Snapshot Day 10/8/09 Data (Salt Front RM 60.3) RIVER MILE -7 Ft. Wadsworth Carol Williams, John Warren National Parks Service, NPNH Education Center Mrs. Bridgman - I.S. 27 – 8th grade, 31 students GPS latitude N40.60537 W 074.05367 Location: Battery Weed, just north of the Verrazano Bridge, Staten Island Area: Shoreline is rocky, banks are stone walls next to fort, collected wood/debris in the area Surrounding Area: 25% forested - historic fort next to the Verrazano Bridge River Bottom: Rocky Water Depth: Plants in water: no Tidal Shallows: ITEM Time Reading 1 Reading 2 Comments Physical Air Temperature Wind Speed Cloud Cover Weather Weather yesterday Water Surface Water Temperature Turbidity 11:53 AM Beaufort 4 Partly cloudy Nice, Windy low 60s 63 F 17.2 C East WATER CHOPPY 10:57 AM 113 cm 100 cm Average 105.6 cm 104 cm Chlorophyll Chemical DO pH Alkalinity Salinity 11:30 AM 0.3 Fish Catch Number Caught 1 Other Items Species Atlantic Silverside 4 inches 2 peregrines, two dozen brant, and the ship carrying the Dutch sloops home from the Quad celebrations on the river