Document 15078971

: L0194 – Psikologi Kepribadian
: 2010
Social Cognitive Theory
Pertemuan 17
Who Is Albert Bandura?
Bina Nusantara
Humans are quite flexible and capable of learning multitude
of attitudes, skills, and behavior
• Direct Experience & Vicarious Learning/ Observational
• Enactive Learning
Bina Nusantara
Observational Learning
• Learn through observing the behavior of other people
• Reinforcement is not essential to learning
• The core is Modeling
Bina Nusantara
• Adding & subtracting from the observed behavior and
generalizing from one observation to another
• Involves cognitive process (more than just mimicry or
imitating)  symbolically representing information and
storing it for use in the future time
• Who is the model?
^ Characteristics of models are important
^ Characteristics of observer
^ The consequences of behavior being modeled
Bina Nusantara
• Proses:
- Attention
sering dilihat, menarik, konsekuensi yg
- Representation
simbolik dalam otak, infancy, verbal n non
- Behavioral production
to produce.. We ask: How, what, Am I?
- Motivation
facilitating the performances
Bina Nusantara
Enactive Learning
• Complex human behavior can be learned when people
think about and evaluate the consequences of their
• Fungsi konsekuensi respons:
– Info efek perilaku untuk pandu aksi berikutnya
– Motivate our anticipatory behavior
– Reinforce behavior
Bina Nusantara
Triadic Reciprocal Causation
• Human action is a result of an interaction among:
Bina Nusantara
• Chance Encounter
– Unintended meeting of person unfamiliar each other
– Not uncontrollable
• Fortuitous Event
– Maslow with Bertha Goodman
– Bandura with Psychology
“chance favors only the prepared mind”
Bina Nusantara
Human Agency
• People are self regulating, proactive, self reflective, self
organizing and have power to influence their own action
to produce desire consequences
• It’s not: possess homunculus and react automatically
• It is: active process of exploring, manipulating,
influencing the environment to attain desired outcomes
Bina Nusantara
Human Agency (Continue…)
4 core feature:
a. intentionality
expectation/ prediction and proactive commitment
b. Forethought
set goals, anticipate likely outcomes of their actions
c. Self-reactiveness
plan & contemplate future behavior and monitoring
d. Self-reflectiveness
Examine their own function  Self Efficacy
Bina Nusantara
Self Efficacy
“people’s beliefs in their capability to exercise some
measure of control over their own functioning and over
environmental events”
Efficacy expectation ≠ outcomes expectation
Bina Nusantara
Self Efficacy (continue…)
Self Efficacy vs Responsiveness
of environment:
Try to change
(protest, social
Or seek
too difficult)
Bina Nusantara
Self Efficacy (continue…)
4 sources:
1. Mastery experiences (most influencial sources)
Past performance
2. Social Modeling
Vicarious learning by other people
3. Social Persuasion
The person must belive the persuader
4. Physical & emotional states
Bina Nusantara
Relax & reduce of anxiety
Self Efficacy (Continue…)
• Proxy Agency
• Relying on others who had more potential
• Cud weaken personal & collective efficacy
• Collective Efficacy
• People’s shared beliefs in their collective power to
produce desired results
Bina Nusantara
Self Regulation
High level of Self Efficacy + confident in their reliance on
proxies + possess solid collective efficacy  capacity to
regulate their own behavior
Bina Nusantara
Proses Self Regulation
• Possess limited ability to manipulate the external factors
• People are capable of monitoring their own behavior &
evaluating it in terms of both proximate & distant goals
• Behavior, stem from reciprocal influence of both
Bina Nusantara
Self Regulation (continue…)
• External Factors
– Provide a standard for evaluating our own behavior
– Provide the means for reinforcement
• Internal Factors
– Self Observation
– Judgemental process (depend on personal standards, referential
performances, valuation of activity, performance attribution
– Self reaction
Bina Nusantara
Self regulation through moral agency
• Doing no harm to people
• Proactively helping people
Selective activation
Disengangement of internal control
Bina Nusantara
• Redefine the behavior
– Cognitive restructuring
– Such as: moral justification , palliative comparison, euphemistic labels
• Disregard or distort the consequences of behavior
– Minimize the consequences
– Disregard the consequences
– Distort the consequences
• Dehumanize or blame the victims
• Displace or Diffuse responsibility
Bina Nusantara