Literature and the Arts

Proposal ID#
Syllabus Checklist (based on OSU Syllabus Minimum Requirement)
Course proposal includes a full syllabus
Syllabus includes a statement that the course fulfills the Baccalaureate Core requirement for
Literature and the Arts.
Course clearly states Baccalaureate Core Category Learning Outcomes and lists them distinctly
from other course outcomes. If proposing for more than one category, syllabus includes Bacc
Core outcomes for all relevant categories.
Course has no limiting prerequisites (see criteria A below)
Syllabus includes required texts and materials
Syllabus includes grading criteria
Syllabus includes course schedule
Syllabus includes statement regarding students with disabilities
Syllabus includes statement regarding academic or scholarly dishonesty with appropriate URL
Course is at least three credit hours and is a regularly numbered departmental offering (not X99
or blanket numbered – see criteria A below)
Criteria and Outcomes Consideration: After reviewing the syllabus and the Baccalaureate
Core Question set in the Course Proposal System, please make sure all criteria are met
and course includes activities assignments, or measurements aimed at helping students
meet learning outcomes. Note problems or questions on the back of this sheet.
Literature and the Arts Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize literary and artistic forms/styles, techniques, and the cultural/historical contexts in which
they evolve.
2. Analyze how literature/the arts reflect, shape, and influence culture.
3. Reflect critically on the characteristics and effects of literary and artistic works.
Literature and the Arts Rationale and Criteria
Literature and the Arts courses shall:
A. Be at least three credits and accessible to both lower and upper division students. Prerequisites
or class-level restrictions for Perspectives courses must not create unreasonable barriers for
students seeking to fulfill this category:
B. Emphasize elements of critical thinking;
C. Place the subject(s) in historical context;
D. Demonstrate interrelationships or connections with other subject areas;
E. Focus primarily on literature or the arts;
F. Actively engage students in significant works of literature or art;
G. Explore the conventions and techniques of the form(s) under consideration;
H. Address the role of literature or art in society; and
I. Encourage appreciation and understanding of the form(s) under consideration.
Literature and the other arts provide examples of ways individuals find pattern and meaning in their
experience. Study of these art forms gives students expertise and sophistication not only in recognizing
the methods by which pattern and meaning are found, but also in critiquing those methods. Through
literature and the arts, students engage their own and other cultures, examine their values, and discover
sources of lifelong pleasure.
Please indicate below how well you think the course fits with the category Criteria and Rationale and any
concerns you may have about the proposer’s responses to the Baccalaureate Core questions, especially
those dealing with how students in the course will achieve Category Learning Outcomes. Indicate any
clarification you’d like to see in question responses and/or adjustments to the syllabus relative to BCC
concerns. Also, please indicate if you think this proposal is exemplary.