemble to conduct

Flip Video (optional) – so that we may video recording ourselves for analysis.

Course Objectives:

The purpose of this course is to acquire the basic knowledge and skills necessary to conduct choral and instrumental ensembles in rehearsal and performance. Special emphasis will be placed on the following skills:


Fundamental beat patterns


Communication of: articulation, dynamics, entrances, cues, and releases


Basic score preparation and interpretation


Basic rehearsal techniques and error detection


Function of the left hand and other non-verbal communication


Use of the baton, baton grip, posture, and stance

Attendance Requirement:

A maximum of one absence is allowed for the entire semester. Additional absences may result in a lower grade.

Procedures and Grading:

Since you will conduct during classes, you are expected to practice outside of class and prepare the chapters assigned in the textbook. All conducting exercises in the class may be used for grading purposes; therefore class participation is an important factor in determining grades.

 Instrumentalists will be required to bring their instruments every week to provide an ensemble for conductors. Vocalists and instrumentalist are expected to practice and perform the music that will be conducted each week on either piano or a secondary instrument.

 Class participation includes the ability of each student to conduct repertoire being used in class, and respond to the ensemble’s performance. Preparation of musical examples is crucial to error detection and freedom of conducting gesture, so daily practice will be expected.

 Students will be responsible for a one page written observation of a conductor, after having attended a rehearsal of the New York Philharmonic (see separate handout) or another instrumental or choral concert if attendance at the Philharmonic is not possible.


The following observable elements will be used to determine your grade:

 Class attendance

 Demonstrative class participation

 Performance on conducting exams (videotaped sessions)

 Exams or quizzes

 Written assignments

Fall 2011 Fundamentals of Conducting Syllabus

Grad Section

Baton Purchase

The Mollard Baton is standard for most conductors. They make a number of styles of baton, but the P and S are generally what most conductors use. The options are 12 or 14-inch lengths, a variety of woods used for the handle, and shaft finish. It is possible to purchase a baton along with a few accessories directly from Mollard via the company website:

. As a class, we may also collect the funds and order our batons from the company as a group.

Course Calendar

September 8: Introduction: Lessons 1 and 2 (in text) – bring an instrument to all classes.

September 15:

September 22:

September 29:

October 6:

October 13:

October 20:

October 27:

November 3:

Lessons 3 and 4

Lesson 5 & Videotaping


Lessons 6, 7 (Review) and 8 (Introduce Midterm)

Lesson 10

Review Lesson 10 and introduce 11

Midterm Conducting Exam (for videotaping)

Lessons 16 and 17

November 10: Lessons 18 and 20

November 17: Lessons 21 and 22

November 24: No School (Turkey Day!)

December 1:

December 8:

December 15:

Lesson 24 and 25 and 26

CONDUCTING FINAL (videotaping)

CONDUCTING FINAL (videotaping)

Fall 2011 Fundamentals of Conducting Syllabus

Grad Section
