4th Grade- Reading Team Planning Guide 10/21 - 10/27 Essential Learnings: Reading: Develop and apply comprehension skills through exposure to a variety of texts. Writing: Compose to express personal ideas using a variety of forms using the traits of effective writing. Phonics: spell words with vowel pairs; specifically the –oy-, -oi-, -ow-, -ou- spelling patterns Fluency: Read with accuracy and expression at a rate of 100 to 124 words per minute. Vocabulary: Use context, word structure, and resources to read and understand vocabulary. Reading Mastery Objective(s): The students will be able to: 1. Write a reader’s response letter in their Reader’s Notebook after implementing independent reading practices. 2. Analyze elements of narrative texts to facilitate understanding and interpretation. 3. Determine important ideas and messages in literary texts. Whole and Small Group Instruction: Whole Group: Reading to be Informed Wednesday 10/21 – Lesson 6: Chapter Headings and Subheadings (FA#3) Thursday 10/22 – Lesson 7: Index (FA#4) Friday 10/23 – Lesson 9: Highlighting (FA#5) Monday 10/26 – Lesson 10: Summarizing (FA#6) Tuesday 10/27 – highlighting/ summarizing review Small Group Instruction Jan Richardson strategies for below, on, and above level reading groups Comprehension strategy: Questioning/S.T.P., using sticky notes to monitor comprehension Words Their Way sorts: 10 day cycle for the first sort to adjust to WTW in small group Fluency Focus: Pausing or stopping at punctuation marks Use passages: Boyz Rule and Girlz Rock series Spelling Words: Will be determined from the Words Their Way (Sort 6). Vocabulary: Will be determined by books used in small group instruction. Vocabulary word of the week: Independent Work/Centers: Independent reading Reader’s Response notebooks Words Their Way sorts Writing prompts (drafting/ brainstorming/ revising) Material/Resources: Selected texts for whole group lessons Leveled readers for small group Boyz Rule and Girlz Rock books for fluency Words Their Way books and sorts for phonics Independent reading books Reader’s notebooks Writing prompts Writing Focus: Drafting/ Editing/ Revising: Fables 10/21 – draft 10/22 – draft 10/23 – edit 10/26 – edit 10/27 - revise Writing Mastery Objective(s): The students will be able to: 1. Draft 2 paragraphs using transition phrases 2. Edit and revise for ideas and development and conventions 3. Use proper pencil grip, paper position, and posture to exhibit best handwriting practices. Math Focus: Action Items: - Determine WTW spelling homework Data Due Dates: Reminders: Planning template created by Highland Elementary School