Engineering & Technology Industry Council (ETIC) Plan for 2007-2009 Biennium IIFS October 7, 2006 Acknowledgement The presentation was presented jointly by Dean Dryden of PSU and Dean Adams of OSU to the Workforce Investment Board The content is from the ETIC proposals of the OSU university partners and OGI. Innovation Impacts All of Oregon’s Trade Sectors Software Ag./Wood Defense Semi conductors Electronics Medical Mfg. Equipment Infrastructure Energy Heavy Mfg. All Employ Engineers Goal: Grow Oregon’s Innovation Capacity & Ensure Prosperity Deliver more work-ready graduates to Oregon industry Increase research and link results to Oregon industry needs Help integrate K12-community collegeuniversity “pipeline” Strategy Build globally competitive education and research programs Grow OSU Engineering’s Innovation Capacity to Match Nation’s Top 25 Build PSU Engineering into a College of Choice for Talented Students Strengthen Engineering & Technology Programs Across the Oregon University System ETIC’s Culture is Key Asset Public-private collaboration Strategic planning to achieve measurable results for Oregon Entrepreneurial action to grow private and federal funding Accountability through regular industry review of “report cards” Successful Public-Private Leverage $45 $43.7 $40.9 Dollars in millions $40 $35 $30 Public $58M Total Private $100M Total $22.2 $25 $21.4 $20 $15 $10 $10.0 $5.0 $7.1 $8.5 $5 $0 '97-'99 '99-'01 '01-'03 '03-'05 Measurable Results University Partners: EOU, OHSU/OGI, OIT, OSU, PSU, SOU, UO, WOU Progress AY99 to AY05 Degrees grew to 1641 or 42% gain Research grew to $48.2M or 49% gain AY09 Forecast Grow Degrees to 2037 or 77% gain Grow Research to $87.7M or 170% gain Grow Oregon’s Innovation Capacity 2X: Double the Engineering Graduates Combined Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees AY99 Base- AY06 line Actual Gain EOU OHSU/OGI OIT OSU PSU SOU UO WOU Total 0 131 128 513 262 38 2 40 11 89 227 766 392 29 8 35 1,114 1,557 -32% 77% 49% 50% -24% 300% -13% AY09 Forecast 12 100 297 835 534 53 25 55 40% 1,911 Gain -24% 132% 63% 104% 39% 1150% 38% AY20 Forecast 20 160 390 1,000 669 102 80 65 Gain 22% 205% 95% 155% 168% 3900% 63% 72% 2,486 123% Grow Oregon’s Innovation Capacity 5X: Quintuple Research Funding Total Research ($M) AY99 AY09 Base- AY06 Foreline Actual Gain cast Gain EOU OHSU/OGI OIT OSU PSU SOU UO WOU Total 0.0 15.0 0.35 12.0 1.9 0.1 2.9 0.0 32.2 0.0 12.6 0.2 27.5 5.9 0.2 5.8 0.0 -16% -43% 129% 213% 50% 101% 0.05 16.0 0.45 40.0 12.5 0.2 9.0 0.1 7% 29% 233% 558% 100% 213% AY20 Forecast 0.1 24.0 0.65 120.0 28.3 0.3 15.0 0.25 Gain 60% 86% 900% 1389% 200% 421% 52.2 62% 78.3 143% 188.6 485% Investment Plan for 2007-2009 ETIC Base Budget: $22.28M Policy Option Package (POP): $35.54 University Partners: EOU, OHSU/OGI, OIT, OSU, PSU, SOU, UO, WOU OSU: $29.03M PSU: $4.81M UO: $0.6M Pre-Engineering: $1.1M Base + POP: $57.82M Private Leverage Goal: $85.21M ETIC and Oregon Innovation Council Impacts are Linked Oregon InC ETIC ONAMI Energy Systems Sensing & Visualization Materials Eng. Biological & Env. Systems Microfluidics & Biomedical Eng. Transportation & Infrastructure ONAMI Wave Energy Food Proc. ManuBiofac-turing based Res. Translational Res. & Drug Disc. Summary ETIC Plan Grows Innovation Capacity Delivers Engineers and research innovations focused on Oregon industry needs Combines Focused and State-Wide Elements Links to Oregon InC Recommendations Builds on Track Record of Results