Nafsika Alexiadou Linda R nnberg: Publishing in academic journals: An example from education inquiry [PPT 1.44MB]

Publishing in Academic Journals
An example from Education
Nafsika Alexiadou, Linda Rönnberg
Selecting a Journal for your
How should you select a journal for
your manuscript?
a.Relevance, focus and coverage
(theoretical, methodological, etc.)
b.Nature of the field – degree of
specialisation of article / journal
c.Matching the manuscript to the
Journal ...
What you should pay
attention to when submiting
a manuscript to a journal
• Journal instructions for
• Past published articles
• Editorial policies/ editorial
What constitutes a good
quality manuscript?
Clarity, coherence and cohesion
Structure and format
Strength of empirical research
Strength of argument
Contribution to the field
Language issues
Education Inquiry
• Nature of the journal
- Generalist journal / Plural approaches
- Broad audiences
• Who we are – editorial board
• Our involvement in the process of
Step 1: The Screening Process
• Screening
- Who does the screening?
– Criteria & purpose
- Why are some manuscripts rejected
at the screening stage?
Step 2: The Peer Review Process
• What does peer review mean?
• Selecting referees
• Do you have to do everything the
referees ask for?
• Who are the referees?
Referees for 2011-12
Agneta Hult, Swe / Agneta Linné, Swe / Alison
Hudson, UK / Anders Marner, Swe / Andre´Elias
Mazawi, Canada / Anna Larsson, Swe / Anna
Nordenstam, Sweden / Anna triandafyllidou, Italy /
Anna Tsatsaroni, Greece / Anna-Lena Östern,
Norway / Ann-Catrine Eriksson, Sweden / Anne
Palmér, Sweden / Annette Braun, UK / Annette
Sandberg, Sweden / Ansgar Richter, Germany /
Antigoni Sarakinioti, Greece / Anton Franks, UK /
Atle Krogstad, Norway / Barbro Hagberg Persson,
Sweden / Bengt-Göran Martinsson, Sweden / Berit
Lundgren, Sweden / Berner Lindstrom, Sweden /
Bert Jonsson, Sweden / Bert van Oers, Netherlands /
Björn Åstrand, Sweden / Brian Stecher, USA / Carin
Jonsson, Sweden / Carlo Raffo, UK / Catherine de
Wenden, France / Charlotte Palludan, Denmark /
Christian Lundahl, Sweden / Christina Svens,
Sweden /
Referees for 2011-12
Christina Wikström, Sweden / Daniel Coste, France /
Daniel Koretz, USA / David Gillborn, UK/
David Hamilton, Swe/ David Little, Ireland / David
Tandberg, USA/ Deborah Harcourt, Aus/ Eddie
Denessen, Netherlands /Eleni Andreou, Greece /Eli
Ottesen, Nor/ Elisabeth Frank, Swe / Elizabeth
Peterson, NZ/ Ellen Beate Sandseter, Nor/ Esko
Mäkelä, Swe/ Eva Forsberg, Swe/ Eva Gannerud,
Swe/ Eva Lindgren, Swe/ Evert Vedung, Swe/ Gaby
Weiner, UK/ Geert Driessen, Netherlands / Godfrey
Baldacchino, Canada /Gordon Joughin, Aus/ Gordon
Stobart, UK/ Gun-Marie Frånberg, Swe/ Göran
Sonesson, Swe/ Hanna Eklöf, Swe / Hans Örtegren,
Swe/ Harry torrance, UK/ Herbert Altrichter, Austria/
Hildegunn Otnes, Nor/ Inge Johansson, Swe/ Inge
Weber Newth, UK/ Isa Jahnke, Swe/ J. Marshall
Mangan, Canada/ Jane Perryman, UK /
Referees for 2011-12
Janet Enever, Swe/ Jennifer Greene, USA/
Johanna Rosenqvist, Swe /Julie Kate Seirlis,
Canada/ Kajsa Borg, Swe / Kalervo Gulson,
Aus/ Kenneth Ekström, Swe/ Kerstin Norlander,
Swe/ Kim Rasmussen, Swe/ Kirk Sullivan, Swe/
Koen Lombaerts, Belgium/ Laura Hamilton,
USA/ Liisa Postareff, Finland/ Lisbeth Lundahl,
Swe /Lyn Yates, Aus/Magdalena Szpotowicz,
Poland/ Manal Hamzeh, USA/Manfred
Hintermair, Germany/ Mari Haneda, USA/
Maria Nordstrom,Swe/ Martin Lawn, /Mary
Jane Kehily,UK/ Maureen Killeavy, Ir /Mérove
Gijsberts, Netherlands/Mia Porko-Hudd,
Finland/Michael Buzzelli, Canada/Miriam David,
UK/Monica Rosén, Swe/Monika Vinterek,Swe /
Muthanna Samar, UK/Nihad Bunar, Swe/
Referees for 2011-12
Ola Lindberg, Swe /Palle Rasmussen, Denmark
/Panayoitis Antoniou, UK /Patrik Hansson, Swe
/Patrik Mehrens, Swe/ Paulette Luff, UK/ Päivi
Granö, Finland/Rita Hvistendahl, Nor/ Robert
Linn,USA / Rose Vukovic, USA/Rosie Flewitt, UK
/Rusanen Sinikka, Finland /Sally Tomlinson, UK/
Spyros Themelis, UK/ Svein Lie, Nor/Sven
Persson, Swe/ Søren Kjørup, Denmark /Tania N
Thomas-Presswood, USA /Tehmina N. Basit,
UK/ Terri Kim, UK/ Tomas Englund, Swe/
Tony Gallagher, UK /Ulf Fredriksson, Swe/ Ulla
Lind, Swe / Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, USA
/Øystein Gilje, Nor
What do we ask referees to
comment upon?
We ask referees to comment on:
Abstract / Introduction / Aim and/or
research question(s) / Review of
Literature / Theoretical framework /
Methodology (including an ethical
code of conduct) / Results /
Discussion and conclusions /
And, to highlight strengths and
Referees’ judgement
1. Accept:
] In the present form
] With minor revisions
2.[ ] Major revision required, subject
to reviews
3. [
] Reject
Comments to the Editors
Step 3: The Editorial Decision
• Grounds for decisions
• Second round reviews - Turnaround
times & Resubmissions
• Final decisions & editorial
judgement / challenges?
• Language editing
Step 4: Finalising texts
• Follow suggestions of Editors – they
are the ones who decide what will
happen to your manuscript
• Be very careful with editing your
text – this on its own can result in a
non-acceptance decision
• Follow detailed instructions on
website for referencing, style, etc.
Stage 5: some more to come
• Consent to publish
• Proofs, etc.
• Speed of response at the final
• How to refer to your forthcoming
Example of an Education
Inquiry Issue
The March issue (vol. 4 no. 1)
Thematic section
•Daniel Faas (guest editor): Introduction
•Yvonne Leeman & Sawitri Saharso: “Coming of age in Dutch schools. Issues of
schooling and identity”
•Mary Darmanin: “The ‘smallness’ of minimalist tolerance”
•Farzana Shain: “Race, nation and education: An overview of British attempts
to ‘manage diversity’ since the 1950s”
•Cecile Wright: “Understanding black academic attainment: Policy and
discourse, educational aspirations and resistance”
•Christina Hadjisoteriou & Panayiotis Angelides: “The politics of intercultural
education in Cyprus: policy-making and challenges”
•Philipp Schnell, Elif Keskiner & Maurice Crul: “Success against the Odds:
Educational pathways of disadvantaged second-generation Turks in France and
the Netherlands”
•Nathalie Rougier: “The hijab in the (denominational) Irish education system –
tolerated or accepted?”
•Kalervo Gulson & Taylor Webb: “”A raw, emotional thing”: School choice,
commodification and the racialised branding of Afrocentricity in Toronto,
•Audrey Osler & Chalank Yahya: “Challenges and complexity in human rights
education: Teachers’ understandings of democratic participation and gender
equity in post-conflict Kurdistan-Iraq”