Chairs’ Retreat PRACTICES IN LESSON OBSERVATION PRIOR TO THE LESSON ASK… lesson preview what to watch for DURING THE LESSON OPENING/MOTIVATION Routines Introduction Connections past learning students’ background LESSON BODY Lesson delivery Creativity Pacing Supplementary materials Interaction and discussion Students’ questions ACTIVITIES Clear directions Time limit Groupings Variety STUDENTS Favoring Differences INSTRUCTOR voice tone/volume, eye contact humor tact interest, enthusiasm respect self-confidence professionalism CLASS CLIMATE Distractions Affective Effective use of space/time AFTER THE LESSON FOLLOW-UP TO LESSON What went well? How do you know? What would you change and why? What teaching strategies have been most effective for you? What are the greatest challenges that you face in teaching? How can you begin to strengthen those areas? Was there anything that surprised you today? FOLLOW-UP TO LESSON What did you notice about your students? Can you think of any other pedagogical approach to this lesson that might improve the learning process?