Higher Education Coordinating Commission Proposal for a New Academic Program v. July 23, 2015 OSU-HECC Institution: College/School: Department/Program: Proposed Degree and Title: 1. Program Description a. Proposed Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) number (contact the Academic Programs office for this number or select the definition that best describes the proposed program at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cipcode/Default.aspx?y=55 ) ACADEMIC PROGRAMS WILL COMPLETE THIS SECTION OR, IF YOU CHOOSE THE NUMBER, THEY WILL DOUBLE CHECK THE NUMBER Table 1. CIP Number Information CIP #: Title: Definition: Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics, CIP 2010 ed. b. Brief overview (1-2 paragraphs) of the proposed program, including its disciplinary foundations and connections; program objectives; programmatic focus; degree, certificate, minor, and concentrations offered. c. Course of study – proposed curriculum, including course numbers, titles, and credit hours. THIS SECTION HAS ALREADY BEEN COMPLETED WHEN YOU FILL OUT THE TABLES IN THE NEW PROGRAM PROPOSAL FORM. DO NOT PLACE ANYTHING HERE. d. Manner in which the program will be delivered, including program location (if offered outside of the main campus), course scheduling, and the use of technology (for both on-campus and offcampus delivery). 1 RESPOND TO THIS QUESTION VIA THE BULLETS BELOW. Manner in which the program will be delivered, including program location? Delivery mode (oncampus – Cascades, Corvallis, Hatfield; Ecampus; Hybrid) What are your plans for course scheduling, terms offered, and frequency? Explain how students will be able to complete this program within four years. This can be a brief narrative, such as “We plan to offer each course every year.” What are your plans for the use of the following: Technology, special computer programs, clickers, need for use of computer labs, etc.? online or hybrid/mixed delivery of courses (for OSU hybrid refers to a course that is delivers using both face-to-face and online methods; mixed delivery refers to programs that require both face-to-face and online courses to complete), clickers, need for or use of computer labs, etc.? e. Adequacy and quality of faculty delivering the program. Please complete the table below (Table 2) for questions 1.e and 1.f. Add rows as needed. f. Faculty resources – full-time, part-time, adjunct. For graduate programs, list faculty who will be nominated to teach and/or advise in the graduate program. Table 2. Faculty Resources Name (if not hired indicate “plan to hire”) Title (Professor, Associate Professor, Instructor, etc.) Highest degree attained What qualifies this person to teach in this program? FTE Tenure Track? Yes or No Adjunct? Yes or No g. Other staff. h. Facilities, library, and other resources. PROVIDE A BRIEF SUMMARY HERE ABOUT THE FACILITIES/SPACE, LIBRARY, AND OTHER RESOURCES. 2 Hire Date NEXT, COPY AND PASTE THE FULL LIBRARY, SPACE/FACILITIES, AND OTHER RESOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THE CORRESPONDING APPENDICES AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. i. Anticipated start date. 2. Relationship to Mission and Goals a. Manner in which the proposed program supports the institution’s mission, signature areas of focus, and strategic priorities. Please provide a detailed response and a 1-2 paragraph summary. Detailed response Summary (1-2 paragraphs) b. Manner in which the proposed program contributes to institutional and statewide goals for: (Provide a description for each bullet) student access and diversity quality learning research knowledge creation and innovation economic and cultural support of Oregon and its communities c. Manner in which the program meets regional or statewide needs and enhances the state’s capacity to: i. improve educational attainment in the region and state; ii. respond effectively to social, economic, and environmental challenges and opportunities; and iii. address civic and cultural demands of citizenship. 3. Accreditation 3 a. Accrediting body or professional society that has established standards in the area in which the program lies, if applicable. b. Ability of the program to meet professional accreditation standards. If the program does not or cannot meet those standards, the proposal should identify the area(s) in which it is deficient and indicate steps needed to qualify the program for accreditation and date by which it would be expected to be fully accredited. c. If the proposed program is a graduate program in which the institution offers an undergraduate program, proposal should identify whether or not the undergraduate program is accredited and, if not, what would be required to qualify it for accreditation. d. If accreditation is a goal, the proposal should identify the steps being taken to achieve accreditation. If the program is not seeking accreditation, the proposal should indicate why it is not. 4. Need a. Anticipated fall term headcount (HC) and FTE enrollment over each of the next five years. (Complete the table below for questions 4.a. and 4.b.) b. Expected degrees/certificates produced over the next five years. Complete Table 3 below. NOTE: OSU has minimum expectations for graduates per year. * Undergraduate; * Masters; *PhD Table 3. Anticipated 5-year Graduation Year 1 (enter year) Year 2 (enter year) Year 3 (enter year) Year 4 (enter year) Year 5 (enter year) Head Count Head Count Head Count Head Count Head Count Total FTE Total Degrees Awarded o How did you determine these numbers? c. Characteristics of students to be served (resident/nonresident/international; traditional/ nontraditional; full-time/part-time, etc.). d. Evidence of market demand and need. 4 Evidence of market demand Evidence of need e. If the program’s location is shared with another similar Oregon public university program, the proposal should provide externally validated evidence of need (e.g., surveys, focus groups, documented requests, occupational/employment statistics and forecasts). f. Estimate the prospects for success of program graduates (employment or graduate school) and consideration of licensure, if appropriate. What are the expected career paths for students in this program? 5. Outcomes and Quality Assessment a. Expected learning outcomes of the program. For questions 5.a. and 5.b. - undergraduate programs complete Table 4. Add rows as needed. For graduate programs complete *. Also answer the bulleted question under 5.b. b. Methods by which the learning outcomes will be assessed and used to improve curriculum and instruction. How will your assessment process be used to improve the curriculum and instruction? Table 4. Outcomes and Quality Assessment Student Learning Outcome Assessment Measure Is this a Direct or Indirect Assessment? Benchmark (What criteria will you use to determine if your program has been successful? E.g. 95% of the students will receive a score of * on the assessment) 5 Where/When the Who is Assessment Responsible Occurs in the Curriculum (e.g. Course number and name) c. Nature and level of research and/or scholarly work expected of program faculty; indicators of success in those areas. 6. Program Integration and Collaboration a. Closely related programs in this or other Oregon colleges and universities. b. Ways in which the program complements other similar programs in other Oregon institutions and other related programs at this institution. Proposal should identify the potential for collaboration. Please provide a detailed and summarized (1-2 short paragraphs) version of your response. Detailed response Summary (1-2 paragraphs) c. If applicable, proposal should state why this program may not be collaborating with existing similar programs. d. Potential impacts on other programs. 7. Financial Sustainability (see Budget Outline form in the next section of this document) a. Business plan for the program that anticipates and provides for its long-term financial viability, addressing anticipated sources of funds, the ability to recruit and retain faculty, and plans for assuring adequate library support over the long term. b. Plans for development and maintenance of unique resources (buildings, laboratories, technology) necessary to offer a quality program in this field. c. Targeted student/faculty ratio (student FTE divided by faculty FTE). 6 d. Resources to be devoted to student recruitment. Resources What new resources will be needed initially and on a recurring basis to implement the program? Limit to 1-2 paragraphs. How will the institution provide these resources? Limit to 1-2 paragraphs. What efficiencies or revenue enhancements are achieved with this program, including consolidation or elimination of programs over time, if any? Limit to 1-2 paragraphs. 8. External Review If the proposed program is a graduate level program, follow the guidelines provided in External Review of New Graduate Level Academic Programs in addition to completing all of the above information. Revised 7/14 – hhs 7 Instructions on Budget Outline form TO COMPLETE THE PROPOSAL YOU NEED TO COMPLETE TWO DIFFERENT BUDGET FORMS, ONE FOR THE OSU BUDGETS AND FISCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE AND ONE FOR THE STATE OF OREGON 1. Whose viewpoint? The Budget Outline is intended to show the budgetary impact resulting from offering the new program. This table should be completed from the viewpoint of the budgetary unit that will be responsible for the program. Determine what the budgetary unit will be doing (in terms of new or additional activities) that it is not now doing and show what these activities will cost — whether financed and staffed by shifting of assignments within the budgetary unit; reallocation of resources within the institution; special appropriation of the legislature; or gift, grant, or other funds. 2. No additional resources needed? If the program is simply a rearrangement of courses already being offered, relying on access to library resources available for other programs, with no requirements for new or additional specialized facilities, equipment, or technology, and with no increase or decrease in students served by the budgetary unit responsible for the program, the budgetary impact would be near zero and should be so reported in the table. 3. Additional resources needed? If FTE faculty or support staff assigned to the budgetary unit must be increased to handle an increased workload as a result of the new program (or to provide added competencies), indicate the total resources required to handle the new activities and workload (e.g., additional sections of existing courses) by specifying: (1) how much of this total figure is from reassignment within the budgetary unit (Column A), and (2) how much is from resources new to the budgetary unit (Columns B-E). Please provide line item totals in Column F. 8 Budget Outline Form: Year 1 Estimated Costs and Sources of Funds for Proposed Program Total new resources required to handle the increased workload, if any. If no new resources are required, the budgetary impact should be reported as zero Institution: _____________________________________ Academic Year: _____________ Program: ______________________________________ Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F From Current Budgetary Unit Institutional Reallocation from Other Budgetary Unit From Special State Appropriation Request From Federal Funds and Other Grants From Fees, Sales and Other Income LINE ITEM TOTAL Personnel Faculty (Include FTE) Graduate Assistants (Include FTE) Support Staff (Include FTE) Fellowships/Scholarships OPE Nonrecurring Personnel Subtotal Other Resources Library/Printed Library/Electronic Supplies and Services Equipment Other Expenses Other Resources Subtotal Physical Facilities Construction Major Renovation Other Expenses Physical Facilities Subtotal GRAND TOTAL 9 Budget Outline Form: Year 2 Estimated Costs and Sources of Funds for Proposed Program Total new resources required to handle the increased workload, if any. If no new resources are required, the budgetary impact should be reported as zero Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F From Current Budgetary Unit Institutional Reallocation from Other Budgetary Unit From Special State Appropriation Request From Federal Funds and Other Grants From Fees, Sales and Other Income LINE ITEM TOTAL Personnel Faculty (Include FTE) Graduate Assistants (Include FTE) Support Staff (Include FTE) Fellowships/Scholarships OPE Nonrecurring Personnel Subtotal Other Resources Library/Printed Library/Electronic Supplies and Services Equipment Other Expenses Other Resources Subtotal Physical Facilities Construction Major Renovation Other Expenses Physical Facilities Subtotal GRAND TOTAL 10 Budget Outline Form: Year 3 Estimated Costs and Sources of Funds for Proposed Program Total new resources required to handle the increased workload, if any. If no new resources are required, the budgetary impact should be reported as zero Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F From Current Budgetary Unit Institutional Reallocation from Other Budgetary Unit From Special State Appropriation Request From Federal Funds and Other Grants From Fees, Sales and Other Income LINE ITEM TOTAL Personnel Faculty (Include FTE) Graduate Assistants (Include FTE) Support Staff (Include FTE) Fellowships/Scholarships OPE Nonrecurring Personnel Subtotal Other Resources Library/Printed Library/Electronic Supplies and Services Equipment Other Expenses Other Resources Subtotal Physical Facilities Construction Major Renovation Other Expenses Physical Facilities Subtotal GRAND TOTAL 11 Budget Outline Form: Year 4 Estimated Costs and Sources of Funds for Proposed Program Total new resources required to handle the increased workload, if any. If no new resources are required, the budgetary impact should be reported as zero Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F From Current Budgetary Unit Institutional Reallocation from Other Budgetary Unit From Special State Appropriation Request From Federal Funds and Other Grants From Fees, Sales and Other Income LINE ITEM TOTAL Personnel Faculty (Include FTE) Graduate Assistants (Include FTE) Support Staff (Include FTE) Fellowships/Scholarships OPE Nonrecurring Personnel Subtotal Other Resources Library/Printed Library/Electronic Supplies and Services Equipment Other Expenses Other Resources Subtotal Physical Facilities Construction Major Renovation Other Expenses Physical Facilities Subtotal GRAND TOTAL 12 Appendix 1: Transmittal Sheet Import as an image. 13 Appendix 2: Library Evaluation Copy and paste the library evaluation here. 14 Appendix 3: Space Evaluation Copy and paste the space evaluation here. 15 Appendix 4: Accessibility Form Copy and paste the accessibility form here. 16 Appendix 5: Letters of Support Copy and paste the letters of support here (or import images if they are PDFs). 17 Appendix 6: Liaison Comments Copy and paste the liaison comments here. 18 Appendix 7: Proposal Summary PLEASE UPLOAD THIS COMPLETED FORM INTO YOUR PROPOSAL. ACADEMIC PROGRAMS WILL COMPLETE TABLE 5/APPENDIX 7. Table 5. Proposal Summary Program Type Summary (e.g. New Graduate Degree Program): Program Title: Degree Types (BA/BS/MA/MS/PhD/etc.): Program Level: Master of Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) Participant (Y/N): Academic Home: Contacts: Option(s): o Undergraduate Option(s): o Graduate Options: Areas of Concentration: Minors: o Undergraduate (Y/N) and Title: o Graduate (Y/N) and Title: CPS # and link: CIP #: To be completed by APAA SIS #: XXXX - To be assigned by the Registrar’s Office 19 College Code: Course Designator (indicate if its existing or a if new one will be requested – NOTE: A separate proposal needs to be completed to request a new designator): Courses: Total number of courses: Number of existing courses: Number of new courses (Note: separate proposals need to be completed for new courses): Program Total Credit Hours: Pre-Professional/Professional Model (Y/N): Thesis or Non-Thesis: Delivery Mode(s) (on-campus, ECampus, hybrid): Location(s): Enrollment (Anticipated cohort per academic year): Graduates (Anticipated per year): Accreditation (name of accrediting body or NA): Program Unique to Public Higher Education Institutions in Oregon (Y/N): Requested Effective Term (Note: This is the requested effective term. The actual effective term is determined by APAA and the Registrar’s Office after the proposal has gone through all OSU and Post-OSU reviews): 20