Discoverer Tips regarding Page Items

Discoverer Tips regarding Page Items
Page items are found on the page axis (or Page Item) section of a Discoverer Report.
Each page item represents a column of data and contains a drop down list of values. Page
items restrict data displayed on the report to the value selected from the drop down box.
The way they work is similar to data ‘filters’ in Excel.
In the example 1 below, Project Number 125622 has been selected. All rows of data in
the lower portion of the report are transactions associated with that project. To view
transactions that belong to another project, select that project number from the drop down
box and the data in the lower portion of the report will change accordingly.
Note: If you have more than one page item, the data displayed is first filtered by the left
most page item first, then successively by each following page item to the right.
In example 1, a Major Budget Unit (MBU) was selected from the parameter screen.
When the report ran, all transactions for all projects belonging to the organizations that
belong to that MBU were selected and arranged according to the order in which the page
items were specified on the report. Because project number is the first page item, it
contains the complete list of project numbers from all the organizations in the MBU
selected. Once a single project number from the drop down box is selected, all you see in
the project name and carrying out org drop down boxes to the right are the values
associated with the project number selected.
Example 2 below contains the same data as example 1 above, but in this case the carrying
out org page item has been moved to the left most position on the page item bar and a
different carrying out org selected. This causes the list of projects in the project number
drop down box to change showing only those projects that belong to the selected carrying
out org.
Page items can be a very powerful tool for analyzing data. Because any page item can
become a column of data and any column of data can become a page item, you can
interchange them to help you filter or un-filter report data to meet your needs. For
example you can:
 Add a page item if you want to see data for one selected value at a time such
as an award, employee/vendor, etc.
 Pull down a page item to see all rows without the page item filter.
 Change the order of multiple page items to control how data is filtered.
To change the order of existing page items:
click in the left hand corner of the page item to select it,
hold down on the left mouse button,
drag it until you see a thick black next to the desired location, then release
To view a column of data in the lower portion of the report as a page item:
click on the column you wish to make a page item,
hold down on the left mouse button,
drag it up until you see a thick black next to the desired location on the page item
bar, then release
To see a page item as a column of data in the lower portion of the report:
click in the left hand corner of the page item you wish to lower,
hold down on the left mouse button,
drag the page item down until you see a thick black next to the desired location on
the column bar below, then release
NOTE: Page items are always available to you, whether or not you see the page item bar
on a report. If you run a report that does not show the page item bar, click View on the
menu, and select Page Items. The page item bar will appear and you can then drag one or
more columns up to the page item bar as desired.