CST334 TUTORIAL SHEET 2 1. BASIC FILE MANIPULATION INTRO TO UTILITIES (commands are in bold, arguments are in italics) Copy a file cp old_file new_file Print a file Look at the top of a file head file Display a file in alphabetical order sort file Test a file's contents file file_name Re name a file mv old_name new_name Search a file for 'hello' grep 'hello' file Look at the end of a file Compare two files diff f1 f2 Delete a file rm file 2. MISCELLANEOUS echo Repeats whatever you type-- for reasons to be explained later date gives you the time and date cat Concatenate--displays multiple files sequentially without interruption (cat f1 f2 f3 ) Allows you to merge several files into one (cat f1 f2 f3 > f_all) ( more about > later) 3. BASIC FILE COMPRESSION Compress a file gzip -v file Uncompress a file gunzip file Check what type a file is file file_name Tells you how much it compressed 4. FINDING UTILITIES AND HELP Tell which version of a utility you are using Where other versions may exist Find utilities that can help you with a task Two ways to get information on a utility Select a menu item in info Auto-Completion which utility (example which ls, which gzip) whereis utility apropos utility man utility, or info utility M, first letters, tab-key completes tab-key (In general, completes your file names) 5. COMMUNICATING ONLINE Find out who is logged in who or w Send a message to a user's screen write user_ID (for example mpc80aXX) Reply to someone else's message write their_user_ID Stop a communicating session ^D Stop people from displaying messages on your screen (*exercise) mesg n 6. EMAIL Find out if you have any message pine Check your in box i (index) Read a message Highlight message with arrow, then type enter. Send a message c (compose) Save an attachment > (view attachment) Attach a file ^j enter file name Return to menu m LABORATORY Always read the response on the next line after you type a command! If you get an error, you must redo the command. CHECK YOUR SPELLING Log into mlc104 make three copies of your bio file: bio1, bio2, bio3 Change the name of bio3 to bio.old Read the Unix manual entry on Joe Edit bio2 using Joe With one keystroke, delete the second line Save the buffer to file: bio.mod Exit Joe List the contents of your directory Display the contents of your new file Compare the two files bio and bio.mod (diff) Concatenate the contents of file bio and food, and put into bio.mrg Delete bio1 and bio2 copy a file from the group directory cp ../trebold/cst334/mars.txt . (. is important!) Examine (read) the file mars.txt Compress the file mars.txt (how much did you compress?) Check the type of contents using the file command Un-Compress the file and then display using cat. Did it change? Start a dialogue with your neighbor using write Send an email to your neighbor using pine When you are finished, you can get assignment 2 by typing Exit Unix by using the exit command never just kill ssh unless Unix is not responding Log out from your PC