Storytelling and Narrative Worksheet

Storytelling and Narrative Worksheet
 Does the game require a story, or is it entirely abstract? If it is abstract, would a
story add to or detract from its appeal?
 Can the story begin at the beginning of the game, or would the game benefit from
a back story as well?
 Will the story make use of the mono myth? Which elements? If not, what form
will it have?
 Will the story have a three-act structure or something else, and if so, what? Will it
be open-ended, leaving some plot threads unresolved?
 How will the plot be paced? Graph out the major points of crisis, climax, rest, and
 Will the game include narrative (that is, non-interactive) material? What role will
it play--an introduction, mission briefing, transitional material, a conclusion,
character definition? Is the narrative essential for the player to understand and
play the game?
 Will the narrative material be integrated seamlessly into the game play, or will it
be a separate screen or interface element? Will the player be able to interrupt or
ignore it?
 What form will the narrative material take? Pages in the manual? Introductory
text in the program? Movies? Cut-scenes?
 Will the story be multi-part? How will the plotlines be handled: as a series, a
serial, or episodically?