CSIS 82 Tutorial: Linux Web Server & Security Basics Gagne Ch20,23,24 Terms: Apache Web Server: SSL: Packet filtering: A program that handles web traffic Secure socket layer, secures web site for e-commerce Technique of denying access to specific services from different network addresses Disable Firewall su - (type your root password) # chkconfig iptables off # service iptables stop OR: if you prefer gui tool: 1) Go to Main > System Settings > Security Level 2) Type root password 3) Choose Security Level > 'Disable firewall' Apache Web Server can be compiled and installed manually, but is already on our system login as supersuser su apachectl stop stop [start] web server open browser, enter http://xx.lobosmpc.org where xx is your hostname, appears at unix prompt you get a test page cd /var/http/www/html and backup index.html, then change httpd the apache daemon chkconfig --list | grep httpd what runlevel it runs on chkconfig --level 5 httpd on turn on for runlevel 5 httpd -V shows where apache files are /etc/httpd/conf location of config -D DEFAULT_XFERLOG= /var/log/httpd location of log file vi httpd.conf to activate different web services, control access, set directories of web pages more /var/log/httpd/log* to see activity Controlling Access to your Machine using TCP Wrappers log in to your neighbors machine using ssh and ftp xinetd master daemon for certain services (ftp, ssh, finger, POP, IMAP (mail)) /etc/hosts.allow put daemon list: client list for all allowed or ALL: ALL /etc/hosts.deny "" denied or ALL: ALL service xinetd restart restart the xinetd daemon deny for ALL:ALL and see if new ssh and ftp can be made try to specify IP#s only services that will be blocked are in /etc/xinetd.d check failed ssh logs in /var/logs/secure and wrapped by TCP wrapper /usr/bin/tcpd Firewall Management /usr/sbin/lokkit enable/disable rules GUI: SystemSettings>Security Level menu File Encrypting circumvent sniffers sniffit at reptile.rug.ac.be Clear text applications: telnet, mail, ftp Public key systems: ssh, sftp Pretty Good Privacy, PGP and GnuPGP www.gnupgp.org also need gmp or GNU MP SSL Apache server: get apache package from www.apache.org/httpd.html or and mod_ssl from www.modssl.org/source Checking for vulnerabilities nmap -sT terra.mpc.cc.ca.us Checking for intruders tripwire