Document 15075430

Mata kuliah : J0782 - Kepemimpinan Entrepreneurial Global
: 2010
Etika dan Spirit Kepemimpinan
Chapter 8
Learning Objectives
Understand different conceptions of ethical
• Understand the difficulties in defining and
assessing ethical leadership.
• Understand the individual and situational influences
on ethical leadership.
• Understand servant, spiritual, and authentic
leadership theory.
Learning Objectives (Cont.)
Understand the consequences of ethical leadership for
followers and the organization.
• Understand limitations of the ethical leadership
• Understand what types of research on ethical
leadership are desirable.
• Understand some ways to promote ethical behavior
and oppose unethical practices.
Conceptions of Ethical Leadership
• Defining Ethical Leadership
– Defined in different ways
– Different criteria used
– Judgments need to be made
• Personal Integrity and Ethical Leadership
– Consistency between espoused and actual behaviors
– Behavior consistent with a set of justifiable moral principles
Dilemmas in Assessing Ethical Leadership
• Influencing Expectations
• Influencing Values and Beliefs
• Multiple Stakeholders and Competing Values
Determinants and Consequences of Ethical
Individual Determinants of Ethical Leadership
Situational Influences on Ethical Leadership
Consequences of Ethical and Unethical Leadership
Improving Research on Ethical Leadership
Transforming Leadership and Adaptive
Problem Solving
• Transforming Leadership – Primary leadership role or
function is to increase awareness about ethical issues
• Adaptive Problem Solving – Primary role of leaders is to
help followers confront conflict and find productive ways
to deal with it
Servant Leadership
“Helping others to accomplish shared objectives by
facilitating individual development, empowerment, and
collective work that is consistent with the health and
long-term welfare of followers.”
Conceptions of Servant Leadership
Empathy and Healing
Personal Growth
Fairness and Justice
Servant Leadership (Cont.)
• Effects of Servant Leadership
• Research on Servant Leadership
• Limitations of the Theory
Spiritual Leadership
“Describes how leaders can enhance the intrinsic
motivation of followers by creating conditions that
increase their sense of spiritual meaning in the work.”
Spiritual Leadership (Cont.)
• Conceptions of Spiritual Leadership
• Research on Spiritual Leadership
• Limitations of the Theory
Authentic Leadership
Conceptions of Authentic Leadership
Effects of Authentic Leadership on Followers
Research on Authentic Leadership
Developing Authentic Leaders
Limitations of the Theory
Comparison and Evaluation of Theories
• Servant, Spiritual, and Authentic Leadership
• Comparison to Transformational and Charismatic
• Summary Evaluation of the Theories
Increasing Ethical Leadership
• Influence of Leaders on Ethical Behavior
• Organizational Programs to Promote Ethical Behavior
• Cultural Values, Laws, and Professional Standards