First Grade September Newsletter

First Grade September Newsletter
Dear First Grade Families,
We are happy to be sending home our first newsletter to let you know what is
happening in first grade! This letter will consist of curriculum units, important dates and
reminders, as well as special notes of interest. Please join us for Back to School Night on
Tuesday, September 8th. We will be discussing this upcoming school year. We hope to see
you there!
Reading and Writing: First graders will be reading in small groups at their own level and will
progress at their own pace. When a plastic bag comes home with a book, please sign the contract that
is included. We are asking you to do this to ensure that our books are returned and available for
instruction. Please have your child read the book to you and return the book to school the next day, so
that they can bring home another book. Having their book is essential to their learning. Students will
be differentiating between fiction and non-fiction texts by identifying the characteristics of
each. We will also be building and strengthening their understanding of the four story
elements (character, setting, problem, and solution) and the key details in a story. In Writer’s
Workshop, students will be writing every day. For the first four weeks they will be writing
personal narratives. Part of the writing process is revising, editing, and publishing their
Math: We will continue expanding students’ concepts of number sense. We will learn how to
model two and three digit numbers to develop an understanding of place value. Students will
continue to practice counting up to 120 starting from any given number. Please practice
counting with your child at home. We will also be comparing numbers using the symbols for
greater than, less than and equal to (>, <, =).
Science: We will be developing an understanding of the characteristics that determine
whether an item is living or non-living. They will be learning about the basic needs of living
things that support their growth and survival. Students will be involved in a variety of handson activities that involve observing, classifying, and recording data in cooperative learning
Social Studies: Students will learn about safety at home and school. They will learn about
rights and responsibilities to be a participating member of their community. We will learn
about the importance of rules.
Important Dates:
September 7th-Labor Day (No School)
September 8th- Back to School Night
September 14th- No School
September 23rd- No School
September 25th-Community Picnic
We are looking forward to a great year with your child!
The First Grade Team