Part III: Project Components and Point Values 1. Group Presentation (20 points) - Overall presentation is a group grade, and will be evaluated on the quality of general delivery. 2. Individual Contribution (25 points) - All slides/photos/shots, etc. that you individually create for the presentation will be evaluated on degree of subject mastery, mechanics, and clarity. 3. Subtopic Timeline (10 points) - To demonstrate depth of understanding of your chosen subtopic, you will turn in a timeline depicting five significant events related to your subtopic. 4. Graphic Organizer (10 points) - You will receive credit for the graphic organizer sheets filled in during the research phase. You must have a minimum of five graphic organizer pages to earn all ten points. 5. Test Questions (5 points) - Each group will write five analytical questions (multiple choice, true/false, or short answer) about the topic presented as a contribution to the student-written culminating assessment. An answer key must also be provided to receive all five points. Part IV: Rubrics Group Presentation – 20 points Synthesis 5 Organization Elocution Presentation clearly and effectively synthesizes subtopics, giving the audience a vivid, in-depth understanding of the topic. Presentation clearly synthesizes subtopics into one larger concept. Students present information in a logical sequence which enhances the overall message and is easily followed. Presentation of subtopics is generally synthesized into one larger concept, with a few missing connections to help the audience see the “big picture”. Subtopics are poorly synthesized into one larger concept, leaving audience members to connect the ideas on their own. Presentation seems like an assortment of unrelated topics, and synthesis of subtopics is largely nonexistent, leaving the audience mostly confused. Students present information in a logical sequence which the audience can mostly follow. Students’ voices are projected and clear, they pronounce all words correctly, speak at a rate effective for note-taking and understanding. Students’ voices are clear, they pronounce most words correctly, speak at a rate appropriate for notetaking, and project enough for all audience members to hear. Students’ voices are clear, and project enough for most audience members to hear, but pronounce some words incorrectly and speak a bit too fast for note-taking. Students mumble, are too fast for note-taking, and speak too quietly for students in the back to hear. 4 3 2 1 _______ / 20 Students present information in a logical, interesting sequence which the audience can follow. Audience has difficulty following presentation because students jump around. Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no logical sequence of information. Students mumble, incoherently pronounce terms, are too fast for note-taking and speak too quietly for students in the back to hear. Grammar, Usage & Mechanics Presentation has no spelling or grammatical errors. Presentation has two spelling and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has three spelling and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has four spelling and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has at least five spelling and/or grammatical errors. Individual Contribution – 25 points 5 Ideas & Development Has relevant and complete support and elaboration to enhance ideas. 4 Has relevant and complete support and elaboration to develop ideas. 3 Has adequate support and elaboration for ideas, but may leave some points underdeveloped. 2 Has incomplete or unclear support and elaboration for the development of ideas. 1 Support and elaboration of ideas is inadequate. _______ / 25 Organization Subject Knowledge Eye Contact Slides adhere to the 5x5 rule, and information is well organized and effectively presented to engage the audience and aid in their understanding. Slides follow the 5x5 rule, and generally present the information in an effective way. Presenter is comfortable with the information, demonstrates a mastery of the subject, and is able to elaborately answer all audience questions. Presenter consistently maintains eye contact with audience, keeping the audience engaged. Graphics are engaging, and explain and enhance text and presentation. Presenter is comfortable with the information, demonstrating an understanding of the subject, and is able to completely answer all audience questions Presenter is mostly at ease with expected answers to all questions, but with little to elaboration. Presenter maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes. Graphics are related to the text and presentation. Presenter maintains eye contact most of the time, frequently relying on notes. Graphics are generally related to the text, but sometimes raise confusion or distraction for the audience. Presenter is uncomfortable with the information and is able to answer only rudimentary audience questions. Presenter occasionally uses eye contact while reading almost all of the presentation. Graphics rarely support text and presentation. Presenter does not have a grasp of the information and cannot answer audience questions. Presenter reads entire presentation from the board with no eye contact. Graphics are superfluous graphics or there are no graphics at all. Slides mostly follow the 5x5 rule, but sometimes leave the audience with little understanding about the information presented. Slides do not follow the 5x5 rule, and are poorly organized, leaving the audience to decipher the information themselves. Slides do not follow the 5x5 rule, are disorganized, unfocused, and incoherent, leaving the audience confused. Graphics Timeline – 10 points TOTAL: ______ / 10 Events on the timeline receive two points each for (1) correct sequence of events which are (2) both relevant and significant to the subtopic researched for the project. Event 1: ____/2 Event 2: ____/2 Event 3: ____/2 Event 4: ____/2 Event 5: ____/2 Graphic Organizers – 10 points TOTAL: ______ / 10 A minimum of ten notecards are legible, thorough, and correctly formatted. If more than ten notecards are turned in, only ten will be graded. You may not choose which notecards will be graded. Notecard #1 ___ #6 ___ #2 ___ #7 ___ #3 ___ #8 ___ #4 ___ #9 ___ #5 ___ #10 ___ Test Questions – 5 points TOTAL: ______ / 5 Five test questions receive one point each for being sufficiently challenging and analytical in nature, including an answer key. Include 2 multiple choice, 2 true/false, and 1 short-answer questions (questions requiring a one-three word response). Question 1: ___ Question 2: ___ Question 3: ___ Question 4: ___ Question 5: ___