Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment FAQs

Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment Frequently Asked Questions
What is the focus of the Algebra
1B Culminating Assessment?
The focus of the Culminating Assessment assessments will be
material from Unit 5 and attributes of various functions from previous
The following standards will be the main foci of the Algebra 1B
Culminating Assessment.
F.IF.2 Use function notation, evaluate functions for inputs in their domains, and
interpret statements that use function notation in terms of a context.
F.IF.5 Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the
quantitative relationship it describes.
F.IF.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the
graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated
While these standards are part of Unit 5, the content also links to function
characteristics from Units 1, 2, and 4. Therefore, the assessment will
include some content from these units in addition to Unit 5 material.
Can the Algebra 1B Culminating
Assessment be re-assessed?
With a review or study guide be
provided for the Algebra 1B
Culminating Assessment?
Neither a review packet nor a study guide will be provided by the
What is the format of the
Algebra 1B Culminating
The Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment is comprised of two 30minute administrations. Each session will include selected response
and constructed response questions
The Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment will be available to grade
using Achievement Series but not required.
When will the different sessions
of the Algebra 1B Culminating
Assessment be administered?
Each session of the assessment will be administered after a sequence of
lessons as listed below.
LP 1:
LP 2:
LP 3:
LP 4:
Some of This, Some of That
Bike Lovers
Care Package
Floor to Ceiling
Culminating Activity Session I
(Selected & Constructed Response)
Foci: Graph functions expressed symbolically, show key features
of the graph, and compare to another function
LP 5: More Functions with Features
LP 6: Reflections of a Bike Lover (optional)
LP 7: The Root of the Matter
Culminating Activity Session II
(Selected & Constructed Response)
Foci: Interrelate characteristics of functions and context
Revised 03/03/16
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Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment Frequently Asked Questions
Is Lesson 6 of Unit 5 still an
optional lesson or will it be
assessed on the Algebra 1B
Culminating Assessment?
Lesson 6 is still an optional lesson and therefore will NOT be assessed
on the Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment.
The Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment will count as 25% of the
student’s semester grade.
Each session of the Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment will be
weighted equally.
Algebra 1 teachers will record each session of the Algebra 1B
Culminating Assessment as a new assignment in the Final Exam
Category on their electronic gradebooks. Neither session can be used
as a grade during marking period 4.
Each session of the Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment must to be
entered into the electronic gradebook as a 50% or higher. According
to grading and reporting regulations, assigning a grade lower than 50
percent to a task/assessment is a prohibited grading practice.
However, if a student does no work on the task/assessment, the
teacher will assign a zero. If a teacher determines the student did not
attempt to meet the basic requirements of the task/assessment or the
student engaged in academic dishonesty, the teacher may assign a
Is the Algebra 1B Culminating
Assessment considered a secure
The Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment is not a secure assessment
and can be sent home with the students at the end of the school year.
More information will be provided at a later date regarding the
window for returning assessments in order to ensure all students have
completed the assessments prior to returning assessments to students.
How will students who receive
Special Education and ESOL
services receive their
Teachers will follow the same testing procedures they follow when
administering county formative assessments or semester exams by
providing testing accommodations to those who receive them.
The Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment cannot be altered or
What is the timeline in regards
to Algebra 1B Culminating
The Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment will be shared with Algebra
1 teachers no later than April 15, 2016.
The Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment will be administered in a
window that opens on May 23rd.
Can the Algebra 1B Culminating
Assessment be administered on
Exam Review Day?
It is a school-based decision on whether to administer a session of the
Algebra 1B assessment on Exam Review Day.
Schools must be cognizant of how this decision will affect provisions
for make-up assessments, providing feedback to students, and sending
the assessment home for parents, and plan accordingly.
How will the Algebra 1B
Culminating Assessment be
graded and recorded?
Revised 03/03/16
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Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment Frequently Asked Questions
Can Unit 5 be extended into the
exam week window in middle
The decision to extend Algebra 1B Unit 5 into exam week will be a
school-based decision based on the exam scheduling set by each
Will the Algebra 1 students in
high school be required to show
up during exam week for that
Are there any restrictions on
how we administer make-up
sessions for the students that are
absent during one or more
sessions of the Algebra 1
Culminating Assessment?
Student must take both sessions of the assessment. They cannot be
assessed on only one session of the Algebra 1B Culminating
Will I be able to order all
sessions of the Algebra 1B
Culminating Assessment?
The Algebra 1B Culminating Assessment will be available to order
through CopyPlus.
Revised 03/03/16
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