Linear Interpolation Applying “weighted averages” to some graphics problems: animations and curve-drawing

Linear Interpolation
Applying “weighted averages” to
some graphics problems:
animations and curve-drawing
What does ‘between’ mean?
The green point G lies between
the two blue points B1 and B2 .
The pink point P does NOT lie between
the two blue points B1 and B2.
Using a “weighted average”
• Suppose (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are points
• The point located half-way in-between is:
midpoint = (½)(x1,y1) + (½)(x2,y2)
• It’s the “average” of (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
• Here’s another point on the line-segment
that lies between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2):
(x’,y’) = (¼)(x1,y1) + (¾)(x2,y2)
• It’s a “weighted average” of the endpoints
The generalization
• Let B1 = (x1,y1) and B2 = (x2,y2) be the
two endpoints of a line-segment. Suppose
w1 and w2 are “weights” (i.e., neither is
negative, and their sum equals 1). Then
the point P = w1*B1 + w2*B2 is called a
“weighted average” of B1 and B2 , and
P will be located “in-between” B1 and B2.
• Here P is obtained by “linear interpolation”
Describing a line-segment
• Mathematical description of line-segments
• Let B1 = (x1,y1) and B2 = (x2,y2) be the
two end-points of a given line-segment
• Let t be a real number whose value can
vary continuously, from 0.0 to 1.0
• Then point P = (1-t)*B1 + t*B2 will vary
continuously over the entire line-segment,
starting at B1 (when t=0.0) and ending up
at B2 (when t=1.0)
Animating a line-segment
final position
initial position
in-between positions
The programming idea
• We only need to specify the segment’s two
endpoints at the start and the finish
• As the segment moves all its intermediate
endpoint locations are then calculated as
linear interpolations (“weighted averages”)
• This idea can be simultaneously applied to
lots of different line-segments (e.g., to all
the sides of a polygon, or to all the “edges”
in a wire-frame model)
The ‘polyline’ structure
typedef struct { float x, y; } point_t;
typedef struct { int numverts;
point_t vert[ MAXVERT ]; } polyline_t;
// declare two polylines (for start and finish)
// and a variable polyline (for “in-betweens”)
tween[i].x = (1-t)*B1[i].x + t*B2[i].x;
tween[i].y = (1-t)*B1[i].y + t*B2[i].y;
The ‘tweening.cpp’ demo
• We illustrate this idea for animating simple
polygons, using random-numbers for the
coordinates of the starting vertices and the
ending vertices
• We use linear interpolation to calculate the
sequence of the “in-between” vertices
• We use Bresenham’s line-drawing method
to “connect-the-dots” at each stage
Stick man
Drawing curves
• Another application of “linear interpolation”
• We can construct a so-called Bezier curve
• The curve is determined by specifying a
small number of “control points”
• A recursive algorithm is then applied, to
generate locations along a smooth curve
• This idea is ‘deCasteljau’s algorithm’
• Kai Long has written an implementation
Here’s the idea
Start with some “control points”
(Here we use just four of them)
Find their “weighted averages”
The same value of t is used
for all of these interpolations
Only the red point
actually is drawn
Kai’s Implementation
typedef struct { double h, v; } Point;
typedef struct { int numcpts;
Point cpts[ MAXVERT ]; } BezierCruve;
// helper function
void middle( Point p, Point q, Point &mid )
{ mid.x = (p.x + q.x)/2; mid.y = (p.y + q.y)/2; }
Labels used in recursion
if ( very_near( p1, p2 ) // base case
draw_line_segment( p1, p2 );
else { // recursion case
recursive_bezier( p1, b1, c1, d );
recursive_bezier( d, c2, b2, p2 );
In-class exercise
Can you combine these two applications?
Create a bezier curve with 4 control-points
Create another one with 4 control-points
Construct some in-between Bezier curves
by applying linear-interpolation to pairs of
corresponding control-points
• So first curve will “morph” into second one