VGA System Services How to use Linux’s ‘vm86()’ ROM-BIOS functions

VGA System Services
How to use Linux’s ‘vm86()’
system-call to access the video
ROM-BIOS functions
The SVGA firmware
• VESA-compliant graphics systems provide
built-in service-functions (in adapter ROM)
• Services normally execute during ‘startup’
before processor enters ‘protected mode’
• But cpu can still ‘emulate’ 8086 behavior
after system has entered protected mode
(although kernel privileges are required)
• Linux provides the system-call: ‘vm86()’
• At startup, the Pentium operates like 8086:
– Physical memory is directly addressable
– But memory addresses are only 20-bits
• CPU builds address from a pair of values:
– Segment-address (16-bits) in special register
– Offset-address (16-bits) in register or memory
• Formula: address = (segment<<4) + offset
• Address-range: 220 = 1,048,576 bytes
8086 “real-mode” addresses
x 16
20-bit bus address
Effect in the Pentium
4 Gigabyte
1 Megabyte address-range
“Protected” Mode
• At startup, the Pentium essentially IS an
8086 processor (operates in “real mode”):
– It addresses physical memory like an 8086
– It operates without any privilege-restrictions
• But after building essential data-structures
the Pentium switches to “protected” mode
and turns on “virtual” memory-addressing:
– To supports the execution of multiple tasks
– To impose restrictions on memory access
Pentium can ‘emulate’ 8086
• Even after it enters “protected” mode, the
Pentium can still ‘emulate’ 8086 behavior
• This works by creating a ‘virtual 8086’ cpu
represented by a special data-structure in
memory and triggered by a special opcode
• But a few 8086 instructions aren’t allowed (if
they could perhaps interfere with other tasks):
– Device i/o: IN and OUT
– Interrupts: CLI / STI, PUSHF / POPF, INT-n / IRET
– Execution: HLT
Entering ‘virtual-8086’ mode
-- GS
-- FS
-- DS
-- ES
-- SS
-- SP
-- CS
-- IP
EFLAGS register-image
Kernel’s instruction-stream
Kernel’s stack
Leaving “virtual-8086” mode
• Once Pentium enters virtual-8086 mode, it
leaves only when an interrupt or exception
occurs (interrupts are caused by electrical
signals from external devices, such as the
keyboard or mouse -- or by the timer, and
exceptions are caused by any attempts to
execute “privileged” instructions, to violate
the system’s protection restrictions, or to
perform some kind of “illegal” operation
Handling exceptions
• If an exception occurs while the Pentium is
executing in ‘virtual-8086’ mode, registers
are saved on the kernel stack and a kernel
“exception-handler” is executed
• The exception-handler might decide to go
ahead and perform an operation (such as
device i/o) that the ‘virtual-8086’ was not
allowed to do on its own, and then resume
executing the suspended virtual-8086 task
Linux’s ‘vm86()’ system-call
• Linux allows (privileged) user-programs to
invoke the Pentium’s capability to execute
real-mode 8086 code in virtual-8086 mode
• The user-program “submits” the required
data-structure to the kernel, and the kernel
enters ‘virtual-8086’ mode
• If any restricted instruction is encountered,
the kernel returns to the user-program the
data-structure storing the saved task-state
Recall the LRMI
• We used a software package called LRMI
to assist us in executing ‘real mode’ code
• The ‘mode3’ utility is built on this package
• Now we shall see how LRMI really works!
• We propose to write a ‘standalone’ demoprogram that executes a useful ‘real mode’
video ROM-BIOS routine (using ‘vm86()’)
Linux Device-Drivers
• We will need a way to ‘map’ certain special
memory-regions into the user address-space
• These regions must be mapped to addresses
that an 8086 processor could access (i.e., must
be in bottom one-megabyte of virtual memory)
• Linux normally “maps” nothing else there
• We’ll need device-drivers to perform mappings:
/dev/zero (This is a standard part of Linux)
/dev/dos (This is a ‘custom’ driver we built)
How ‘/dev/zero’ works
• This device lets a user map some unused
pages of physical memory into user-space
• As the name ‘zero’ suggests, the memory
that is provided is initialized to ‘all-zeros’
• This region will be used for the real mode
code’s stack-area and data-structures; it
could also be loaded with executable code
How ‘/dev/dos’ works
• This device lets a user map conventional areas
of initialized system memory into a user’s virtual
address-space (such as the real-mode Interrupt
Vector Table and the ROM-BIOS Data Area);
and also the VGA system firmware!
• There’s a similar device (‘/dev/mem’) that is a
standard part of Linux, but it requires ‘root’
privileges for writing; so we substitute our own
device-driver to avoid that ‘hassle’.
The 8086 memory-map
0xF0000 – 0xFFFFF
0xC0000 – 0xCFFFF
0xA0000 – 0xBFFFF
Standard parts of the
PC design that much
code does rely upon
Real Mode
Stack Area
Data and Text
This arena’s location and size can be
adjusted to suit our particular purpose
0x00400 – 0x00502
0x00000 – 0x003FF
Standard parts of the
PC design that much
code does rely upon
System preparation
• Your system needs a device-node for the
‘/dev/dos’ device special file (normally it’s
created by a Linux System Administrator)
• But you can use ‘sudo’ to do it, like this:
$ sudo mknod /dev/dos c 86 0
$ sudo chmod a+rwx /dev/dos
The actual program-code
Use header-file: #include <sys/vm86.h>
Declare object: struct vm86_struct vm;
Map in the necessary memory-regions
Initialize memory-areas as appropriate
Initialize register-images in ‘vm86_struct’
Call kernel: int result = vm86( &vm );
Emulate any input and output instructions
Specific SVGA ROM function
• We show how to execute VESA function 0
‘Get VESA BIOS-Extensions Information’)
• It fills in the values of a data-structure that
gives information about our SVGA system
• Name of that data-structure is ‘VbeInfoBlk’
• Structure-size is 512 bytes, documented in
VESA white paper: ‘vbe3.pdf’ (on website)
The calling convention
• VESA functions are designed to be called
from an 8086 assembly-language program
that is executing in real mode (i.e., startup)
• Register AX is loaded with value 0x0F00
• Registers ES:DI are loaded with address
(segment:offset) of the memory-block that
is to be filled in (512 bytes), initialized with
4-character string “VBE2”
• Then software interrupt 0x10 is executed
Software interrupt instruction
• The effect of executing ‘int-0x10’ is to
transfer control to a function in ROM
• The entry-point to that function was stored
in the (real-mode) Interrupt Vector Table by
the ROM-BIOS startup code
• We can extract that entry-point address
and use its pair of values as initial values
for registers CS and IP in our virtual 8086
Emulating ‘in’ and ‘out’
• Whenever an ‘in’ or ‘out’ instruction is
encountered in ‘virtual-8086’ mode, our
application can do an ‘emulation’
• We decode the instruction and execute it
on behalf of the virtual-8086 task, and we
increment the IP value to “skip” past that
‘in’ or ‘out’ instruction, then we can resume
the interrupted virtual-8086 task by calling
‘vm86()’ again, using the adjusted ‘vm’
Stopping the vm86 execution
• We need a way to stop our execution-loop
• We do it using a special 8086 instruction
that cannot execute in virtual-8086 mode
• Instead of emulating it, we stop our loop
• Various instructions could serve this aim
• We choose to use the ‘hlt’ instruction
• It’s just 1-byte; its name suggests the idea
Demo-program: ‘vesainfo.cpp’
We’ve posted source-code for this demo
It implements the ideas we just discussed
It prints out the information in ‘VbeInfoBlk’
It is based on the VESA documentation
Exercise: You could try modifying our code
to perform VESA function 1 (which is quite
similar to function 0): it returns information
about support for specific display-modes
Another application?
• You can add some code to each case in
the ‘my_emulate()’ function that prints out
a description of a input or output operation
• EXAMPLE: case 0xEE: // ‘outb’ opcode
int al = vm->regs.eax & 0xFF;
int dx = vm->regs.edx & 0xFFFF;
printf( “outb( %02X, %04X )\n”, al, dx );
• May help us “reverse engineer” VGA BIOS