Redland Middle School PTA Meeting Minutes September 11, 2012 Attendees: Kathy Boehlert, Susan Thompson, Cyndi Anderson, Darlene Feagans, Jane Tom, Jonathan Morgan, Kevin Murphy, Margie Parrott, Mike Motley, Ellen Motley, Jeff Rahr, Ellen Rahr, Sally Mills, Rob Sharp, Lisa Johns, Darlene Feagans, Melissa Lebedinsky, Lien Khun, Laura Hieronymous, Desiree Gooden, Jaclyn James, Miguel Ruiz, Robert Sinclair, Kimberly McLurkin, Christine Brandt. The president called the meeting to order at 7:58 pm. President’s Report – Kathy Boehlert The new PTA Executive Board was introduced. It was noted that in order to vote at the PTA meeting, an attendee must be a PTA member. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to approve the PTA meeting minutes from May 8 and May 29, 2012. Kathy Boehlert presented the proposed Budget for July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. The budget is balanced and very similar to last year. Some discussion items: Item for Barnes and Noble in “Expense” will be left in as “0” in case more fundraising is needed Fall fundraiser: Gift cards for raffle are donated. PTA dues = $12 ($3.75 goes to Maryland PTA, $1.00 goes to MCCPTA) $3355 for Cultural Arts includes “Reptile Wonder” for 6th grade outdoor education program, two assemblies per year (specifics not yet finalized), and a resident artist Miscellaneous and President’s fund are 0 since there are no discretionary funds for PTA A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed to approve the proposed PTA budget for July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. The Cash Summary was then reviewed. Of note, $14,501.28 is currently on hand, and roughly this amount has been present for a number of years. The MCCPTA suggests that enough funds be kept on hand to get through the summer until fall fundraising begins, with a maximum of about $5000. Spending down these funds was suggested. Kathy will work with Mr. Sinclair to identify school needs so that these funds can be used. 1 PTA Membership Chair Report – Kathy Boehlert for Lisa Pierce The goal for this year is 250 PTA members; there were 191 members last year. There are currently 43 members: 26 teachers and 15 parents. Fundraising – Margie Parrott PTA is again running the 5 minute fundraiser this year. 100% of the funds raised go to the PTA. Those who donate will receive a letter/receipt for tax purposes. Volunteers – Sally Mills Sign-up forms for volunteering were at the meeting. Events – Kathy Boehlert for Tam Miller Amy Crawford has volunteered to coordinate the student socials this year. We are still looking for a chair for Fitness in February. Presentation on the READ program and the new 8th grade English program - Mrs. Christine Brandt RMS English teacher DEAR = Drop Everything and Read. The intent is to implement an individual reading program to encourage lifelong reading Desired Outcome: 1. Pleasure: Make reading more pleasurable and a rewarding lifelong habit. 2. Improve vocabulary & improve language acquisition skills (including ESOL and RELL students) 3. Growth in test scores (Map-R, MSA), and reading endurance is anticipated to increase. PARCC tests will require students to read longer passages. Plan is to provide still and silent space for reading. Some students can currently read for only five minutes before being distracted. Format: Read for 20 minutes before 6th period four times a week, school silence, and all teaching staff are included. If students refuse to read, approach is positive initially: attempt to identify student interest from completed surveys of individual students. Note that any reading material is accepted, including graphic novels, magazines, and newspapers. If positive approach doesn’t result in a student participating in the DEAR program, the usual behavioral approach is implemented to include conversation with parents, MIR, parent contact, etc. Substitute teachers are expected to follow the DEAR plan. Students are expected to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words from context. Lots of books at different reading levels are present in all classrooms. Donations of books are 2 appreciated. Students go to a separate classroom for DEAR time. Regarding accountability: administration monitors progress and provides support; all rooms currently appear to be on track. 8th Grade English Update Montgomery County schools are currently making appropriate changes to align 8th grade English with common core standards used throughout the U.S., including texts and common tasks such as writing. There will be fewer and different common tasks and more narrative writing. There will be fewer total assignments, but more drafts – for example, instead of 6 papers per week, there will be 4-5 total, but with more drafts. At all grade levels, more analytical thinking will be required. English 8A will only be a writing course for the first semester, including argument and informative writing. Students will read complex texts and participate in literature circles, eventually imitating the techniques of great writers. Language instruction will occur in every class. To identify all assignments and text choices for Grade 8 English,, see link on RMS website to MCPS website, then parents tab, curriculum subject areas, Reading/English language arts, middle school, Grade 8. Advanced 8th grade English students can earn high school credit for successful course completion. Elective high school credit Must get an A or B in the course Must pass the 2nd semester exam No process for opting out of credit Principal and teacher decide whether students transferring into English 8 may recive credit; parents do not have to apply. The biggest change is that writing is the purpose of the class and more creative writing will occur, including a challenge to write using more and use different styles. 6th and 7th grade English will also be updated, including more writing, but changes will not be as extensive as the 8th grade. The 8th grade will be much more focused on writing versus sitting around and talking. Students will discuss books in small groups. The process will be: Write Write creatively Write in style of author Poetry 3 The 8th grade 2nd semester will be heavily literature focused. Grading will not be on drafts, and teacher/student conferences will focus on improving writing. Kathy Boehlert: Next PTA meeting is October 9, starts at 7 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 pm. Finalized 9/23/12 4