Mr. Jay Mooney Contacts: 301-469-1038 (school) Personal Philosophy Time: Seven Locks Vision • To create a caring and positive Type Writer s Workshop information here... • learning community where all are valued, respected, • and empowered to reach their full potential in a • changing world. • To promote self-respect, respect for others, & acceptance of differences. To foster a climate of tolerance in which cultural diversity & learning differences are nurtured & celebrated. To cultivate the development of the whole child & provide a variety of learning opportunities to meet individual learning needs To help each child recognize his/her potential for both meeting & exceeding expectations. Personal Mission Time: • To provide a safe learning environment within which Type risk-taking, Writer screative Workshop inquiry, problem solving and higher order thinking is promoted. • To provide opportunities for students to creatively pursue individual areas of interest, thereby stimulating a lifelong love of learning. • To equip students with the tools necessary to become productive, contributing members of a global society. Seven Locks Mission • To provide a rigorous instructional program information here... for all students to become independent thinkers, problem solvers, and life-long learners who are prepared for the challenges they face in a changing and complex world. • School starts at 9:10 a.m. • If students are not at school by 9:15, they are marked tardy. • Tardy students must obtain a Tardy Slip from the front office and place their lunch order with the cafeteria before proceeding to class. • Students picked up at blacktop • Backpacks in locker • Morning Work • Math • Science/SS • Lunch & Recess • Literacy Block • Pack-up/Dismissal • We use computers, the Promethean board, video clips, educational websites, response clickers (activotes), and so much more. • Make-up work: 2 days per day absent • Ex: If your child is absent for 2 days they will have 4 days to submit make-up work. • Thursday Folders: sent home every Thursday, please return the next day • Birthdays: See Birthday Celebration Guidelines handout in your BTSN packet. • Behavior Card System & Scholar Dollars • Green: I’m doing what I am suppose to • Yellow: I’ve broken a rule (owe $5) • Red: I’ve broken several rules- call or email home (owe $10) • Purple: I’ve gone above and beyond (earn $5) • Showing the Wildcat Ways earns paws for our class bucket. Once the bucket is filled we get our class whisker. THE MEANING OF REPORT CARD GRADES Exceptional at the Standard Level (ES) Student demonstrates exceptional performance on the grade-level standard or learning goals. Proficient (P) Student meets the grade-level standard or learning goals. In-Progress (I) Student demonstrates progress or growth in reaching the grade-level standard or learning goals. Not Yet (N) Student demonstrates minimal progress or growth in reaching the grade-level standard or learning goals. 9: 30- 10:45 10:45- 12:05 12:05- 12:35 12:35- 1:05 1:05- 3:30 Math SS/Science Lunch Recess Literacy Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday PE 1:55 – 2:40 ART 1:55 – 2:40 MEDIA 1:15 - 2 MUSIC 2:45 – 3:30 Announcements 9:20 MATH 9:30 – 10:45 SS/SCIENCE OR WRITING 10:45 – 12:05 L/R 12:05 – 1:05 READING 1:05 - 2:35 WRITING 2:35 – 3:10 PACK UP 3:10 Friday Mondays 1:55- 2:40 P.E. Tuesdays 1:55- 2:40 ART Wednesdays 2:00 - 2:45 Thursdays 2:45- 3:30 Media Music Time: 9:30- 10:45 Curriculum 2.0 Math 5 Units • Operations & Algebraic Thinking • Geometry • Number and Operations in Base 10 • Measurement and Data • Number and Operations: Fractions *Please refer to your BTSN packet for more information on the rigor of the new math curriculum.* Operations and Algebraic Thinking Write and Interpret Numerical Expressions Analyze Patterns and Relationships Number and Operations in Base Ten Geometry Understand the Place Value System Graph Points on the Coordinate Plane to Solve RealWorld and Mathematical Problems Perform Operations with MultiDigit Whole Numbers and Decimals to Hundredths Classify Two-Dimensional Figures into Categories Based on Their Properties Measurement and Data Convert Like Measurement Units within a Given Measurement System Represent and Interpret Data Geometric Measurement: Understand Concepts of Volume and Relate Volume to Multiplication and Addition Desired Outcomes Number and Operations– Fractions Use Equivalent Fractions as a Strategy to Add and Subtract Fractions Apply and Extend Previous Understandings of Multiplication and Division to Multiply and Divide Fractions Time: 9:30- 10:45 Math 6 Units • Unit 1 Data & Statistics • Unit 2 Decimals, Fractions, % & Measurement • Unit 3 Geometry & Measurement • Unit 4 Mathematical Properties • Unit 5 Probability Time: 9:30- 10:45 Workshop Model 2.0 • First 15 minutes: Whole Group Instruction • Center 1: Ms. Riggsbee/Creticos • Center 2: Independent Work • Center 3: Group Work/ Computer time • Last 5 minutes: Whole Group Lesson Review • Whether your child is in Math 5 or Math 6 this year, all students will receive Algebra instruction in 8th grade. • Next year’s new middle school Curriculum 2.0 roll out will include compacted math units so that all students end up in the same place. • Math 6: Math 6 & Part of Math 7 • Math 7: Math 7 & Part of Math 8 Time: 10:45- 12:05 Unit 1: Physics – Force, Motion & Energy Unit 2: Physics – Electricity & Magnetism Unit 3: Earth/Space Science – Astronomy Unit 4: Life Science - Cells & Heredity Time: 10:45- 12:05 Unit 1: Citizens in Action: The Colonies Revolt, 1763-1783 and Today Unit 2: Economics: Creating a New Nation, 1783-1800 and Today Unit 3: The Evolving Country: Geography Past to Present • Literary Text • Informational Text • Language Vocabulary • Literary Text • • • • • • • • Historical Fiction Drama Poetry Traditional Stories Mystery Realistic Fiction Adventure Stories Graphic Text • Informational Text • • • • • • • Literary Nonfiction Articles Extended Informational Text Firsthand/Secondhand Accounts Technical Text Graphic Text Multimedia Formats • Language Vocabulary • Collaborative Discussion • • • • Peer Discussion Literature Study Shared Inquiry Socratic Seminar • Vocabulary Development • Independent Reading • Reading Conferences/Assessments (w/ Mr. Mooney) • Read Alouds • Guided Reading • Literature Circles • Word Work (see next slide) • Readers’ Responses SLES will be implementing school-wide the researched based phonics, spelling & vocabulary program called “Words Their Way”. • Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary instruction through daily word study. • Differentiated instruction targeted to students' appropriate instructional/developmental level • Spelling stage (stage of spelling development) assessed using initial spelling inventory • Flexible spelling groups • Focus is on learning and understanding spelling patterns not on rote memorization of word list • Word work in class and at home will include word sorts (word sorts engage students in the process of searching, comparing, contrasting, and analyzing & help students organize what they know about words and form generalizations that they can apply when encountering unfamiliar vocabulary when reading) 3 Types of Writing in Curriculum 2.0 Narrative Informative Opinion Time: 1:05-3:30 • Writing Process • Pre-writing • Drafting • Revising • Proofreading • Publishing • Independent Writing • Grammar Mini-Lessons • Model Writing • Quick Writes Please review the SLES Homework Guidelines handout. Students will write their homework assignments in their agendas. Reading: 20 minutes/day After reading a book, students will complete a story map and move their “football” The Purpose of Homework: 1. Provide practice in applying concepts and skills initially presented in the classroom. 2. Extend and strengthen learning concepts and skills related to instructional objectives. 3. Develop learning skills such as initiative, responsibility, self-direction, and organization. Mad Science Robotics Planetarium Strathmore Mt. Vernon Woodlawn • The Standards-Based Grading and Reporting Time: Meeting for parents Type Writer s in Workshop information interested learning more here... about the new grading system (ES, P, I, N) or new report card format will take place on Wednesday, October 16 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the APR. Respectful •Treat all with kindness •Make sure others feel included, accepted, and safe Responsible •Come to school prepared to learn •Practice self-control and be accountable for your actions Intellectual Risk Taker •Embrace active and continuous learning •Explore different possibilities Gritty •Set and achieve goals •Show perseverance by never giving up Zesty •Always assume the best in others •Share a smile and stay positive Thank you so much for coming! If you ever have any questions or concerns please contact me. On your way out please sign up for a conference time. A copy of the power point will be on my SLES 5th grade page soon.