Day in the Life of the Hudson River 10/16/14 Data (Salt Front RM 65.9) RIVER MILE 97 Sojourner Truth/Ulster Landing State Park, Town of Ulster, Ulster Co. Latitude 42N, Longitude 7356’W Celia Cuomo, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Deanna Rizzo, Kingston High School APES 12th graders – 20 students, 4 adults GPS 42N - 7356 ‘W Location: Swimming beach, Sojourner Truth/Ulster Landing Park, Town of Ulster, Ulster County Area: Forested, fishing, swimming beach, has a building with restrooms Surrounding Land Use: Beach 25%; Forested area 75%; parkland with grass and picnic area Sampling Site: beach, altered bank with concrete bulkhead, Rip rap, brick pieces in the area, slag in the area, drainage from bulkhead north of site immediately Plants in water area: no plants Water depth: N/R River Bottom: sandy, muddy ITEM Time Reading 1 Reading 2 Comments Physical Air Temperature 9:39 AM 21.9C 71 F 20C 69 F 3 Beaufort 11:31 PM 21C 70F 10:17 AM Wind Speed 10:42 AM Cloud Cover Weather today Weather recently Water Temperature 11:40 AM Mostly cloudy Rain – light drizzle Mostly clear, humid Water Surface Turbidity long sight tube Calm 10:50 AM 55 cm Chlorophyll Chemical DO – meter *not working 9:53 AM 0.3 10:00 AM 10:31 AM 11:37 AM *mg/L *mg/L 10:09 AM 18.73C 66F Anemometer SE 8 mph 51-75% Mostly cloudy but calm 18.6C 20C 18.48 C % saturated pH - Time Salinity –LR quantabs 10:01 AM 11:41 AM 10:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:04 AM 10:36 AM Species Color Match Test Not read 8 8 40 ppm Cl43 ppm Cl36 mg/L ClNumber 11 21 0 10 2 1 Diversity 4 Time 9:25AM 9:48 AM 10:04 AM 10:18 AM Spottail Shiner Common Shiner 0 Herring Spottail Shiner Striped Bass Total Catch 45 Depth 25 cm 21 cm 19 cm 17.5 cm 10:28 AM 39 cm 10:40 AM 10:50 AM 11:32 AM 37 cm 35 cm 24 cm Time Cm/Sec 2 cm/12 min 2 cm/10 min 11 cm/42 min Cm/Sec 9:48 AM 9:55 AM 10:28 AM 11:32 AM 128 cm/30 sec 127 cm/30 sec 4.3 cm/sec 4.2 cm/sec N/S E/F/Still Ebb Ebb Ebb Ebb Color Red/Black/White N/S North Loaded/Light Loaded Red/Black/White Red/Black/White North North Loaded Loaded Fish Catch 27.5’seine X 3.5 X/1/8 inch mesh 9:45 AM #1 10:15 AM #2 11:45 AM #3 Grand Total Tides Currents Traffic Commercial Time 9:15 AM 9:41 AM 11:51 AM Recreational Name Mobile Pearl (Barge) Bouchard Barge & Tug Meter Test Average 7.14 8 7 72 ppm TS 78 ppm TS 65 ppm TS Length of largest 7.14 8 7.5 72 ppm total salinity average Seine # Diversity 2 Total 32 Diversity 3 Total 13 Rate Set 4 cm/23 min 2 cm/16 min 1.5 cm/14 min Falling/Rising Falling Falling Falling Stick fell and reset Falling Falling Falling 11:38 AM Other Items Core Sailboat White South People flying Canadian flag Bricks on beach, cowheads (water chestnut seeds), wood, seaweed (water celery), shell fragments, bugs on beach, deckweed, leaves, foam, crows Length Rare Common Abundant 11 cm Mud Sand