Document 15080650

: 2010 - 2011
Menu Writing
Pertemuan 6
Menu Writing
Bina Nusantara University
Chapter objectives
Identify Basic Menu-writing Rules (all languages)
Identify German Spelling
Identify French Menu Spelling
Identify Standardized Recipes
Bina Nusantara University
• Goal: Uniform menu writing, suitable to modern times,
with correct spelling.
 Basic Menu-writing Rules (all languages)
Menu Language
The language should reflect the local language or the
language of the language of the guests.
Correct spelling is dependent on the rules in each
language. In addition, rules involving the spelling of
technical words apply.
Bina Nusantara University
National Dishes
National or regional specialties can appear in their original
language on the menu, especially such well-known dishes as
pizza, minestrone, bouillabaisse, and irish stew. If the dish is
not widely known or from a region or country with a different
writing style or even a different alphabet, the guest will
appreciate a translation or explanation. For example:
Borscht ( Beet soup)
Lesco (Hungarian vegetable stew)
Fiskebollars (Swedish fish balls)
Bina Nusantara University
Menu Text
The menu text is always addressed to one person only, even if it is a
banquet menu.
Singural: if the portion per person is one piece only, of if several
persons can be served from one large piece of food.
Brook trout meuniere
Leg of lamb, baker’s style
Plural: if at least two or more pieces of food are served to each person.
Perch fillets meuniere
Lamb cutlests, baker’s style
Green beans
Bina Nusantara University
Exceptions: Each language has words that are the same
singular or plural, for example:
German: Rosenkohl (brussels sprouts)
French: tournedos (tenderloin steak)
English: veal, venison
The basic rule is the menu must be clean and free of
Bina Nusantara University
 German Spelling
Chef in switzerland find it easier to write their
menus in French,the professional culinary language.
German translations are often clumsy and sound
 French Spelling
Professional chef in all over the world, generally
uses french language as basic menu writing. French
language is popular among chefs.
Bina Nusantara University
Writing Recipe
“ A recipe is a set of instructions for producing a
certain dish.” Wayne Gisslen.Professional Cooking. 2007
• Standard Recipe
standardized recipe is a set of instructions
describing the way a particular establishment
prepares a particular dish.” Wayne Gisslen. Professional
Cooking. 2007
Bina Nusantara University
The Structure of a standardized recipe
Recipe formats differ from operation to operation, but nearly all of
them try to include as much precise information as possible. The
following details may be listed:
Name of the recipe
Yield, number of portions, portion size
Ingredients and exact amounts, listed in order of use
Equipment needed, including measuring equipment, pan sizes,
portioning equipment, and so on
Directions for preparing the dish. Directions are kept as simple as
Preparation and cooking times
Directions for portioning, plating, and garnishing
Directions for breaking down the station, cleaning up, and storing
Bina Nusantara University
The Function of standardized recipes
An operation’s own recipes are used to control production.
They do this in two ways:
• They control quality. Standardized recipes are detailed and
specific. This is to ensure that the product is the same every time
it is made and served, no matter who cooks it.
• They control quantity. First, they indicate precise quantities for
every ingredient and how they are to be measured. Second, they
indicate exact yields and portion sizes, and how the portions are
to be measured and served.
Bina Nusantara University
Copyright ©1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Bina Nusantara University