Rachael Durrant - bibliography [DOC 28.00KB]

Durrant - Bibliography
Brown, N., Rappert B. & Webster A. (eds). 2000. Contested Futures: A Sociology of Prospective
Techno-Science. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Elzen, Boelie, Frank W. Geels, Cees Leeuwis, and Barbara van Mierlo. 2011. “Normative contestation
in transitions ‘in the making’: Animal welfare concerns and system innovation in pig husbandry.”
Research Policy.
Goodman, D, and MK Goodman. 2007. “Alternative food networks.” Encyclopedia of Human
Geography, pp. 1-25. Oxford: Elsevier.
Michaels, M. 2000. ‘Futures of the present: From performativity to prehension’, in Brown, N.,
Rappert B. & Webster A. (eds) Contested Futures: A Sociology of Prospective Techno-Science.
Aldershot: Ashgate.
Narberhaus, 2011. ‘Effective change strategies for the Great Transition: Five leverage points for civil
society organisations’. Conference background paper, Smart CSOs Conference, 14th-15th March
2011, London.
Schot, J. and Geels, F. 2008. “Strategic niche management and sustainable innovation journeys:
theory, findings, research agenda, and policy.” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 20:537554.
Seyfang, Gill, and Smith, A. 2007. “Grassroots innovations for sustainable development: Towards a
new research and policy agenda.” Environmental Politics 16:584-603.
Smith, A. 2006. “Green niches in sustainable development: the case of organic food in the United
Kingdom.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 24:439-458.
Smith, A. 2007. “Translating Sustainabilities between Green Niches and Socio-Technical Regimes.”
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 19:427-450.
Smith, A. 2010. Civil Society in Sustainable Energy Transitions. Draft chapter for the book: Verbong,
G. and D. Loorbach (eds) Governing the Energy Transition: reality, illusion, or necessity. Routledge.
Stirling, A. (Forthcoming). “From Sustainability, through Diversity to Transformation: towards more
reflexive governance of technological vulnerability.”
Sustainable Development Commission (2011a) ‘Looking Back, Looking Forward: Sustainability and UK
Food Policy 2000-2011’. London; SDC.
Truffer, Bernhard. 2003. “User-led Innovation Processes: The Development of Professional Car
Sharing by Environmentally Concerned Citizens.” Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science
Research 16:139-154.
Verheul, Hugo, and Philip Vergragt. 1995. “Social experiments in the development of environmental
technology: a bottom-up perspective.” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 7:315-326.