Snapshot Day 10/18/11 Data SCHOHARIE RIVER SITE RIVER MILE Middleburgh, NY Mollie Burgett, Middleburgh High School & students Location: On the Schoharie Creek by the Bridge Into Middleburgh ITEM Physical Air Temperature Wind Speed Cloud Cover Weather today Weather recently Water Temperature Turbidity Site tube Chlorophyll Chemical DO pH – FLOW (not current) Fish Time Reading 1 1:00 PM 19.88C #2 Beaufort Comments Mostly Clear, few clouds No rain Cold mornings, slight rain, recent events include Hurricane’s Irene and Lee 1:00 PM 12.52C 8.31 cm 0.4 1:00 PM 70% saturated 4.0 24.93 cm/sec 1 minnow 1 small crayfish No Macros Observations Reading 2 *Normally find hundreds but the turbidity was so low couldn’t see the bottom *Probably due to the lack of leaf litter bluejay 2 monarch butterfly's 1 yellow jacket crows, pigeons * Result of Irene & Lee