Lesson 3: Computer Technology: Central Processor Unit Goal: 1. Students will learn how a central processor unit works. Objectives: 1. Students will be able to describe, in general terms, how a central processor works. Prerequisites: Lesson 2: Computer Technology: Transistor to Central Processor Unit Materials: Handouts- printouts of PowerPoint slides Equipment: Computer with Microsoft PowerPoint Overhead projector PowerPoint file Vocabulary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Instruction fetcher Instruction decoder Registers Arithmetic Logic Unit Memory Unit logic unit Lesson Description: Using PowerPoint slides and handouts, describe and discuss the five basic CPU elements: Instruction fetcher, Instruction decoder, Registers, Arithmetic Logic Unit, and Memory Unit. Lesson Procedure: Five Basic CPU elements - PowerPoint slides Instruction fetcher Instruction decoder Registers Arithmetic Logic Unit Memory Unit ©2010 AKULA LLC, Jeremy R.Hertzberg, BS CMPE Introduction: Yesterday (last week, etc.) we learned how modern electronic computers work. Today we’re going to look at how the central processor unit in a computer works. Main Activity: Lecture with PowerPoint slides and handouts Discussion questions 1. What are the five basic CPU elements? Closure/Conclusion: Today we learned the physical processes a computer uses to function. But in order to be useful, computers must be able to communicate. Next time, we’ll learn about binary numbers, which are used to build computer languages. Follow up lessons/Activities: Lesson 4: Binary Numbers Assessment/evaluation: Take assessment quiz. Sample quiz questions 1. What does the memory unit do? 2. The basic CPU is composed of ____ different elements. ©2010 AKULA LLC, Jeremy R.Hertzberg, BS CMPE