CSIS 1: What Next? Education Career Outlook Follow your interests@MPC 1 Some Computer Degrees Four Year Two Year (MPC) Computer Science Computer Technology LAN Administrator Computer Information LAN Tech (Cisco) Systems or Science Computer Engineering Software Applications Software Engineering Web Development BioInformatics 2 Computer Science theory and foundations programming languages (C++, Java) data structures graphics and visualization algorithms operating systems software engineering modeling and simulation numerical methods parallel programming automata, databases Networks AI 3 Computer Information Science • Management and business legacy systems – mainframes, COBOL, RPG • application development for Windows – Visual C++ and Visual Basic, spreadsheets, etc. • large management information systems • database systems – accounting, inventory, payroll, personnel, and sales 4 Jobs and Background CS CIS Extensive Math: Not as Math heavy: calculus, linear algebra, statistics, and numerical analysis Calculus and statistics, linear algebra? Jobs: Jobs: technology, engineering, scientific management, business, web Entry: Programmer/Analyst, Entry: Marketing, sales, R&D support, software development customer support, systems design, development, cost analysis, and performance evaluation 5 Some Computer Jobs System/Network Administrator Software Application Developer Web Designer Database Administrator Computer Support Specialist Game Developer 6 BLS estimates there were 3.3 million IT workers in 2000 • Computer and information systems managers • Computer specialists - Computer programmers Computer scientists and systems analysts Computer software engineers Database administrators Computer support specialists Network and computer systems administrators Network systems and data communications analysts - All other computer specialists - Computer hardware engineers 7 Job Projections Differ • • • • • • Sargent: adequacies of S&E workforce Horrigan: future of work Watching the jobs go by Careers in Engineering BLS Occupational Outlook 2002-2012 BLS Industry Outlook 2002-2012 8 Keep Exploring at MPC If you like Check out (this Fall) Networking PC Hardware HTML JavaScript Programming CSIS 76 Cisco Certificate, etc CSIS 75 PC Repair CSIS 77 Web Development CSIS 62 Web Animation CSIS 10A C++ /10B Data Struct CSIS 55 Visual Basic CSIS 56 Java (Spring) CSIS 51A Bus. Database (Spring) 9 CSIS 50 Software Apps Database Applications Keep Exploring at MPC If you like Check out (this Fall) Robots ENGR 50 Robotics MATE 55 Submersible Tech MATE 296.6 ROV Competition FuturePrediction ENGL 38 More or Less than Human? (On-line class) (films and lit) 10 MPC Transfer Courses CS Transfer CIS Transfer CSIS 10A C++ CSIS 10B Data Struct C++ CSIS 11 Computer Arch CSIS 56 Java CSIS 80 Unix CSIS 40 Discrete Math MATH 20 series (Calc) PHYS 3 series? ENGR 17 Matlab? CSIS 50 Software Apps CSIS 51C DataBase CSIS 55 Visual Basic CSIS 56 Java CSIS 75 PC Repair CSIS 80 Unix CSIS 83 Network Op Sys 11 MPC Certificates Computer Tech Software Apps CSIS 1 CSIS 10A/55/56 (pick 2) CSIS 50 Software Apps CSIS 75 PC Repair CSIS 76 Cisco Certificate CSIS 80 Unix CSIS 83 Network Op Sys CSIS 172 LAN Server + 1 of 2 options CSIS 10A C++ CSIS 50 Software Apps CSIS 55 Visual Basic CSIS 71 PC Operation CSIS 77 Web Publishing CSIS 83 Network Op Sys BUSI 20 Intro to Business + electives 12