RSC 6/42015 RIT STAFF COUNCIL Thursday, June 4, 2015 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. 1829 Room, SAU DRAFT MINUTES PRESENT: Barilla, Black, Clarke, de la Sota, Gasbarre, Kompalla-Porter, Lamark, Laver (AS), Milliken, Oldziej, Prosceo, Quartieri, Rex, Schewe, Schreier Rudgers, Shields, Smarsh, Spencer, Thind, Thompson, Wheeler, Whitmore, Zachmeyer EXCUSED: Babcock, Bagley, Bhalla, Blake, Ester, Haldeman, Hughes, Purcell, Shaffer, Woodhams MEETING called to order by L. Shields at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES of 5/14/15 approved. WELCOME Welcome to the newly-elected Staff Council representatives, whose terms start with today’s meeting: BLOCK 1: Elizabeth Lamark, RIT Production Services Rupa Thind, Simone Center for Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship Sandra Whitmore, Office for Diversity & Inclusion BLOCK 2: Renee Milliken, Office of Student Financial Services BLOCK 3: Marcia Barilla, FMS Administrative Services Mark Haldeman, ITS Application Development JoEllen Shaffer, ITS Application Development Monica Thompson, FMS Administrative Services BLOCK 4: Mindy Blake, Office of Co-op & Career Services BLOCK 5: Andrew Schewe, NTID Student Life Cathy Clarke, NTID Communications, Marketing & Multimedia Services Jen Prosceo, NTID Access Services CHAIR’S REPORT Thank you to everyone who worked on the picnic. The Events committee did an amazing job – thank you all! And thanks to all members who pitched in the day of. It wouldn’t have been possible without everyone’s efforts. 2015/16 LEADERSHIP ELECTIONS Congratulations to the new RSC leadership, elected to one-year terms: Chair: Lauren Shields, GCCIS Office of the Dean Vice Chair: Raman Bhalla, RIT Production Services Communications Officer: Jen Prosceo, NTID Access Services Events Officer: Anne Zachmeyer, CAST Service Systems Executive Committee At-Large Donna Black, Housing Operations Kathleen Schreier Rudgers, GCCIS Advising Paul Smarsh, Dining Services David Woodhams, Facilities Management Services University (Institute) Council Representatives (in addition to the Executive Committee): 1 RSC 6/42015 Sharon Kompalla-Porter, Residence Life Elizabeth Lamark, RIT Production Services Gail Quartieri, CAST Dean’s Office University Council Alternate Representatives Karen Ester, KGCOE Dean’s Office Renee Milliken, Office of Student Financial Services Sandra Whitmore, Office for Diversity & Inclusion OLD / NEW BUSINESS 1. Executive Committee discussed the feedback we received from a number of people about the difficulties they encountered trying to leave campus at 4:00 on the day of the Chase Corporate Challenge. We will be communicating this to PATS and the RIT Chase Corporate Challenge co-chairs. The road closures seemed to start much earlier than necessary The dismissal time is set by RIT administration This impacted the set-up for the picnic as well, as vendors had a hard time entering/leaving campus. It has not been a problem in past years when the Chase Corporate Challenge occurred after the picnic. 2. The SC office received this question from a constituent: What can staff members do if their manager bullies and intimidates them? The manager communicates in a verbally abusive and insensitive manner and makes accusations that are untrue. This impacts employee morale and makes it difficult to do a good job. What recourse do staff members have when they feel there will be repercussions from coming forward? Judy Bender, AVP of Human Resources, replied with the following suggestions: 1. Try to talk to your supervisor about their actions 2. Address the issue with your manger's supervisor 3. Talk to your HRSM (find your HRSM at: 4. Contact the Ombuds office for mediation services ( 5. Make a complaint through the ethics hotline ( Discussion: Policy E30.0 Staff Grievance Procedure ( could also be helpful in this situation. It offers informal and formal complaint resolution options. A person can file a complaint under C6.0 Policy on Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment ( – if the behavior is due to your group, class or category; otherwise report a conflict or concern under C6.1- Resolution of Conflict among RIT Employees ( Your HRSM can help you determine if/which is appropriate Q – If someone goes to their HRSM, will the HRSM report it? A – The HRSM has to investigate the situation. All staff should be aware that federal law protects them from any sort of retaliation. A person is their own best advocate. If they don’t speak up, RIT cannot fix the situation. If they still don’t want to speak up, they can go to the Ombudsperson or EAP ( for a confidential discussion. 3. There are a few hard copies of the Ombuds year-end report available for anyone interested in seeing it. It will also be posted in the DML with the May, 2015 Institute Council minutes – look for them in the fall. MEETING adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margaret S. Meyers Staff Council Coordinator 2