The Faculty Senate ay the University of Virginia

The Faculty Senate ay the University of Virginia
November 20, 2008 – 3:00-5:00 pm
Auditorium of the Harrison Institute/Small Special Collections Library
Meeting Minutes
Edmund Kitch, Chair of the Faculty Senate, called the meeting to order and offered
welcoming remarks.
Report from John Casteen, President
Observation: Press coverage regarding the University’s endowment is somewhat
misleading and inaccurate. The University is working to obtain momentum
during these troubling economic times. The situation is not as bad as some of the
reports are saying.
The Capital Campaign is at $1.8 billion. The Virginia 2020 Session with
perspective donors brought lots of enthusiasm. There will be another session in
early spring, and an additional session at UVA in late spring. There will be a
dinner in New York for those that have made contributions, and other possible
President Casteen said that he has sent an email message to Alumni and Friends
regarding the impact on the University’s endowment, and what those impacts
The University may create two new faculty awards in addition to the Thomas
Jefferson Award – emphasizing service and teaching achievements. President
Casteen invited input from the Senators.
Report from Arthur Garson, Executive Vice President and Provost
Update on various searches:
There are two finalists for the Batten School Dean. An announcement should be
made by the end of January.
There are two finalists for the Dean of Admissions
The search for a Director of the Art Museum is nearly complete, and should be
complete by the end of January.
There should be a list of candidates for the Dean of Architecture in the spring.
The Jefferson Public Citizen’s Program is doing very well. Two student-initiated
projects are underway – one is on the environment and sustainability, and the other
emphasizes public service issues.
The Commission work is moving along well. Dr. Garson said he will be looking for
input from the Faculty Senate.
Report from Edmund Kitch, Chair of the Faculty Senate
Update on the Work of the Senate and the Senate’s Standing Committees:
The Academic Affairs Committee, chaired by Robert Kemp, has met once. This
Committee approves all degree proposals. The group will also research the
University’s intellectual Property policies. This will be done through a task force
chaired by Brian Pusser. The task force will bring a proposed resolution to the
Senate in the spring. Professor Kemp said more Committee members from the
sciences are needed.
The Planning and Development Committee’s charge is to develop University
initiatives and to raise resources. This Committee is chaired by Elizabeth Powell.
The Faculty Recruitment, Retention, and Welfare Committee is being chaired by
Jack Brown. Mr. Brown gave the Senators a brief update on the present work of
the group – the main focus of the Committee will be to follow up on the Faculty
Survey, which was created last year, guided by Dr. Jennifer Harvey, the past chair
of the Committee. There will be meetings with deans and chairs, and the Faculty
Survey will be resent to them.
The Senate’s Policy Committee is chaired by Teresa Culver. This Committee’s
work is done unobtrusively and without fanfare, Mr. Kitch said.
The Faculty Grievance Committee is chaired by Herbert Tucker, and represents
faculty with grievance issues.
The Faculty Senate’s Executive Council focuses on the issues brought to the
Senate by the administration and issues brought to the Senate by the various
standing committees and individual Senators.
Report from Leonard Sandridge, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating
Mr. Sandridge updated the members of the Senate on the University’s endowment. A
handout on the subject was distributed. Mr. Sandridge spoke about the following:
Some news reports have misinterpreted the status of our endowment, and in some
cases declared the University to be in distress. These reports are simply
inaccurate, Mr. Sandridge said.
The University sustained budget cuts last year and this year, and additional cuts
are anticipated next year.
Mr. Sandridge explained the day-to-day operations of the University.
He also gave an overview of the various types of debts that the University incurs.
Despite the state of the economy, the University is faring okay, Mr. Sandridge
The University receives revenue from a number of sources.
The University’s focus is keeping operations normal and protecting long-term
interests and investments.
The University remains a financially stable institution.
Report on the School of Nursing by Dorothy Fontaine, Dean
There is a world-wide nursing shortage.
Dean Fontaine’s goals include increasing student enrollment and facilities.
Dean Fontaine reported on the various degree programs in the School of Nursing.
She also reported on the School’s graduate program.
There are also various centers for research at the School.
Dean Fontaine said she and the School of Nursing strive to promote a healthy
work environment for their faculty, staff, and students.
Other goals of the School include promoting more inter-professional teaching and
increasing the diversity of the faculty and students, Dean Fontaine said.
Open Discussion and Questions from Senators
One senator commented that there is not enough faculty input regarding big
decisions made by the administration.
Concerns were raised regarding the Jefferson Scholars selection process.
Concern was also raised regarding the state of the University’s undergraduate
student’s living conditions.
In closing, Ed Kitch said that the Executive Council will take up some of these issues at
the upcoming Executive Council meeting, on December 11.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm
Submitted by David Kovacs, Secretary of the Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Meeting
November 20, 2008
Meeting Attendance
Edmund Kitch
Ann Hamric
David Kovacs
Larry Walker
Richard Steeves
Cheryl Bourguignon
David Mick
Matthew Gurka
Ignacio Provencio
Michael McPherson
David Mills
Fernando Opere
Robert Kemp
Susan Kirk
Diane Walker
Carolyn Callahan
Elizabeth Meyer
Robert Bloodgood
Zhi-Yun Li
Robert Conroy
William Keene
Frederick Damon
Laura Galloway
Gweneth West
Rae Blumberg
Kevin Lee
John Brown
Susan Modesitt
Pamela Norris
Steven Patek
Jeffrey Corwin
Joel Schectman
Alfred Weaver
Herbert Tucker
Daniel Bluestone
Elizabeth Powell
Susan McKinnon