"Who Let The Dogs Out?"

"Who Let The Dogs
Signing Me onto Your Accounts through
Facebook and Google: a Traffic-Guided
Security Study of Commercially Deployed
Single-Sign-On Web Services
Presented by Vincent Zhang
What the hell is Single-Sign-On?
Interactions among:
1. the user
(a browser)
1. the ID provider
(a.k.a, Facebook)
1. the relying party
(a.k.a, Sears)
Challenges and Motivations
Wait...how is this challenging?
- No prior research, well, basically
- Nobody gives a ****, thought it worked
- Dirtier and more painful than gcc debugging
Then why do you (the actual researchers)
- Because we can?
- Answer the question: just how secure is it?
- Actually, it's a big deal, and you should care
Basic Workflow
But thankfully, it's "Browser-centric"!
Browser-Relayed Messages
Something like this:
src=a.com dst=Facebook.com/a/foo.php
Set-cookies: sessionID=6734259
Arguments: x=123 & user=alice
Cookies: fbs=a1b2c3 & foo=43da2c2a
Threats and Adversary Models
Case Study: Google ID
Signed token passed at
BRM3 (openid.sig);
At BRM1, everything is
exposed and writable (↓);
At BRM3, data from BRM1
will be queried and filled
(email, firstname, etc...).
Case Study: Google ID
Flaw and exploit:
"Does RP check whether the
email element in BRM3 is
protected by IdP's signature,
even though the protection
has been required by BRM1?"
Case Study: Facebook Login
BRM1 RP (NYTimes) declares its identity to
BRM2 secret token "result" comes from API
BRM3 carries secret token from BRM2;
Finally, access granted by Facebook.
Case Study: Facebook Login
Flaw and exploit:
- Same issue: BRM1 writable
- Simple approach, failed first due to S.O.P.
- Second try: Bob as Bob.com
- Flash's cross-domain mode
- Unpredictable Domain Communication
Case Study: JanRain
Unique wrapper as IdP,
more complex;
BRM1: informs IdP
with settings;
BRM2~4: seen
BRM5~7: pass secret,
retrieving profile data.
Case Study: JanRain
Flaw and exploit:
- JanRain's whitelist for token_url, check twice
- Our idea: steal loc at BRM5
- Register Bob_App.rpxnow.com
- Create own whitelist, add Bob himself
- Mask data after Alice visits Bob.com
- Pass BRM 5~7
Case Study: Freelancer.com
Register individual account, but later it's
linked to Facebook.
Linking process
Flaw and exploit?
Commonalities in Investigations
1. Understand 2 essential problems
a. either a secret token sent to Bob
b. or an authentic token forged by Bob
1. Locate the token in BRM / signature process
1. Apply adversary scenarios to break in
(Recall Bob's 3 Ninja strategies!)
What can be learned?
1. Detailed analysis is necessary, currently with
human creativity and domain knowledge,
hopefully with automation tools in future.
1. RP developers should be the final
gatekeepers, but usually they do not realize.
1. API designs are abstract; but security relies
in complex details and operational
semantics. Design and utilize them with
Done. Thank you!