Sequence of event.docx

Use Case: Rent Item
Actors: Clerk
Goal: To rent out an item
When the customer comes to rent an item. The clerk will enter the customer’s phone number if
the customer is not a first time customer. If the customer has a late charge due, the clerk will ask
whether they would want to pay it now or later. The clerk will then enter the ID for the item that
is being rented and makes the customer fill out a paper agreement. When all has been entered the
clerk will tell how much the customer needs to pay and the day the item is due. The customer
pays and leaves with the item.
R1.a R5.c
Typical Course of events:
Actor action
1. The customer enters the store.
2. The customer chooses an item.
3. The Clerk enters the customers phone number.
4. The clerk enters the ID of the item.
System response
5. Display the description, the charge
and the date due or the date on which
the next payment is due.
6. The clerk specifies what type of rental
the customer wishes to do.
7. The clerk enters all the information into system.
8. Calculates the total charge.
9. Customer pays total cost or monthly cost.
10. Customer leaves the store.
Alternative Courses
Step 3 If the customer is a first time user, the customer would have to provide all of their
Information; the clerk then will add him as a new customer.
Steps 5-6 There might be none in stock and the person will be asked to be put on hold. The
Customer may decline and terminate the rental.
Step 9 The customer may not be happy with the price and terminate the rental.
Use Case: Record Returned Item
Actors: Clerk
Goal: Record that the rented items has been returned
When the due date of an item has arrived. The customer will bring in their item to return it. The
customer would either hand it to the clerk or leave it at the drop off slot. The clerk will then enter
the item ID and confirm it has been returned. If the item is returned late an extra late charge
would be added.
R1.b R5.a
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1. Customer returns book to clerk.
2. The Clerk enters the ID.
System Response
3. System calculates the charges and dates.
Alternative courses:
Step 1 The customer may decide to return it into the return slot.
Step 1 The customer may decide to make an extension.
Use case: Record a payment
Actors: Clerk
Goal: Records the payment of the customer
The clerk will record whether the customer made a monthly payment or a rent-to-own payment
or an extension, and records the total amount of money that has been charged.
R1.c R5.b R5.d
Typical Course of events:
Actor action
1. The customer rents an item and pays fee.
2. The clerk records the payment.
3. The item is returned to store.
System Response
4. If late, system adds late charges.
5. The clerk records the payment.
Alternative course:
Use case: Report Status of Copy
Actor: Clerk
Goal: Reports the current status of an item
The customer comes and asks about whether there is a copy of a certain item in stock. The clerk
tells them whether or not it is available. If it is then system displays who is it rented to and when
the item will be returned or when the next payment due or whether it is on hold.
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1. The customer comes in and asks the status
of a specific item.
2. The clerk enters the item Id.
System action
3. Displays the current status.
4. The clerk relays the information to the customer.
Alternative courses
Step 4 -5 The item may be on available and the customer buys it.
Step 4-5 The item may not be available.
Step 4-5 The customer puts the item on hold.
Use case: System shutdown
Actor: Manager
Goals: System will turn off.
When the store closes, the manager will press the quit button on the menu to shutdown the
system. When the system is shut downed the system will automatically save all the information
to the disk.
R9.a R10
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1. The manager accesses the menu.
System action
2. Displays menu.
3. Clicks on Quit button.
4. System saves all data and shut
Alternative courses:
Use case: Save information
Actor: Clerk
Goal: The clerk can manually save the data to disk.
The clerk can save the data anytime by accessing the systems menu panel.
Typical courses of events
Actors action
1. The clerk accesses the menu.
System Action
2. Displays menu.
3. Clicks on save button.
4. Saves data to disk.
Alternative Courses:
Use case: System startup
Actor: Manager
Goal: System starts up
Work begins and the manager launches the program. The system will automatically read the data
if there are any
R9.c R10
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1. The manager launches the system.
System response
2. System boots and reads the
available information.
Alternative courses:
Step 2 There may be no stored memory.