HAHP Research Leave Policy Final Nov 2015 [DOC 29.00KB]

HAHP: Study Leave for Research
Study Leave for Research is granted to colleagues to support clear plans for research, linked to their
individual personal research plans and as part of each department’s rolling five-year strategies. There
is no entitlement to Study Leave for Research, but the University seeks to support it within constraints
of staffing and finance at a rate of one term to three years’ service (see
http://www.sussex.ac.uk/humanresources/personnel/termsandconditions/faculty. The document is
Study Leave for Research is granted on a case-by-case basis, in response to an application and in
relation to the research needs of the members of a Department and of the teaching needs of the
Department and the School.
should be made in the first instance to Departmental Research Committees who will assess them in
line with departmental research strategies and teaching needs, and make recommendations to the
School Research Committee (which includes the Head of School) which will make the decisions.
Approval is sent to HR who send out letters of confirmation.
Applications should:
state clearly the purpose of the request for leave;
(ii) state clearly the anticipated outcomes as a result of research leave. These can relate to
starting a project as well as to completing one
The Report on the research leave period:
should be submitted to the School Research Committee on the first day of the term
after the end of the leave.
will be made available throughout the School
Application forms, the timetable for application and deadlines are available on the School’s Research
Applications for leave should be made on the School’s form. This form does not match the form
available on the HR website because the timetable within the School has been adjusted to fit the
annual planning of teaching cycle, allowing Heads of Department to reflect research leave absences
within the APW. The School form also includes a request for more information under the section
‘Purpose of Leave’ for those requesting leave.
Please note:
Externally funded leave does not replace paid leave.
Applications for external research funding are approved through the School and University
research application processes and according to the needs of a Department and the School.
Those securing externally-funded leave should report to the School Research Committee as
outlined above. Copies of reports to funders should also be sent to this Committee.
This School policy will be revisited on a regular basis.
Liz James,
Director of Research, HAHP
October 2015