Ecology Research Project

Name: _________________
Class Period: __________
Ecosystem Research Project
Due March 25th / 26th
1. Essay (40 pts) Earned: __________
a. Student will choose an animal, alive or extinct. Student will write a 5 paragraph essay.
1. Paragraph 1 Introduction
1. Should describe the ecosystem of the animal you choose. What are the
biotic and abiotic factors of the environment?
2. Paragraph 2 should include information about the animal’s shelter.
1. Describe how the animal makes their shelter and what natural resources
the animal uses to make their shelter.
2. Does your animal live alone or with others in its population?
3. Paragraph 3 should include information on the biotic factors that the animal
interacts with.
1. What does the animal eat? Is the animal a predator? Are there animals that
prey on your animal? Where do they get water?
4. Paragraph 4 should include interesting and unique facts about your animal
5. Paragraph 5 Summary
1. Tie everything together
2. Visual (60 pts) Earned: _____________________
a. Student will create a visual for their presentation. The visual can either be a
1. Poster: Poster should include 6 pictures and 6 facts about your animal
2. Diorama: A 3D model of the ecosystem of your animal. Should include at least 3
biotic factors and 3 abiotic factors of the ecosystem
b. Students will create a food web for their animal.
1. Should have the name of each animal, and a picture of it.
2. Your food web should be made up of at least 4 food chains.
1. Minimum of 3 producers, 6 consumers, 3 predators, 3 prey
2. Minimum of 1 parasite and a host
Total Points: ____________
Grade: ________