Course Year : S0912 - Introduction to Finite Element Method : 2010 INTRODUCTION Session 1 GENERAL SCOPE OF THE COURSE • Introduction • Basic Mathematical • Basic Concept of Finite Element Method (FEM) • Formulation of FEM in 1-D element • Formulation of FEM in 2-D element • Formulation of FEM in 3-D element • Finite element Method in relationship with computer softwares Bina Nusantara GENERAL Grading Policy • Home Work ………........................ • Mid Semester Test ………………. • Final Test ….................................. TOTAL ..................... 20% 30% 50% 100% Note: • Appropriate changes to this grading policy may be made with student consent. Bina Nusantara REFERENCE TEXTBOOK Bina Nusantara REFERENCE TEXTBOOK SUPPORTING TEXTBOOK Bina Nusantara COURSE 1 Content: • Finite Element Method (FEM) • FEM Modelling • FEM Application Bina Nusantara INTRODUCTION What is Finite Element Method? Finite element methods are an extension of the matrix structural analysis methods used on beams and trusses. These matrix methods use a direct physical approach in setting up and solving the beam and frame problems. This direct approach will be used to demonstrate discretization element development and assemblage procedures. Bina Nusantara INTRODUCTION FEM: Method for numerical solution of field problems. Description - FEM cuts a structure into several elements (pieces of the structure). - Then reconnects elements at “nodes” as if nodes were pins or drops of glue that hold elements together. - This process results in a set of simultaneous algebraic equations. Bina Nusantara INTRODUCTION Example of Finite Element Method Bina Nusantara HISTORY • The term finite element was first coined by clough in 1960. • The first book on the FEM by Zienkiewicz and Chung was published in 1967. • In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the FEM was applied to a wide variety of engineering problems. • Most commercial FEM software packages originated in the 1970s. (Abaqus, Adina, Ansys, Plaxis, Midas etc.) Bina Nusantara ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF FEM ADVANTAGES • Can readily handle very complex geometry • Can handle a wide variety of engineering problems • Can handle complex restraints • Can handle complex loading DISADVANTAGES • The FEM obtains only "approximate" solutions. • The FEM has "inherent" errors. • Mistakes by users can be fatal. Bina Nusantara FEM MODELLING Bina Nusantara STRENGTH & WEAKNESS Bina Nusantara Bina Nusantara Bina Nusantara APPLICATION OF FEM • A variety of specializations under the umbrella of the mechanical engineering discipline (such as aeronautical, biomechanical, civil engineering and automotive industries) commonly use integrated FEM in design and development of their products. • Several modern FEM packages include specific components such as thermal, electromagnetic, fluid, and structural working environments. In a structural simulation, FEM helps tremendously in producing stiffness and strength visualizations and also in minimizing weight, materials, and costs. • FEM allows entire designs to be constructed, refined, and optimized before the design is manufactured or applied. Bina Nusantara