Day in the Life of the Hudson River 10/16/14 (Salt Front RM 69.5) RIVER MILE 23.5 Dobbs Ferry, Waterfront NY Stephen Fleming & Bill Livingston, EF Academy and 45 Junior Biology Students and 4 adults total (41.009253 -73.880438) Location: Dobbs Ferry, Half-Moon Restaurant waterfront south of Waterfront Park Area: South edge of parking lot of the Half Moon Restaurant Surrounding Land Use: Commercial Sampling Site: 10% beach at low tide, 70% rip rap, Shoreline: shore with bulkhead, area covered with vegetation Plants in area: Trees, bushes and grasses Water: Calm River Bottom: sandy/rocky ITEM Time Reading 1 Reading 2 Comments Physical - Air Temperature Time F C Average 18 18 19 19 Anemometer 4.8 m/s 3.5 m/s 4.5 m/s 18.5 Wind Speed: Cloud Cover 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 Time 14:53 15:15 15:30 Beaufort Clear (<25%) Partly Cloudy (2650%) Mostly Cloudy (5175%) Time Rain Describe All Day Y Light and moderate Direction S S S Overcast (>75%) All Day Precipitation Weather last 3 days Water Temperature Y Warm, wind and rainy Time ºC 14:31 17 14:35 14:40 19 19.5 ºF Average 18.5 Turbidity – long site tube 14:10 Chemical Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Average 37cm Time 36 cm mg/L 37 cm Water Temp 10 mg/L 19 36.3 cm % Saturation 105% 10 mg/L 7 mg/L 9 mg/L 7.5 19 20 20 105% 80% 95% 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Number 2 1 Longest 15 cm 33 cm DO (vernier data 14:35 logger) 14:45 13:15 pm 13:55 pm pH – color 10:02 am match test kit 13:37 7.5 13:55 7.5 14:15 7.6 Salinity quantab Fish Catch Time Seined 14:30 Seined 14:45 TOTALS Tides - Currents 14:32 14:45 15:03 Boat Traffic: Time 13:58 14:18 14:28 14:35 14:40 Feet 13:35 ID silverside American eel Diversity 2 Water height 24 cm 26 cm 29 cm 33 cm 35 cm cm cm/30 sec 100 100cm/30 sec 110 110cm/30 sec 100 100cm/30 sec Tug and Red Barge Totals 3 *Rate of change Base reading Rising Rising Rising Falling Cm/sec 33.3cm/sec 36.7cm/sec 33.3 cm/sec Northbound 0.1cm/sec 0.3 cm/sec 0.6 cm/sec 0.4 cm/sec N/S S S S