
Lec 2: More Advanced
Commands (Ch3)
AutoCAD on Campus
• Four copies in Back Row of BC208 Lab
Business/Computer science building, 2nd floor
4 computers on left side of row
Hours: 8:30 AM to 10PM Mon-Thur
Log in engr2, mpcls drop box is available
• One copy in LS103 (Look for CRT display)
– Open 8am – 8 pm usually
• Four copies in PS205, back wall, on right
Next Week
• Bring in a #2 pencil (or mechanical)
• Eraser
• Straight Edge
• Hints on Assignment 1
– Scaling linetype
• Practice using OSNAP
– Angle Bisectors, Perpendicular Bisectors
• Work on Problems Ex-1 and Ex-3
• Grips: Move/Rotate/Scale/Mirror
• Adding text
– Blocks and Layers
– Title Blocks and Attributes
• Each drawing must have your name in it
• I will grade only 1 exercise each week
– Picked at random
• Put all your files into a folder called
A2YourName (where 2 is the assign #)
Compress the folder (.zip file)
Drop into Drop Box
Also Print Each Drawing in B&W, staple, hand in
• Late homework 30% off
Hints on Assignment 1
• Check A1.doc download for hints to last
weeks assignment
• Some practice time
– (advanced students can read through OSNAP
description and start on assignment 2)
• Linetype Scale
LineType Scale (use on Ex 2-15)
• Centerline dashes are too small for mm units
• Example:
• Set up mm drawing, 240x180 limit, zoom all
• Draw a large circle in center
• Bring up dimension toolbar
– Dimension Style > Modify > Symbols and Arrows
– Choose Center Line, OK, draw center mark…look good?
• To Fix
Format>LineTypes>Show Details> Global Scale Factor = 20
Go back to Dimension Style and Change Center Line Size =2
Retry…should look better
Change circle line property to CenterLine…should be OK too
OSNAP—life made easy
• We have SNAP…locks cursor onto grid pts
• OSNAP locks cursor onto object parts
– Endpoint (of line), Center (of circle), etc etc
• Turn ON: click OSNAP
• Modify: R-click OSNAP> settings
– Check box you wish to use
– Click Options and slider lets you set pull in range
• Better: Activate Object Snap toolbar
OSNAP Endpoint
• Endpoint– (turn OFF Grid and Snap)
– draw line (enter), another line, hover by end
– click when symbol appears
– Draw line
• Endpoint extension—
– Start Line, hover over endpoint to lock on
– Drag cursor away along extension…dashed line
– Type in distance and draw line
OSNAP Snap From
• Lets you move or resize easily
• Click on line, click on blue midpoint
– Drag to move line, click to anchor
• Click on line, click on blue endpoint
– Lets you move line’s endpoint
• Circle: Lets you move center or resize radius
OSNAP Midpoint & Intersection
• Draw a circle centered at the midpoint of a line
– OSNAP Settings, check Midpoint
– Start circle, hover near midpoint of line, click and draw
• Draw an ellipse: Start with this
– Construct rectangle, bisecting lines
– Ellipse, click left side midpt, then
right…bottom then top
OSNAP – Apparent Intersection
• Draw a circle at the apparent
Intersection of 2 lines
– Draw the 2 lines
– Click circle, click on snap to intersection
• Click on 1st line, click on 2nd, circle center is placed
OSNAP – Perpendicular
• Draws a line perpendicular to another
– Draw line, start another
– Click snap perp, click on 1st line
• Move mouse to desired position
Perpendicular Bisector
• Draw line1. Draw Line 2
using OSNAP Perp
anywhere on line1. Enter.
• Click on line2, then the
blue center point
• Center (of a circle)
• Nearest (can’t figure out!)
• Tangent
• Every drawing should have your name in it!
• Single Line—text option on draw menu
– Specify start, height, rotation angle
• Multi Line—text option on draw toolbar
– Lets you select a region where text will be
– Dialogue to format, etc.
• The dots that appear when you click on an
– Can extend lines, move,
– Rotate, scale, mirror
• See p78-81
• Let you save complex shapes for reuse later
• Create-block on draw toolbar
– Select object, name it, pick point, OK
• Insert-block on draw toolbar
– Select name of object, position object in
We are skipping
• Layers, splines, polylines
• Ogee curve, parabola, hyperbola, spiral,
• Feel free to explore Chapter 3 on your own
Next Week
• Bring in a #2 pencil (or mechanical)
• Eraser
• Straight Edge