Matakuliah Tahun Versi : I0134 – Metoda Statistika : 2005 : Revisi Pertemuan 08 Kejadian Bebas dan Bersyarat 1 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : • Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan kaidah peluang aditif dan multiplikatif, kejadian bebas, bersyarat dan jaidah Bayes. 2 Outline Materi • • • • Kejadian bebas Kejadian bersyarat Peluang total Kaidah Bayes 3 Basic Rules for Probability • Union - Probability of A or B or both – • P( A B) n( A B) P( A) P( B) P( A B) n( S ) Mutually exclusive events: P( A CProbability ) 0 so P( A-Probability C) P( A)of P C) B Conditional A(given – P( A B) P( A B) P( B) Independent events: P( A B) P( A) P( B A) P( B) 4 Conditional Probability Rules of conditional probability: P( A B) P( A B) P( B) so P( A B) P( A B) P( B) P( B A) P( A) If events A and D are statistically independent: P ( A D) P ( A) P ( D A) P ( D) so P( A D) P( A) P( D) 5 Contingency Table (Contoh Soal) Counts AT& T IBM Total Telecommunication 40 10 50 Computers 20 30 50 Total 60 40 100 Probabilities AT& T IBM Total Telecommunication .40 .10 .50 Computers .20 .30 .50 Total .60 .40 1.00 Probability that a project is undertaken by IBM given it is a telecommunications project: P ( IBM T ) P(T ) .10 .2 .50 P ( IBM T ) 6 Independence of Events Conditions for the statistical independence of events A and B: P ( A B ) P ( A) P ( B A) P ( B ) and P ( A B ) P ( A) P ( B ) P ( Ace Heart ) P ( Heart ) 1 1 52 P ( Ace ) 13 13 52 P ( Ace Heart ) P ( Ace Heart ) P ( Heart Ace ) P ( Ace ) 1 1 52 P ( Heart ) 4 4 52 P ( Heart Ace ) 4 13 1 P ( Ace ) P ( Heart ) 52 52 52 7 Independence of Events (Contoh Soal) Events Television (T) and Billboard (B) are assumed to be independent. a) P ( T B ) P ( T ) P ( B ) 0.04 * 0.06 0.0024 b) P ( T B ) P ( T ) P ( B ) P ( T B ) 0.04 0.06 0.0024 0.0976 8 Product Rules for Independent Events The probability of the intersection of several independent events is the product of their separate individual probabilities: P( A A A An ) P( A ) P( A ) P( A ) P( An ) 1 2 3 1 2 3 The probability of the union of several independent events is 1 minus the product of probabilities of their complements: P( A A A An ) 1 P( A ) P( A ) P( A ) P( An ) 1 2 3 1 2 3 Example 2-7: (Q Q Q Q ) 1 P(Q ) P(Q ) P(Q ) P(Q ) 1 2 3 10 1 2 3 10 1.9010 1.3487 .6513 9 Combinatorial Concepts Consider a pair of six-sided dice. There are six possible outcomes from throwing the first die (1,2,3,4,5,6) and six possible outcomes from throwing the second die (1,2,3,4,5,6). Altogether, there are 6*6=36 possible outcomes from throwing the two dice. In general, if there are n events and the event i can happen in Ni possible ways, then the number of ways in which the sequence of n events may occur is N1N2...Nn. Pick 5 cards from a Pick 5 cards from a deck of 52 - without deck of 52 - with replacement replacement – 52*52*52*52*52=525 380,204,032 different possible outcomes – 52*51*50*49*48 = 311,875,200 different possible outcomes 10 More on Combinatorial Concepts (Tree Diagram) . . .. . . . . . . Order the letters: A, B, and C C B C B A C C A B C A B A B A . .. .. . ABC ACB BAC BCA CAB CBA 11 Factorial How many ways can you order the 3 letters A, B, and C? There are 3 choices for the first letter, 2 for the second, and 1 for the last, so there are 3*2*1 = 6 possible ways to order the three letters A, B, and C. How many ways are there to order the 6 letters A, B, C, D, E, and F? (6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720) Factorial: For any positive integer n, we define n factorial as: n(n-1)(n-2)...(1). We denote n factorial as n!. The number n! is the number of ways in which n objects can be ordered. By definition 1! = 1. 12 Permutations What if we chose only 3 out of the 6 letters A, B, C, D, E, and F? There are 6 ways to choose the first letter, 5 ways to choose the second letter, and 4 ways to choose the third letter (leaving 3 letters unchosen). That makes 6*5*4=120 possible orderings or permutations. Permutations are the possible ordered selections of r objects out of a total of n objects. The number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time is denoted nPr. n! P n r ( n r )! 6 For example: 6! 6! 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 P 6 * 5 * 4 120 (6 3)! 3! 3 * 2 *1 3 13 Combinations Suppose that when we picked 3 letters out of the 6 letters A, B, C, D, E, and F we chose BCD, or BDC, or CBD, or CDB, or DBC, or DCB. (These are the 6 (3!) permutations or orderings of the 3 letters B, C, and D.) But these are orderings of the same combination of 3 letters. How many combinations of 6 different letters, taking 3 at a time, are there? Combinations are the possible selections of r items from a group of n items n regardless of the order of selection. The number of combinations is denoted r and is read n choose r. An alternative notation is nCr. We define the number of combinations of r out of n elements as: n! n C n r r r!(n r)! For example: 6! 6! 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 6 * 5 * 4 120 n 20 6 C3 r 3!(6 3)! 3!3! (3 * 2 * 1)(3 * 2 * 1) 3 * 2 * 1 6 14 The Law of Total Probability and Bayes’ Theorem P( A) P( A B) P( A B ) In terms of conditional probabilities: P( A) P( A B) P( A B ) P( A B) P( B) P( A B ) P( B ) More generally (where Bi make up a partition): P( A) P( A B ) i P( AB ) P( B ) i i 15 The Law of Total Probability Contoh Soal Event U: Stock market will go up in the next year Event W: Economy will do well in the next year P(U W ) .75 P(U W ) 30 P(W ) .80 P(W ) 1.8 .2 P(U ) P(U W ) P(U W ) P(U W ) P(W ) P(U W ) P(W ) (.75)(.80) (.30)(.20) .60.06 .66 16 Bayes’ Theorem • • Bayes’ theorem enables you, knowing just a little more than the probability of A given B, to find the probability of B given A. Based on the definition of conditional probability and the law of total probability. P ( A B) P ( A) P ( A B) P ( A B) P ( A B ) P ( A B) P ( B) P ( A B) P ( B) P ( A B ) P ( B ) P ( B A) Applying the law of total probability to the denominator Applying the definition of conditional probability throughout 17 Bayes’ Theorem (Contoh Soal) • A medical test for a rare disease (affecting 0.1% P ( I ) 0[.001 of the population ]) is imperfect: – When administered to an ill person, the test will indicate so with probability 0.92 [ P( Z I ) .92 P( Z I ) .08 ] • The event( Z I ) is a false negative – When administered to a person who is not ill, the test will erroneously give a positive result (false positive) with probability 0.04 [ P ( Z I ) 0.04 P ( Z I ) 0.96 ] • The event( Z I ) is a false positive. . 18 Contoh Soal (continued) P ( I ) 0.001 P ( I ) 0.999 P ( Z I ) 0.92 P ( Z I ) 0.04 P( I Z ) P( Z ) P( I Z ) P( I Z ) P( I Z ) P( Z I ) P( I ) P( Z I ) P( I ) P( Z I ) P( I ) P( I Z ) (.92)( 0.001) (.92)( 0.001) ( 0.04)(.999) 0.00092 0.00092 0.00092 0.03996 .04088 .0225 19 Contoh Soal (Tree Diagram) Prior Probabilities Conditional Probabilities P( Z I ) 0.92 P( I ) 0001 . P( I ) 0.999 P( Z I ) 008 . P( Z I ) 004 . Joint Probabilities P( Z I ) (0.001)(0.92) .00092 P( Z I ) (0.001)(0.08) .00008 P( Z I ) (0.999)(0.04) .03996 P( Z I ) 096 . P( Z I ) (0.999)(0.96) .95904 20 Bayes’ Theorem Extended • Given a partition of events B1,B2 ,...,Bn: P( A B ) P( B A) P ( A) P( A B ) P( A B ) 1 1 Applying the law of total probability to the denominator 1 i P( A B ) P( B ) P( A B ) P( B ) 1 1 i Applying the definition of conditional probability throughout i 21 Bayes’ Theorem Extended (Contoh Soal) An economist believes that during periods of high economic growth, the U.S. dollar appreciates with probability 0.70; in periods of moderate economic growth, the dollar appreciates with probability 0.40; and during periods of low economic growth, the dollar appreciates with probability 0.20. During any period of time, the probability of high economic growth is 0.30, the probability of moderate economic growth is 0.50, and the probability of low economic growth is 0.50. Suppose the dollar has been appreciating during the present period. What is the probability we are experiencing a period of high economic growth? Partition: H - High growth P(H) = 0.30 M - Moderate growth P(M) = 0.50 L - Low growth P(L) = 0.20 Event A Appreciation P( A H ) 0.70 P( A M ) 0.40 P( A L) 0.20 22 Contoh Soal (continued) P( H A) P( H A) P( A) P( H A) P( H A) P( M A) P( L A) P( A H ) P( H ) P ( A H ) P ( H ) P ( A M ) P ( M ) P ( A L) P ( L) ( 0.70)( 0.30) ( 0.70)( 0.30) ( 0.40)( 0.50) ( 0.20)( 0.20) 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.04 0.45 0.467 23 Contoh Soal (Tree Diagram) Prior Probabilities Conditional Probabilities P ( A H ) 0.70 P ( H ) 0.30 P ( A H ) 0.30 P ( A M ) 0.40 Joint Probabilities P ( A H ) ( 0.30)( 0.70) 0.21 P ( A H ) ( 0.30)( 0.30) 0.09 P ( A M ) ( 0.50)( 0.40) 0.20 P ( M ) 0.50 P ( A M ) 0.60 P ( A M ) ( 0.50)( 0.60) 0.30 P ( L) 0.20 P ( A L) 0.20 P ( A L) 0.80 P ( A L) ( 0.20)( 0.20) 0.04 P ( A L) ( 0.20)( 0.80) 0.16 24 • Selamat Belajar Semoga Sukses. 25