Document 15087700

ICAD 2014 Workshop: Sonification for Sports and Performance
A half-day ICAD workshop, Sunday, June 22, 2014
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
Organizers: Dr Oussama Metatla, Dr. Tony Stockman & Doon MacDonald,
Conference Website:
This half-day workshop focuses on the growing body of work on Sonification for use in sports,
exercise and performance in drama and related applications. Current sonifications for sports and
performance will be discussed, and the session will provide a forum for examining methods,
techniques and tools do and do not work across different sports and performance applications, from
requirements gathering through to final evaluation. Additionally, a roadmap for future research in
design and evaluation practice, methodologies and theories will be developed. Workshop
participants will have an opportunity to discuss their experiences, present new findings and analyse
the commonalities and differences in developing sonifications for applications in this area.
Topics include but are not limited to the following:
Techniques for requirements gathering. The environments and aerobic nature of the
situations in which these systems are often to be deployed can pose challenges for
requirements capture.
Rapid prototyping and formative evaluation of sonification systems. Techniques and tools
for the rapid construction of sonifications can be key to user engagement and participation
in the development process. Further, most users do not possess a ready-made vocabulary to
describe sounds or discuss alterations to a sonified display. What approaches have proved
useful or inadequate in addressing the need for an effective iterative development approach
when synthesising these systems.
Evaluation. The environments within which sports or performances take place present
challenges to effective evaluation. In addition, the higher the level of competition into which
supporting technologies are introduced, the more likely they are to be subject to constraints
or rules which reduce or entirely prevent their use. To what extent are these issues
presenting barriers to current research? To what extent can simulations provide an answer?
Are there strategies or techniques that have been used to overcome or avoid these
Submissions: We invite submissions from researchers and designers in the following categories
Position paper; max. 2 pages in length
Case study or work in progress paper; max. 2 pages in length
Poster, Demo or video of technologies, case studies, usage behaviour, etc.
Dates: Submission Deadline: 9th May 2014; Notification of Acceptance: 21st May 2014
You should submit your paper as a word doc file by emailing to: All
submissions should be prepared according to the ICAD 2014 Template.
Reviewing Process: All submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the program
Workshop Outcome: The workshop papers and posters will be included in the electronic media that
contains the conference proceedings.
Workshop Organizers
Dr. Oussama Metatla is a Research Fellow in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer
Science at Queen Mary University of London, with research interests in multimodal and cross-modal
interaction design, accessibility and computer-supported cooperative work. He was awarded the
prize for International Excellence in HCI by the British Computer Society for his work on the use of
auditory displays and sonification to support interaction with visual representations.
Dr Tony Stockman is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at
Queen Mary University of London. His research interests are in Human-Computer Interaction, Assistive
Technology and the use of sound in the interface. He is President of the International Community for
Auditory Display (ICAD), and has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers on usability, Interaction Design
and the design and evaluation of auditory displays.
Doon MacDonald is a Musician and PhD candidate in the Interactional Sound and Music Group within the
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London. The PhD is
part of the EPSRC funded, DTC in Media Arts Technology. Before starting her PhD she did a masters in
film and studio composition at the University of Sussex and an MSc in Media Arts Technology at Queen
Mary University.