CIRB Procedures Version Date: 02/29/16 PROCEDURES: New Submission Study Team Responsibilities: Study team will obtain the applicable study documents from the CIRB. Enter Protocol Builder and complete submission documents for a protocol overseen by an outside IRB. The study team will add local context wording as designated by the CIRB to the consent form template, and complete all applicable forms. The documents are reviewed by the UVa PI. Submit all required submission documents IRB-HSR. If the CIRB has previously approved the study, submit CIRB approval with initial documents. If the CIRB has not yet approved the protocol, submit the CIRB approval to the IRB-HSR within 5 days of receipt. The IRB-HSR will email the following to the study team: training certificate (if applicable) IRB-HSR/ Privacy Board Approval of any HIPAA waivers to the study team. Following receipt of documents from the IRB-HSR, the study team will submit applicable documents to the CIRB. IRB-HSR Administrative Responsibilities: IRB-HSR staff will verify all training and documentation is in order and approvals from all other applicable committees have been received. An IRB-HSR/ Privacy Board Approval will be granted for any applicable HIPAA waivers. Once this review is complete the documents will be emailed to the study team. IRB-Staff- see info on U/ IRB/IRBHSR/ Admin FAQ/Central IRB’s Local Context Wording for Consent Form IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UVA STUDY TEAM TO VERIFY THAT ALL UVA LOCAL CONTEXT WORDING IS INCLUDED IN THE CONSENT FORM. THE IRB-HSR DOES NOT APPROVE THE CONSENT FORM. Reminder: UVa has a required signature section for Surrogate Consent. This is typically a section that is locked by the IRB of Record. It is the responsibility of the study team to work with the IRB of Record to make sure the UVa required wording is inserted into the consent if the IRB of Record has approved the use of a Legally Authorized Representative. Unless otherwise notified in writing from the IRB-HSR, revisions to local context wording do NOT need to be incorporated into previously approved consent forms. Continuations Study Team Responsibilities: 1. Continuation reviews will be completed by the CIRB. 2. Within 14 business days of receiving the continuation approval from the CIRB, the study team will email ( the following documents electronically to the IRB-HSR: CIRB continuation approval Documentation of any personnel changes since the last continuation approval using the IRB-HSR Personnel Change Form NOTE: The IRB-HSR will NOT sent out Status Forms or reminders for continuation review. It is up to the study team to submit this information to the IRB-HSR. IRB-HSR Administrative Responsibilities: Upon receipt the IRB-HSR staff will: Update applicable personnel changes in IRB Online Verify current training in Humans Subject Research Protections and email the training certificate to the study team. Personnel Changes Study Team Responsibilities: Submit notification of a personnel change with a IRB-HSR Personnel Change Form. This may be done either at the time of continuation review or at any other time during the year. If not done at the time of continuation review note that it is critical that the applicable IRB of record is noted on the Personnel Change Form! IRB-HSR Administrative Responsibilities: Upon receipt the IRB-HSR staff will: Update applicable personnel changes in IRB Online Verify current training in Humans Subject Research Protections The training certificate is ONLY sent to the study team at the time of continuation. IMPORTANT: It is critical that the study team check the appropriate IRB of Record on the Personnel Change form. Modifications Study Team Responsibilities: 1. Modification reviews will be completed by the CIRB. If a study is closed to enrollment, the CIRB will notify the study team if they should use a revised consent form or an addendum they provide to reconsent the subject. 2. If a Consent Short Form is needed for a potential subject that speaks a language other than English or Spanish, see the information located on Alternative IRB of Record. 3. No documentation is required by the IRB-HSR. NOTE: The only exception to this are: Change of PI: Submit a signed CIRB Investigators Agreement to the IRB-HSR. Scan and email to Change in the Recruitment section that would require a new HIPAA Waiver. The only change that would require a new HIPAA Waiver would be if the study team now plans to add contacting potential subjects by a person who is not a member of their health care team. Advertisements Study Team Responsibilities: 1. Advertisement review will be completed by the CIRB. 2. See How to submit advertising if the UVA IRB-HSR is not the IRB of record for your study 3. IRB-HSR Administrative Responsibilities: Upon receipt the IRB-HSR will update information in IRB Online and documentation will be filed electronically in the IRB-HSR file. A receipt event is added into IRB Online. No approval from the IRB-HSR is granted. HIPAA Issues The outside IRB will serve as the HIPAA Privacy Board as noted below. If the outside IRB will not serve as the HIPAA Privacy Board (answered No below) all subjects must sign the IRB-HSR Stand Alone HIPAA Authorization in addition to the study consent form. Links to the appropriate form may be found on the Alternative IRB of Record website page. CITN CIRB (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center IRB- NO NCI CIRB- NO NeuroNEXT CIRB (Partners IRB)-YES PETAL CIRB (Vanderbilt IRB) - YES Western IRB- NO Data Breach Any data breach will be reported per the UVa Information Security Incident Reporting Policy. The data breach will be reported to the IRB of Record if the report meets the criteria of an Unanticipated Problem. Subjects Enrolled as Minors who Reach the Age of Majority If a subject was enrolled while a minor and they have now reached the age of 18, you may use the following two forms as a template to obtain consent of the subject. Age of Majority: Cover Letter Template Age of Majority Consent Addendum Post Approval Monitoring Post Approval Monitoring will be done by Post Approval Compliance Monitors from the UVa Office of the VP for Research. Copies of the monitoring reports will be sent to the CIRB by the UVa study team. Closures When the protocol is CLOSED/ INACTIVE send an email notification to the IRB-HSR at DO NOT send any notification if the only status change is something like, closed to enrollment, or doing follow-up or data analysis only. Serious or Continuing Non-Compliance The staff of the IRB-HSR will report any Serious or Continuing Non-compliance of which they become aware to the IRB of Record and to UVa Institutional Officials. Other Required Reporting All reporting including the items noted below should be made by the UVa study team to the CIRB via procedures outlined in their Standard Operating Procedures. Unanticipated problems including adverse events Injuries to subjects, Protocol deviations/violations Changes initiated without CIRB approval to eliminate apparent immediate hazards to subjects Complaints Non-compliance that does not rise to the level of serious or continuing.