4. Circuit Theorems with Phasors PROPORTIONALITY The proportionality property states that phasor output responses are proportional to the input phasor. Mathematically, proportionality means that Eq.(8-28) where X is the input phasor, Y is the output phasor, and K is the proportionality constant. In phasor circuit analysis, the proportionality constant is generally a complex number. To apply the unit output method in the phasor domain, we assume that the output is a unit phasor Y= 1 0 . By successive application of KCL, KVL, and the element impedances, we solve for the input phasor required to produce the unit output. Because the circuit is linear, the proportionality constant relating input and output is Once we have the constant K, we can find the output for any input or the input required to produce any specified output. The next example illustrates the unit output method for phasor circuits. 1 EXAMPLE 8-13 Use the unit output method to find the input impedance, current I1, output voltage VC, and current I3 of the circuit in Fig. 8-20 for Vs= SOLUTION: The following steps implement the unit output method for the circuit in Fig. 8-20: Fig. 8-20 1. Assume a unit output voltage 2. 3. 4. By Ohm's law, By KVL, By Ohm's law, 5. 6. By KCL, By KCL, . . . Given VS and I1, the input impedance is 2 The proportionality factor between the input VS and output voltage Vc is Given K and ZIN, we can now calculate the required responses for an input SUPERPOSITION The superposition principle applies to phasor responses only if all of the independent sources driving the circuit have the same frequency. That is , when the input sources have the same frequency, we can find the phasor response due to each source acting alone and obtain the total response by adding the individual phasors. If the sources have different frequencies, then superposition can still be used but its application is different. With different frequency sources, each source must be treated in a separate steady-state analysis because the element impedances change with frequency. The phasor response for each source must be changed into waveforms and then superposition applied in the time domain. In other words, the superposition principle always applies in the 3 time domain. It also applies in the phasor domain when all independent sources have the same frequency. The following examples illustrate both cases. EXAMPLE 8-14 Fig. 8-21 Use superposition to find the steady - state voltage vR (t) in Fig. 8 - 21 for R=20 , L1 = 2mH, L2 = 6mH, C = 20 F, V s1= 100cos 5000t V , and Vs2=120cos (5000t +30 )V. SOLUTION: In this example, the two sources operate at the same frequency. Fig. 8-22(a) shows the phasor domain circuit with source no.2 turned off and replaced by a short circuit. The three elements in parallel in Fig. 8-22(a) produce an equivalent impedance of 4 Fig. 8-22 By voltage division, the phasor response VR1 is 5 Fig. 8-22(b) shows the phasor-domain circuit with source no.1 turned off and source no. 2 on. The three elements in parallel in Fig. 8-22(b) produce an equivalent impedance of By voltage division, the response VR2 is Since the sources have the same frequency, the total response can be found by adding the individual phasor responses VR1 and VR2: The time-domain function corresponding to the phasor sum is The overall response can also be obtained by adding the time-domain functions corresponding to the individual phasor responses VR1 and VR2: You are encouraged to show that the two expressions for VR(t) are equivalent using the additive property of sinusoids. 6 EXAMPLE 8-15 Fig. 8-23 Use superposition to find the steady-state current i(t) in Fig. 8-23 for R=10k ,L=200mH, vS1=24cos20000t V, and vS2=8cos(60000t+30 ). SOLUTION: In this example the two sources operate at different frequencies. With source no. 2 off, the input phasor is Vs1 = 24 0 V at a frequency of =20 krad/s . At this frequency the equivalent impedance of the inductor and resistor is The phasor current due to source no.1 is 7 With source no.1 off and no.2 on, the input phasor VS2 = 8 of 30 at a frequency = 60 krad/s. At this frequency the equivalent impedance of the inductor and resistor is The phasor current due to source no.2 is The two input sources operate at different frequencies, so that phasors responses I1 and I2 cannot be added to obtain the overall response. In this case the overall response is obtained by adding the corresponding time-domain functions. THEVENIN AND NORTON EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS 8 Fig. 8-24 Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits in the phasor analysis In the phasor domain, a two-terminal circuit containing linear elements and sources can be replaced by the Thevenin or Norton equivalent circuits shown in Fig. 8-24. The general concept of Thevenin's and Norton's theorems and their restrictions are the same as in the resistive circuit studied in Chapter 3. The important difference here is that the signals VT, IN, V, and I are phasors, and VT=1/YN and ZL are complex numbers representing the source and load impedances. Finding the Thevenin or Norton equivalent of a phasor circuit involves the same process as for resistance circuits, except that now we must manipulate complex numbers. The thevenin and Norton circuits are equivalent to each other, so their circuit parameters are related as follows: 9 Eq.(8-29) Algebraically, the results in Eq.(8-29) are identical to the corresponding equations for resistance circuits. The important difference is that these equations involve phasors and impedances rather than waveforms and resistances. These equations point out that we can determine a Thevenin or Norton equivalent by finding any two of the following quantities: (1) the open-circuit voltage VOC, (2) the short-circuit current ISC, and (when there are no dependent sources) (3) the impedance ZT looking back into the source circuit with all independent sources turned off. The relationships in Eq. (8-29) define source transformations that allow us to convert a voltage source in series with an impedance into a current source in parallel with the same impedance, or vice versa. Phasor-domain source transformations simplify circuits and are useful in formulating general nodevoltage or mesh-current equations, discussed in the next section. The next two examples illustrate applications of source transformation and Thevenin equivalent circuits. EXAMPLE 8-17 Both sources in Fig. 8-25(a) operate at a frequency of =5000 rad/s. Find the steady-state voltage vR(t) using source transformations. 10 SOLUTION: Example 8-14 solves this problem using superposition. In this example we use source transformations. We observe that the voltage sources in Fig. 8-25(a) are connected in series with an impedance and can be converted into the following equivalent current sources: Fig. 8-25 11 Fig. 8-25 (b) shows the circuit after these two source transformations. The two current sources are connected in parallel and can be replaced by a single equivalent current source: The four passive elements are connected in parallel and can be replaced by an equivalent impedance: The voltage across this equivalent impedance equals VR,since one of the parallel elements is the resistor R. Therefore, the unknown phasor voltage is The value of VR is the same as found in Example 8-14 using superposition. The corresponding time-domain function is 12 EXAMPLE 8-18 Use Thevenin's theorem to find the current Ix in the bridge circuit shown in Fig. 826. Fig. 8-26 SOLUTION: Example 8-12 solves this problem using a -to-Y transformation. In this example, we determine Ix by find the Thevenin equivalent circuit seen by the impedance j200. The Thevenin equivalent will be found by determining the opencircuit voltage and the lookback impedance. Disconnecting the impedance j200 form the circuit in Fig. 8-26 produces the circuit shown in Fig. 8-27(a). The voltage between nodes A and B is the Thevenin voltage since removing the impedance j200 leaves an open circuit. The 13 voltages at nodes A and B can each be found by voltage division. Since the open-circuit voltage is the difference between these node voltages, we have Fig. 8-27 Turning off the voltage source in Fig. 8-27(a) and replacing it by a short circuit produces the situation shown in Fig. 8-27(b). The lookback impedance seen at the interface is a series connection of two pairs of elements connected in parallel. The equivalent impedance of the series/parallel combination is 14 Given the Thevenin equivalent circuit, we treat the impedance j200 as a load connected at the interface and calculate the resulting load current Ix as The value of Ix found here is the same as the answer obtained in Example 8-12 using a -to Y transformation. 2. Phasor Circuit Analysis Phasor circuit analysis is a method of finding sinusoidal steady-state responses directly from the circuit without using differential equations. How do we perform phasor circuit analysis? At several points in our study we have seen that circuit analysis is based on two kinds of constraints: (1) connection constraints (Kirchhoff's laws), (2) device constraints (element equations). To analyze phasor circuits, we must see how these constraints are expressed in phasor form. Connection Constraints in Phasor Form In the steady state all of the voltages and currents are sinusoids with the same frequency as the driving force. Under these conditions, the application of KVL around a loop could take the form. Therefore, if the sum of the waveforms is zero, then the corresponding phasors must also sum to zero. 15 Clearly the same result applies to phasor currents and KCL. In other words, we can state Kirchhoff's laws in phasor form as follows: KVL: The algebraic sum of phasor voltages around a loop is zero. KCL: The algebraic sum of phasor currents at a node is zero. Device Constraints in Phasor Form Eq.(8-12) In the sinusoidal steady state, all of these currents and voltages are sinusoids. Given that the signals are sinusoid, how do these i-v relationships constrain the corresponding phasors? This relationship holds only if the phasor voltage and current for a resistor are related as Eq.(8-13) Since L is a real constant, moving it inside the real part operation does not change things. Written this way, we see that the phasor voltage and current for an inductor are related as 16 Eq.(8-14) Fig. 8-3: Phasor iv characteristics of the inductor The resulting phasor diagram in Fig. 8-3 shows that the inductor voltage current are 90 is advanced out of phase. The voltage phasor by 90 counterclockwise, which is in the direction of rotation of the complex exponential . When the voltage phasor is advanced counterclockwise(that is, ahead of the rotating current phasor), we say that the voltage phasor leads the current phasor by 90 the voltage by 90 or, equivalently, the current lags . The phasor voltage and current for a capacitor are related as Solving for VC yields 17 Eq.(8-15) Fig. 8-4: Phasor iv characteristics of the capacitor. The resulting phasor diagram in Fig. 8-7 shows that voltage and current are 90 out of phase. In this case, the voltage phasor is retarded by 90 clockwise, which is in a direction opposite to rotation of the complex exponential . When the voltage is retarded clockwise (that is, behind the rotating current phasor), we say that the voltage phasor lags the current phasor by 90 voltage by 90 or, equivalently, the current leads the . The Impedance Concept 18 The IV constraints Eqs.(8-13), (8-14, and (8-15) are all of the form V=ZI Eq.(8-16) where Z is called the impedance of the element. Equation (8-16) is analogous to Ohm's law in resistive circuits. Impedance is the proportionality constant relating phasor voltage and phasor current in linear, two-terminal elements. The impedances of the three passive elements are Eq.(8-17) Since impedance relates phasor voltage to phasor current, it is a complex quantity whose units are ohms. Although impedance can be a complex number, it is not a phasor. Phasors represent sinusoidal signals, while impedances characterize circuit elements in the sinusoidal steady state. Finally, it is important to remember that the generalized two-terminal device constraint in Eq.(8-16) assumes that the passive sign convention is used to assign the reference marks to the voltage and current. EXAMPLE 8-5 19 Fig. 8-5 The circuit in Fig. 8-5 is operating in the sinusoidal steady state with and . Find the impedance of the elements in the rectangular box. SOLUTION: The purpose of this example is to show that we can apply basic circuit analysis tools to phasors. The phasors representing the given signals are and . Using Ohm's law in phasor form, we find that Applying KVL around loop A yields . . Solving form the unknown voltage yields V This voltage appears across the load resistor R1; hence . Applying KCL at node A yields . Given the phasor voltage across and current through the unknown element, we find the impedance to be 20 3. Basic Circuit Analysis with Phasors To perform ac circuit analysis in this way, we obviously need to develop methods of analyzing circuits in the phasor domain. In the preceding section, we showed that KVL and KCL applying the phasor domain and that the phasor element constraints all have the form V=ZI. Therefore, familiar algebraic circuit analysis tools, such as series and parallel equivalence, voltage and current division, proportionality and superposition, and Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, are applicable in the phasor domain. We do not need new analysis techniques to handle circuits in the phasor domain. The only difference is that circuit responses are phasors (complex numbers) rather than dc signals (real numbers). 21 Fig. 8-6: Flow diagram for phasor circuit analysis. We can think of phasor domain circuit analysis in terms of the flow diagram in Fig. 8-6. The analysis begins in the time domain with a linear circuit operating in the sinusoidal steady state and involves three major steps: Step 1: The circuit is transformed into the phasor domain by representing the input and response sinusoids as phasor and the passive circuit elements by their impedances. 22 Step 2: Standard algebraic circuit techniques are applied to solve the phasor domain circuit for the desired unknown phasor responses. Step 3: The phasor responses are inverse transformed back into time-domain sinusoids to obtain the response waveforms. The third step assumes that the required end product is a time-domain waveform. However, a phasor is just another representation of a sinusoid. With some experience, we learn to think of the response as a phasor without converting it back into a time-domain waveform. Series Equivalence And Voltage Division We begin the study of phasor-domain analysis with two basic analysis tools -series equivalence and voltage division. In Fig. 8-7 the two-terminal elements are connected in series, so by KCL, the same phasor current I exists in impedances Z1, Z2, ... ZN. Using KVL and the element constraints, the voltage across the series connection can be written as Eq.(8-18) 23 Fig. 8-7: A series connection of impedances. The last line in this equation points out that the phasor responses V and I do not change when the series connected elements are replaced by an equivalent impedance: Eq.(8-19) In general, the equivalent impedance ZEQ is a complex quantity of the form where R is the real part and X is the imaginary part. The real part of Z is called resistance and the imaginary part (X, not jX) is called reactance. Both resistance and reactance are expressed in ohms ( frequency ( ), and both can be functions of ). For passive circuits, resistance is always positive, while reactance X can be either positive or negative. A positive X is called an inductive reactance because the reactance of an inductor is L, which is always positive. A negative X is called a capacitive reactance because the reactance of a capacitor is , which is always negative. Combining Eqs.(8-18) and (8-19), we can write the phasor voltage across the kth element in the series connection as Eq.(8-20) 24 EXAMPLE 8-6 Fig. 8-8 The circuit in Fig. 8 - 8 is operating in the sinusoidal steady state with . (a) Transform the circuit into the phasor domain. (b) Solve for the phasor current I. (c) Solve for the phasor voltage across each element. (d) Construct the waveforms corresponding to the phasors found in (b) and (c) SOLUTION: (a) The phasor representing the input source voltage is Vs=35 0 . The impedances of the three passive elements are Using these results, we obtain the phasor-domain circuit in Fig. 8-9. 25 Fig. 8-9 (b) The equivalent impedance of the series connection is The current in the series circuit is (c) The current I exists in all three series elements, so the voltage across each passive element is (d) The sinusoidal steady-state waveforms corresponding to the phasors in (b) and (c) are 26 DESIGN EXAMPLE 8-7 AC Voltage Divider Design Fig. 8-10 Design the voltage divider in Fig. 8-10 so that an input vs=15 cos 2000t produces a steady-state output SOLUTION: Using voltage division, we can relate the input and output phasor as follows: 27 The phasor representation of the input voltage is Vs=15 0=15+j0. Using the identity COs(x-90 ), we write the required output phasor as Vo=2 -90 =0-j2. The design problem is to select the impedances Z1 and Z2 so that Solving this design constraint for Z1 yields Fig. 8-11 Evidently, we can choose Z2 and then solve for Z1. In making this choice, we must keep some physical realizability conditions in mind. In general, an impedance has the form Z=R+jX. The reactance X can be either positive (an 28 inductor) or negative ( a capacitor), but the resistance R must be positive. With these constraints in mind, we select Z2=-j1000 (a capacitor) and solve for Z1=7500+j1000 (a resistor in series with an inductor). Fig. 8-11 shows the resulting phasor circuit. To find the values of L and C, we note that the input is VS=15cos2000t hence, the frequency is =2000. The inductive reactance L=1000 requires L=0.5H , while the capacitive reactance requires -( or C=0.5 C)-1=-1000 F. PARALLEL EQUIVALENCE AND CURRENT DIVISION In Fig. 8-12 the two-terminal elements are connected in parallel, so the same phasor voltage V appears across the impedances Z1, Z2, ... ZN. Using the phasor element constraints, the current through each impedance is Ik=V/ZK. Next, using KCL, the total current entering the parallel connection is Eq.(8-21) 29 Fig. 8-12: Parallel connection of impedances The same phasor responses V and I exist when the parallel connected elements are replaced by an equivalent impedance. Eq.(8-22) These results can also be written in terms of admittance Y, which is defined as the reciprocal of impedance: The real part of Y is called conductance and the imaginary part B is called susceptance both of which are expressed in units of siemens (S). Using admittances to rewrite Eq.(8-21) yields Eq.(8-23) Hence, the equivalent admittance of the parallel connection is 30 Eq.(8-24) Combining Eqs.(8-23) and (8-24), we find that the phasor current through the kth element in the parallel connection is Eq.(8-25) Equation (8-25) is the phasor version of the current division principle. The phasor current through any element in a parallel connection is equal to the ratio of its admittance to the equivalent admittance of the connection times the total phasor current entering the connection. EXAMPLE 8-9 Fig. 8-13 The circuit in Fig. 8-13 is operating in the sinusoidal steady state with iS(t)=50cos2000t mA. (a) Transform the circuit into the phasor domain. 31 (b) Solve for the phasor voltage V. (c) Solve for the phasor current through each element. (d) Construct the waveforms corresponding to the phasors found in (b) and (c). SOLUTION: (a) The phasor representing the input source current is I S=0.05 0 A. The impedances of the three passive elements are Using these results, we obtain the phasor-domain circuit in Fig. 8-14. Fig. 8-14 (b) The admittances of the two parallel branches are 32 The equivalent admittance of the parallel connection is and the voltage across the parallel circuit is (c) The current through each parallel branch is (d) The sinusoidal steady-state waveforms corresponding to the phasors in (b) and (c) are 33 EXAMPLE 8-10 Fig. 8-15 Find the steady-state currents i(t), and iC(t) in the circuit of Fig. 8-15 for Vs=100cos2000t V, L=250mH, C=0.5 F, and R=3k ). SOLUTION: The phasor representation of the input voltage is 100 0 . The impedances of the passive elements are Fig. 8-16(a) shows the phasor-domain circuit. 34 Fig. 8-16 To solve for the required phasor responses, we reduce the circuit using a combination of series and parallel equivalence. Using parallel equivalence, we find that the capacitor and resistor can be replaced by an equivalent impedance 35 The resulting circuit reduction is shown in Fig. 8-16(b). The equivalent impedance EZQ1 is connected in series with the impedance ZL=j500. This series combination can be replaced by an equivalent impedance. This step reduces the circuit to the equivalent input impedance shown in Fig. 816(c). The phasor input current in Fig. 8-16(c) is Given the phasor current I, we use current division to find IC: By KCL, I=IC+IR, so that remaining unknown current is The waveforms corresponding to the phasor currents are Y TRANSFORMATIONS 36 Fig. 8-17: Y- and - connected subcircuits Circuits that cannot be reduced by series or parallel equivalence can be handled by a to the -to-Y or a Y-to- transformation. The same basic concept can be applied - and Y-connected impedances in Fig. 8-17. Replacing a -connected circuit by an equivalent Y, or vice versa, changes circuit connections so that series and parallel equivalence can again be used to reduce the circuit. The equations for the toy transformation are 37 Eq.(8-26) The equations for a Y-to- transformation are Eq.(8-27) Equations (8-26) and (8-27) have the same form as Eqs.(2-26) and (2-27), except that here they involve impedances rather than resistances. Derivation of the impedance equations uses the same approach given for resistance circuits in Chapter 2. It is important to remember that the Y and configurations are defined by electrical connections and not by the geometric shapes in the circuit diagram. That is, the circuit diagram does not have to show the circuits with geometric Y or shapes for the transformation equations to apply. Applying these transformation equations in phasor circuits involves manipulating complex numbers representing the impedances. While these manipulations are not conceptually difficult, they do involve a computational burden that generally outweighs any advantages gained by the resulting circuit simplification. In other 38 words, there are easier ways to deal with phasor circuits that cannot be solved by series and parallel equivalence. An important exception occurs in electrical power systems that are made up of interconnections of Y- or -connected circuits. Most often these circuits are balanced. A Y-or -connected circuit is said to be balanced when Z1=Z2=Z3=ZY or ZA=ZB=ZC=ZN. Under balanced conditions the transformation equations reduce to ZY=Z /3 and Z =3ZY. We make use of the balanced circuit transformation equations in the study of three-phase power systems in Chapter 14. EXAMPLE 8-12 Use a toy transformation to solve for the phasor current IX in Fig. 8-18. Fig. 8-18 39 SOLUTION: We cannot use basic reduction tools on the circuit in Fig. 8-18 because no elements are connected in series or parallel. However, if we replace either the upper delta (A, B, C) or lower delta (A, B, D) by an equivalent Y subcircuit, then we can apply series and parallel reduction methods. We choose to transform the upper delta because it has two equal resistors, which simplifies the transformation equations. The sum of the impedances in the upper delta is 100+j200 . This sum is the denominator in the expression in Eq.(8-26). Using the first expression in Eq.(8-26), we find the equivalent Y impedance connected at node A to be Using the second expression in Eq.(8-26), we obtain the equivalent Y impedance connected at node B: Using the third expression in Eq.(8-26), we obtain the equivalent Y impedance connected at node C: 40 Fig. 8-19 Fig. 8-19 shows the revised circuit with the equivalent Y inserted in place of the upper delta in Fig. 8-18. Note that the transformation introduces a new node labeled N in Fig. 8-19. The revised circuit in Fig. 8-19 can be reduced by series and parallel equivalence. The total impedance of the path NAD is 40-j100 The total impedance of the path NBD is 100+j20 . . These paths are connected in parallel, so the equivalent impedance between nodes N and D is The impedance ZND is connected in series with the remaining leg of the equivalent Y, so the equivalent impedance seen by the voltage source is 41 The input current shown in Fig. 8-19 is Given the input current, we work backward through the equivalent circuit to find the required current IX. To calculate IX, we need the voltage VAB between nodes A and B. To find VAB, we first calculate the voltage VCN as By KVL, VCN+VND=75 0 , therefore we can write The voltage VND appears across two parallel voltage dividers. Using voltage division, the voltages VAD and VBD are Using KVL, the voltage VAB , the unknown current IX is found to be 42