Extension of Existing Degree or Certificate Program to Oregon University

Oregon State University
Extension of Existing Degree or Certificate Program to
Online Delivery by Ecampus
Proposal Workflow Chart
Proposal Development by Faculty in an Academic Unit
College, Department, Program works closely with Ecampus and develops a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
which is signed by the Academic Unit Chair, Head, or Director and the
College Dean
Academic Unit submits extend program form to the
Curriculum Proposal System (CPS)
Office of Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation (APAA)
Review of the program requirements and courses (e.g., total credit hours, core courses,
etc.) to ensure that they are the same for both face-to-face and online delivery.
Curriculum Council
Review only
(Graduate Council is notified)
Executive Committee
Review only
(Delegated to the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs)
Implementation Process
• CPS Proposal: An updated and finalized copy of the CPS proposal is sent to
the Registrar’s Office for entry into the OSU Catalog, Banner SIS, My Degrees,
and to be archived.
• Campus Announcement: An announcement is made to the campus by the
Office of Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation.
Source: Office of Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation
glb\9-3-15 (rev. 9-9-15)