Use Case: Actors: Goal: Overview:

Use Case: Rent Copies
Actors: Clerk and Manager
Goal: To rent out a copy of a rentable item.
Overview: The customer comes in and selects something to rent. The clerk looks up
the item and if it is available for rent. If it is, the clerk enters the customer’s phone
number (for returning customers) or complete information (name, address, and
phone number, for new customers), and the ID of the item(s) to be rented or rentto-owned. The system then displays the charge and the due date or the date on
which the next payment is due for each item, and the total charge owed. The clerk
collects this amount from the customer, and the customer leaves.
R1, R3, R4, R6, R8
Typical Course of Events:
Actor action
1. The customer selects an item.
2. The clerk enters the customer’s phone
3. The clerk enters the item ID.
5. Clerk collects the charge amount from
the customer.
6. Customer Leaves
System Response
4. Displays the description of the item,
the charge, and the due date.
Alternative Courses:
Steps 1, 3,
and 4
The customer can select more than one item, in which case each
item’s information pops up separately, and then the total charge of
all of the items is charged.
Steps 3 and 4
If the item can not be rented, that display will pop up and the
customer will have to pick something else.
Step 2
If it is a new customer, the clerk enters all of the customer’s