CST334 Tutorial Sheet 4 Chapter 4 SECURITY & FILE PERMISSIONS FILE ACCESS PERMISSIONS -- only the user (owner) of a file can change 1. find out the access codes for a file: ls -l 2. example access codes, who has permission to read write and execute: 3. change the access permission for a file: chmod cntrl file cntrl is a combination of field selector (u,g,o,a) change specifier ( +, -, =) and access (r, w, x) For example: ug+w turns on write access for user and group, other permissions are unchanged ug=w sets user and group access to write only. all other permission is disabled a=rx Sets read and execute permission for all -- user, group, and other 4. turn off all access to a file for group and others: chmod go= file 5. turn off read access to a file for user: (access field is blank) chmod u-r file 6. turn on read, write, and execute permission for group: chmod g+rwx, or chmod g=rwx 7. verify changes to access permission: ls -l ================================ DIRECTORY ACCESS PERMISSIONS 8. show the access permission of a directory ls -ld 9. visit trebold's home directory: cd ~trebold 10. access to allow ONLY listing the contents of a directory: r-11. access to allow listing and reading the files in a home directory, but not write: r-x =================================== LINKING FILES – Hard Links: ln Soft Links: ln –s (soft are like shortcuts in Microsoft) 12. create a hard link to a file: ln old_file new_link 13. create a soft link to a file: ln –s old_file new_link ln bio bio.lnk ln –s bio bio.slnk