New Course Proposal/ Change in Course Title or Hours INSTRUCTIONS: For new courses, fill out New Course Information, answer questions 1-6, 8 and 9 and attach syllabus. For changes in title, description, or credit hours, fill out Previous Course Information, indicate changes in New Course Information, and answer question 7. Changes in course number should be treated as a new course proposal, indicating previous course in the Equivalent Course field and in question 4. Include signatures of department head or director and dean of academic unit. Submit form to Associate Provost for Graduate Studies for 4000 and above level courses or Associate Provost for Undergraduate Academic Programs for 3000 level and below. Signatures from both Associate Provosts are required for 3000-level classes that are eligible for either undergraduate or graduate credit. Syllabi for 3000-level courses eligible for graduate credit must include distinct graduate-level course requirements that demonstrate the rigor of a true graduate academic experience as measured by quality rather than quantity or length of assignments. A copy of the form will be returned to the department when the course has been processed by the Office of the Registrar. The form may be routed via e-mail. The completed form must be sent from a valid DU e-mail address to For questions about the form, call 303.871.4795. This form and detailed instructions may be obtained from (check the website for updated forms as changes may be made without notice). Please, do not write in the header or margins of this form. Date: New Course Proposal Effective Term: Change of Course Title or Hours Reactivate Course Deactivate Course New Course Information (complete all items for new courses; changed items only for changes) Course Title (30 characters) Long Title (100 characters) Subject Code College Code Degree Required course for majors? Credit Hours (min/max if variable) Grade Mode Course may be repeated Schedule Type(s): Enforced (describe in item 9) No Course Number Department Code Major Equivalent Course(s) Standard (A-F) None none times or for maximum credit hours Lecture none Prerequisites Restrictions Study Abroad Previous Course Information (complete all for changes) Previous Course Title Previous Course Subj. & Number Previous Credit Hours 1. Course description for catalog (include prerequisites): 2. What are the course objectives and the relationship of this course to the total departmental offerings? (If not required for majors, how will it fit into the departmental offerings?) 3. What is the expected enrollment and who is the expected audience? 4. What course, if any, is being dropped in order to include this new course? 5. Specify any special costs associated with offering the proposed course. 6. Difference from any similar course now offered in the department or University. 7. If change, reason for change. 8. Identifying attributes. Undergraduate Common Curriculum Analytical Inquiry: Natural Analytical Inquiry: Society Scientific Inquiry: Natural Scientific Inquiry: Society Interdisciplinary Majors/Minors Asian Studies Gender & Women’s Studies Judaic Studies Pioneer Leadership Program Intercultural Global Studies Socio-Legal Studies Updated: 9.10.12 2 Sustainability 9. Tourism Urban Studies Specialty Courses Writing Intensive Service Learning Women’s College Enforced prerequisites, permissions, or restrictions. Honors (Honors Program Only) Required Signatures ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Department Head/Director Dean of Faculty Date ________________________________________________ Associate Provost No apparent conflict Potential conflict with other offerings; refer to Council Date Registrar Use ________________________________________________ Registrar Date Date Entered. Term: ____________