Fingerprinting Memo for Outdoor Ed. - English

A. Mario Loiederman Middle School
for the Creative and Performing Arts
Nicole Sosik, Principal
12701 Goodhill Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20906
(301) 929-2282
December 2, 2015
Dear 6th Outdoor Environmental Education Parent/Guardian Chaperone Volunteers:
MCPS requires all chaperones for the MCPS Outdoor Environmental Education Program to disclose,
under penalty of perjury, any prior convictions or pending criminal charges and acknowledge that
they may be subject to a background check. Effective January 1, 2016, MCPS also will require all
over night chaperones to complete a mandatory criminal background check, including fingerprinting.
The criminal background check will be at the expense of MCPS during the 2015-2016 school year.
Any overnight chaperone who is also a current MCPS employee or serves in a law enforcement
capacity (local, state, or federal level) is not required to complete additional fingerprinting
background checks by MCPS.
There are two options for completing the fingerprinting: MCPS Office of Human Resources and
Development (OHRD) and American Identify Solutions, Inc. All fingerprinting expenses will be
covered at appointments processed through OHRD. American Identify Solutions, Inc. offers more
options but charges $57.25 to process the fingerprinting. If an overnight chaperone prefers to
complete fingerprinting at American Identify Solutions, Inc., MCPS will cover the $36.00 portion of
the total fee and the overnight chaperone is responsible for paying the additional $21.25 fee at the
time of the appointment.
Individuals fingerprinted must provide written consent, and MCPS will maintain confidential copies
of all records regarding the criminal background checks. An overnight chaperone may not begin
volunteering for the program until the background check results for that individual have been
approved by the MCPS Office of Human Resources and Development (OHRD).
In reviewing an overnight chaperone’s criminal background check, OHRD will apply the same caseby-case analysis that is utilized for MCPS staff, as well as employees of MCPS contractors who work
on school premises with direct, unsupervised, and controlled access to children. Under Maryland
law, MCPS may not employ any individual who has been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo
contendere to, a crime involving:
a) A sexual offense in the third or fourth degree under § 3–307 or § 3–308 of the Criminal Law
Article of the Maryland Code or an offense under the laws of another state that would
constitute an offense under § 3–307 or § 3–308 of the Criminal Law Article if committed in
b) Child sexual abuse under § 3-602 of the Criminal Law Article, or an offense under the laws
of another state that would constitute child sexual abuse under § 3-602 of the Criminal Law
Article if committed in Maryland; or
c) A crime of violence as defined in § 14–101 of the Criminal Law Article, or an offense under
the laws of another state that would be a violation of § 14–101 of the Criminal Law Article if
committed in Maryland, including: (1) abduction; (2) arson in the first degree; (3) kidnapping;
(4) manslaughter, except involuntary manslaughter; (5) mayhem; (6) maiming; (7) murder;
(8) rape; (9) robbery; (10) carjacking; (11) armed carjacking; (12) sexual offense in the first
degree; (13) sexual offense in the second degree; (14) use of a handgun in the commission of
a felony or other crime of violence; (15) child abuse in the first degree; (16) sexual abuse of a
minor; (17) an attempt to commit any of the crimes described in items (1) through (16) of this
list; (18) continuing course of conduct with a child under § 3-315 of the Criminal Law Article;
(19) assault in the first degree; (20) assault with intent to murder; (21) assault with intent to
rape; (22) assault with intent to rob; (23) assault with intent to commit a sexual offense in the
first degree; and (24) assault with intent to commit a sexual offense in the second degree.
OHRD must take appropriate steps to promptly follow up with volunteer chaperones regarding
information identified in the criminal background check that is related to sexual offenses, child sexual
abuse offenses, and crimes of violence described above, as well as any information regarding offenses
involving distribution of drugs or other controlled substances, or any other criminal information
identified by OHRD as warranting further explanation if it may significantly affect the safety and
security of MCPS students. OHRD will not share any details regarding a potential volunteer’s
criminal background check with school-based staff.
If, after following up, OHRD concludes that the individual is qualified to serve as an overnight
chaperone, it will document the justification in a confidential file and notify the principal that the
individual is authorized for the volunteer assignment. Overnight chaperones will also be required to
complete training on recognizing, reporting, and preventing child abuse and neglect.
Recognizing, Reporting, and Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Training Requirement
Overnight chaperones can complete the training requirement in one of the following ways:
Attend a school-based training for middle school OEEP volunteers and chaperones. The school
will notify parents/guardians regarding the training dates.
Attend systemwide face-to-face training opportunities held in various locations in Montgomery
County. Training registration is available on the Office of Community Engagement and
Partnerships website at:
Nicole Sosik
Jeremy Snyder
Outdoor Education
Catherine Staley
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Environmental Education Programs Overnight Chaperone
Fingerprinting/Criminal Background Check Locations
Montgomery County Public Schools
Fingerprinting sessions are by appointment only
Bring a Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, or Green Card)
Contact Mr. Gregory P. Jones, personnel assistant
Office of Human Resources and Development
Fingerprinting Location
Office of Human Resources and Development
45 W. Gude Drive, Lobby, Rockville, MD 20850
Available Hours - November 30, 2015 – April 29, 2016
Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Extended Weekday:
First Tuesday of each month, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Third Saturday of each month, 9:00 – 1:00 p.m.
American Identity Solutions, 3 locations in Montgomery County
Fingerprinting sessions are by appointment only
Bring a Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, or Green Card)
Fingerprinting Locations and Available Hours
American Identity Solutions
6701 Democracy Blvd. Suite 110
Bethesda MD 20817
Telephone: 301-571-9479
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Se Habla Español
American Identity Solutions
12501 Prosperity Drive, Suite 200
Silver Spring MD 20904
Telephone: 240-670-7952
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
American Identity Solutions
7361 Calhoun Place
Rockville MD 20855
Telephone: 301-296-4499
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Se Habla Español
Additional Fee
There is a $57.25 processing fee through this vendor. MCPS will cover the $36.00 portion of the fee and the
overnight chaperone is responsible for paying the additional $21.25 fee at the time of appointment. Cash, credit
card, or money order will be accepted for payment. No personal checks will be accepted.