Athens Technical College Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Athens, GA March 16, 2010 10:30 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Ms. Patricia Barron Mr. Bill Cabaniss Mr. Vince Dooley Mr. Stephen Felker, Jr. Mr. Don Fortson, Vice Chair Mr. Ed Geddings Mr. Scott Hardigree Ms. Carol Williams MEMBERS ABSENT Mr. Kenny Beck Mr. Fred Boatwright Mr. Frank Christa, Chair Ms. Pet Williams GUESTS Mr. Walter E. Wellborn, Branch Manager of W. W. Grainger, Inc. Ms. Daphne Joslyn, 2010 GOAL Winner Ms. Stefanie Mataski and Ms. Miranda Carter, 2010 GOAL Finalists Ms. Tina Grile, Nominating Instructor for GOAL Finalist Dr. Ellen O’Keefe, Nominating Instructor for GOAL Winner Dr. Kelly Lockerman, 2010 Perkins Award Winner Dr. Carol Miller and Dr. Jackie Wilson, 2010 Perkins Award Finalists CALL TO ORDER/WELCOME Vice Chair Don Fortson called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. welcoming everyone to the March Board Meeting. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Mr. Fortson asked Dr. Larry Siefferman to introduce the first guest for the March meeting. Dr. Siefferman introduced Mr. Walter Wellborn, Branch Manager for W. W. Grainger, Inc. In 2008 Mr. Wellborn came to Athens Technical College with “Tools for Tomorrow” scholarship funds from the Grainger Foundation. In that year a student at Athens Technical College was awarded a scholarship. In November 2009, Mr. Wellborn awarded two more students with “Tools for Tomorrow” scholarships. Each student receives a $2,000 scholarship and upon graduation receives a Westward tool kit. Mr. Wellborn spoke about W. W. Grainger, Inc. which is a local distributor of maintenance, repair, and operating products for businesses. Grainger has been in Georgia for seventy-five years and in Athens since 1995. They have a network of over 420 branches and distribution centers nationwide. The “Tools for Tomorrow” program began in 2006 and has grown to over 100 scholarships in 2009. Local Board Meeting March 16, 2010 Page 2 of 5 Mr. Wellborn presented Dr. Tydings with a $5,000 check from the Grainger Foundation to the Legacy Campaign for the purchase of seats at the Coggins Center in Elberton. A photo was taken of the check presentation. Mr. Fortson asked Ms. Andrea Daniel to introduce the second guest for the March meeting. Topic: “2010 GOAL Winner, Daphne Joslyn”. Ms. Daniel introduced the 2010 GOAL Finalists including Ms. Stefanie Mataski from the Dental Hygiene Program, nominated by Ms. Tina Grile and Ms. Miranda Carter from the Physical Therapist Program, nominated by Dr. Ellen O’Keefe. Mr. Rob Van Eman, from the Networking Program and Business Program, nominated by John Haley and Terry Wehunt, is also a finalist but he could not join us today. Ms. Daniel presented the students with a gift card from the book store. Ms. Daniel introduced Ms. Daphne Joslyn who has been selected as the 2010 Athens Technical College GOAL Winner. Ms. Joslyn is in the Physical Therapy Program. She has bachelors and masters degrees in architecture from Savannah College of Arts and Design and a master’s degree in landscape architecture from the University of Georgia. Ms. Joslyn will represent us in Atlanta at the state competition. Ms. Joslyn presented her GOAL statement and explained how technical education has helped her. Her career objectives include executing the American Physical Therapy Association’s moto of moving forward by helping people with injuries or disabilities to achieve their goals and abilities. She would like to establish wellness and rehabilitation programs for senior citizens. Mr. Fortson asked Dr. Joyce Sansing to introduce the last guest for the March meeting. Topic: “2010 Perkins Award Winner, Dr. Kelly Lockerman, Instructor for Veterinary Technology Program”. Dr. Sansing introduced the 2010 Perkins Award finalists, Dr. Jackie Wilson from the Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Program and Dr. Carol Miller from the Veterinary Technology Program. Dr. Sansing introduced Dr. Kelly Lockerman who has been selected as the 2010 Athens Technical College Perkins Award Winner. Dr. Lockerman has been the Clinical Director of the Veterinary Technology Program since 2002 and has been a Perkins Award finalist twice already. She will represent us in Atlanta at the state competition. Dr. Lockerman presented her Perkins Award statement. She first began practicing veterinary medicine at an emergency vet hospital where she realized there was no formal education for people working there. She looked for a solution to this problem and found it at Athens Technical College’s Veterinary Technology Program. Students are able to study in the classroom and outside the classroom by working at shelters, hospitals, Humane Societies, and state rescue facilities. She is currently working on obtaining her certificate in dog acupuncture. Local Board Meeting March 16, 2010 Page 3 of 5 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Fortson called for approval of the February minutes for the Local Board. After reviewing, there were no changes. Patricia Barron made a motion to approve the minutes and Vince Dooley seconded the motion with the remainder of the board in agreement. The minutes were approved. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Ms. Kathryn Thomas presented the Budget Amendments. The Budget Amendments include a continuation of a DFACS Training Grant from the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) along with an additional grant from Athens-Clarke County for a Green Jobs Skills Training Grant. Ms. Thomas asked for approval of the Budget Amendments. Carol Williams made a motion to approve the Budget Amendments and Scott Hardigree seconded the motion with the remainder of the board in agreement. The Budget Amendments were approved. Ms. Thomas presented the Financial Report as of February 28, 2010. Our local revenue has already generated $8,467,300 which is 122% of our anticipated revenue. This is due to our enrollment increase which has not been added to the budget yet. Once it has been added to the budget, it will put us at about 65%. STUDENT AFFAIRS Ms. Andrea Daniel reported on Student Affairs. Dr. Tydings is working with Athens-Clarke County School Superintended Dr. Phillip Lanoue regarding moving our Adult Education Department to the H. T. Edwards Building in Athens. Before being outsourced, the S.O.A.R. Academy was occupying the building. Our Adult Ed will occupy the bottom floor of the building. Honor’s Day is May 13th at 11:00 a.m. Graduation will be June 11th at the Classic Center. GED graduation begins at 4:00 p.m. Assistant Commissioner, Lisa Eason, will be the speaker. Regular graduation will begin at 7:30 p.m. State Chairman, Dean Alford, will be the keynote speaker. Last week 115 students attend Tech on Tuesdays. The Associate Degree Nursing Program has 321 qualified applicants. We can only accept fifty into the program. Local Board Meeting March 16, 2010 Page 4 of 5 PRESIDENT'S REPORT Dr. Tydings presented the President’s Report. She handed out the state revenue report for February. State revenue was down 9.9%. We do not know the extent of our cuts yet. Dr. Tydings handed out the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Legislative Update. This is the 40th day of session. The House is supposed to meet on our carryover legislation today in which we are asking to be allowed to carry over up to 15%. We are also asking to carry over tuition Dr. Tydings handed out information on “Move on When Ready” which is an initiative passed into legislation with House Bill No. 149 last year. It will go into effect July 1, 2010. High school students who meet all of the criteria will be allowed to attend college while still in high school. Students who fail college classes will also fail high school which is different from dual enrollment. Colleges will have to accept the high school students. Dr. Tydings handed out a quarter to semester conversion calendar which has been approved by the state board. There will be a transition term for five weeks during the Summer of 2011. We are going to provide counseling and career advisement planning for students to ensure they finish when they need to. There will also be a conversion table available to help students. The state is buying a new advisement program to replace Banner Cap. The new program will work better with the semester system and will be more user friendly. The University of Georgia is also buying the new program. Dr. Tydings handed out a board member term appointment/reappointment chart. Frank Christa rolls off the board in June. He has helped find a replacement for his position. Dr. Mixon Robinson with Athens Orthopedic has agreed to join the board. The local board bylaws have been revised and adopted at the state level. Dr. Tydings handed out the draft of the revisions and the new bylaws which include the revisions. She will be making a presentation tomorrow to the Walton County Board of Commissioners asking them for continued support of the Walton County Career Academy (WCA). The have been providing $25,000 in support for our existence at the WCA. Since the WCA will no longer reside in the facility she will be asking the board to give the money directly to Athens Technical College for costs of residency in the facility. She will also be asking for an additional $5,000 in support. Local Board Meeting March 16, 2010 Page 5 of 5 Dr. Tydings handed out the 2010 Fact Book and Board Directory. The MOU has been sent to the state board for approval of the Adult Education move to the new facility. We will provide security at the facility. Our “green” programs will move to the Job Quest Center across the street once Adult Education has moved. We have sent the MOU for the Yellow Freight Building to the state board for approval. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business, Vice Chair Fortson adjourned the meeting with appropriate motion and second at 11:45 a.m. Lunch was served immediately following the meeting. _______________________________________ Flora W. Tydings, President Rebecca Allen Administrative Assistant 3/16/10 Next scheduled Board Meeting: April 20, 2010. * Denotes action items that require a vote for approval by the local board.